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  1. Sorry to nitpick, but wasn't it African or European?
  2. Just because something's random doesn't mean the odds can't be changed, especially when it comes to computers. See my post in the other topic that i didn't know about for more on this.
  3. You people really don't understand how computers generate random events, do you? They pick a random number when something occurs and if that number matches a number that was programmed to trigger the event, it triggers it. Here's an example. A computer picks a number from 1-100. If that number is 38, 57, or 64, it will trigger an event. Otherwise, nothing special will happen. They could have easily increased the chances while keeping it random by adding more numbers to that series.
  4. I got 4 genies, 2 cubes, and a swarm today. Furthermore, the swarm happened at the exact same time as one of the genies. I was in a player-owned house most of the day. Do random events happen more often in houses?
  5. I, personally, have nothing against gender-bending in games, and I do it regularly. I also believe that a roleplay relationship is OK and can be a great learning experience, as long as it doesn't get too far out of hand. However, begging for a gf/bf is wrong, as is anything online that isn't appropriate. People should know those limits, unfortunatly they don't.
  6. Not true. I once had a girl come up to me and say "hey hottie wanna be my bf". I turned down the offer and immediately IMed my friend about the state of our world. I'm going to create a female character or makeover my existing and walk back in forth in Varrock on a free server for a while and see what happens. I'll post the results. Should be interesting... :D BTW, this is my first post, so hi everyone.
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