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  1. Thank you everyone, ya never really had the attention span to play a lot since I started in the 7th or 8th grade, but I usually only play during the summer but Im starting a little earlier this year lol
  2. Eh I never wore it anyways because when I did I would never be left alone. Plus always the fear of dying with it so I would rather have money lol
  3. lol thats why god created the edit button but ya cant help you on that last spelling there
  4. Should be plan I think :wink: but sounds like it should be a fun race
  5. Bought a santa hat back in rsc when they were 100k and so was full rune, so I spent all 200k (all the money I had back then) on a santa hat and full rune. And I just always kept the santa hat and then sold it this summer for 19mil. :) Now thats merchanting lol
  6. Well I have always set little goals to make leveling not seem as long because you constantly achieve something, but I thought I would try making a blog for my goals, because it sounded pretty fun but anyways back on topic. *CURRENTLY* Ranging flesh crawlers Starting levels Strength: 75 Firemaking: 80 Smithing: 59 Mining: 71 Range: 57 Overall: 941 *GOALS* Current lvl= Green Goal lvl= Red Strength: 75/80 Firemaking: 80/85 Smithing: 60/65 Mining: 71/75 Range: 59/60 Overall: 944/1000 [hide=Bank and Stats pictures] [/hide] [hide=Range level pictures]4/19/07 4/19/07[/hide] Oh and just for future reference Im pure F2P, Ive never been a member :thumbsup:
  7. You still run even after you let go of control, and some people might not know this because they didnt have it a while ago
  8. Um ,just a question, but why is the prince outfit with the crafting stuff?
  9. Contruction: I understand why they did it and its good and bad, good because it took the huge ammounts of money the members had saved up out of that game. helping the economy, which in turned made Holiday items dropped becuz people no longer had lots of money, but that went away after contruction lost its newness. Ok contruction bad, one because it hurt the people who spent time to be able to cut yews then the yew price dropped, but it also raised the price of oaks so its a 50-50. And pure ess. Bad because that was the easiest fastest way to make money when you first started out. good cause it kinda lowered the autoers who did it to get money but not the ones who auoted ess for just pure mining xp. Another good update, Having colors slightly change on color map everytime you log in, it helped a little bit with autoers, but then there are probably ones that just reset to the new colors evertime you log in, so yes it was a good effort to stop autoing, but not fully effective, but its one step closer. Also what cypress85 said, I mean come on carry a heavy 2 hand sword on your shoulder all day wouldnt cut you? You would walk arround and it would be like a 1 . . 3. ..2 ...1 , and eventually you would hit yourself. Another update I hated was when they added weapon speeds, because back in RSC if you had a r2h you owned and scimmis sucked, but once rs2 weapon speeds came along everything changed.
  10. Multiple post sorry computer lagged bad.
  11. Multiple post sorry computer lagged bad.
  12. That's because he accidently did "ww.url.com" instead of www. so just fix that and you are good to go. Well here lol http://www.piratefish.com/Images/PIC/herbBack.png
  13. awww yes the classic sweaky voice insults those are the best. I have a story, ok so me and my buddy were loadin the game right and we are reading the players names and here is how it went *reads name "wang0"* me: WTF kind of name if wang0 him: wat kind of name is "teh cow" (<-me) me:oh i understand your name now its cuz you have zero wang. He didnt talk there after, I was pretty proud of that come back, then i started eating my cheetos and yellin into the mic lol jking about that lol
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