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    Brighton michigan
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    lacrosse, tuners
  1. did you even read the whole post? how about the last paragraph where it talks about all that...
  2. i dont know how long all of you have been playing but i started back in early 2002, and now im a senior in highschool, we should have someway to change our usernames. i say we have a hut (in f2p) :D that lets you change your name under these requirements 1. be at least level 50. 2. be a member of the runescape community for at least a year. 3. have 15k with you at time of namechange with all these requirements it will keep all the lower level players from choosing stupid names and it will keep the poor from changing up their name every day. the only downside to this that i can see is, the complications of forming a new shop for jagex, and everyone having to update their friends list. a way around the friends list would be, your original username would stay the same but you could have different names for your in game character. if you ever played rpg world you would know what im talking about, that way you wouldnt have to change your friends list because everyones username would still be the same.
  3. dont you hate having to take like 60 gold (or more) to kajarma to fish? wouldnt it just be more simple to have a pass to get on the boat? heres how it goes. you have at least 60 fishing. when you go to talk to the captain to got o kajarma, he offers you a boarding pass, to pay a one time fee of like 600 coins, you can go back and forth all you want without paying a dime over. he could say something like "you have extraordinary fishing talents, i would like to offer you a fishermans pass." this pass would look like an id card of some sort, and stays in your inventory. So you say it wouldnt be a good idea because taking money takes the same amount of space and all that good stuff. well, crafters can add yarn to it and make it a necklace so it doesnt take up space in the inventory? eh? give me some feedback, if you fish i care to know what you think, if you dont fish then dont even worry about posting if all your gunna do is shoot me down, but other then that id like ot hear opinions thanks for reading
  4. he probally ment that the overall sneaky-ness of the ninja could be judged by your theiving level, you cant be a happy hoppy ninja if your bangin around in a tin can for a suit
  5. tox, im sorry that i put some of that out there to look like it was just carpping on you, i used your quote of making the game realistic to start my explantion, my whole schpeel was to everyone that just shot down my idea because their first thought was SCAM SCAM SCAM i dont think that every metal thing should be resmeltable, just the ones that only use their pure form (i.e. gold, silver, iron) because they only consist of their own compound. take mith for example, its made with 4 coal, i say for the game sake you cant resmelt this because the metal would be to unstable to reform again (if we can make up metals we should be able to make up their structure to) im merely saying pure ores can be returned to their orignal form, other metals cant because they are impure and unstable. and again im sorry if i directed my rant at you, i respect your knowledge tox ive read a many a posts from you and they are all very insightful sorry to disrespect
  6. well i think no matter what you do to make the game better either for f2p or p2p...someones gunna whine..be it f2p that says they dont get updates or p2p saying f2p is the scum of the world, there will always be that line of hate that you cant change no matter what you do to help. im not saying its a bad idea, its just that im drawn to runescape because i can do what i want and none says anything about it. i dont have a trial, or a member fee...or a one time pay fee...its free to play and if and when i decide to become a member, it will be my choice and not forced upon me to do it.
  7. maybe instead of dual weilding two swords you could have a sword and a dagger, one to slash and one to stab....we dont have any kind of holsters for our weapons, so unless we got an update like that i think it would make walking around fally look a little weird... i like the idea but theres gotta be certain lines you gotta lay down
  8. you say the game has to be partially realistic...dont jewelers around the world buy gold, from people, and then take a bunch of it to re smelt and then sell it again? dont we take aluminum cans that you get 10 cents for when you return them at the supermarket, and reuse them to make new cans? what do we throw in the recycling truck everyweek? your saying we cant take a metal and heat it up and make it back to its former state? did you ever take a science class? this game is a fantasy game, even though, you should be able to reuse metals that dont take a second componet to smelt (i.e. steel, rune) because that would mess with the compound itself making it unstable. gold for instance. one ore makes one bar. so why cant you make 3 gold ammys into 1 gold bar? it takes away the fact that you need 3 bars to make 3 ammys...but its recycling, not all of the processed product will be used in the making of the recycled product. this idea was brought about for crafters that use thousands of bars and then hav nothing to do with them except sell them to the general store or drop them, how many people buy a gold ammy? how many crafters out there take the time to string a gold ammy? by having this option it takes all those gold and silver things and gives them other options. instead of dissapearing into the earth forever, you recycle, making molten ammys, so you can form a gem into them, thus not wasting the gold or amulet and opening a door for exp. if you craft, you know the possiablites, if you dont your just overlooking the uses and dissin me on what could be a big scam, i like my original idea on only gold and silver, no high reverse-alch...no unsmithing rune...just gold...just silver...in my original post. thanks again for all who support
  9. i dont like the idea because this is what set runescape apart from the rest of the games. sure i could play any game online and pay to get special equipment, but am i really that addicted to the game that im spending 50$ a month just to be better then my fellow players? hell no, theres not a whole lot of games out there like runescape where i can play for 10 years and not have to pay a dime to do it. i think this seperates runescape from all the other games and makes it special in that you can play as long as you want, and when you want to pay you can. plus half this game is little kids, if i was a parent i wouldnt let my little kid use my credit card to buy a +70 atk +70 str item..id tell him to piss off and then give him the link to runescape...you earn your way with time, and patience. to spend more money to get an edge out of the game is ridiculous (spelling?) and it would definatly be a turn off for me, because i am poor, and thats my story and im stickin to it
  10. i think instead of it failing instead you oculd get like 1/3 bar or 1/2 bar, and then wehn you get all parts of the bar you could smelt them together... maybe like 3 peices to a bar? i hate when my iron is to impure to refine it, making gold or silver just like it would piss me off to much i think, unless it only happened like once in a great while. good ideas coming out...keep em coming
  11. sligo you have exactally the right idea thanks for the post and opions everyone
  12. thanks for the support...keep them coming... for all of you viewing and not posting...you must be kinda interested because you clicked the link...why dont you just post and give some sort of opinion?
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