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Everything posted by alienchaos

  1. I love bible quotes. They can strangly be very 'anti-christian' I like to use a few of these quotes a church events and ask people who said them. Talk about sexist. Certinaly not turn the other cheak. Ya... save the virgins for your self, kill everyone else. Actualy... I love the whole bible, it's a pandors box of topics to stimulate the mind. The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul, producing holy witness, Is like a villain with a smiling cheek, A goodly apple rotten at the heart. If someone starts a bad quotes page, I'll try and be the first one to post.
  2. If anyone wants to try an interactive java walk through of a 5x5 puzzle there is still one on my site. It's got great animated directions below it, and walks you through step by step for the java puzzle to help you get the hang of it. http://alienphat.com/rs2/5x5.html
  3. [self censored] I made a valid point, but I'm sure it would cause more hate than it's worth... the holocaust and slavey were not good. But comparing people who you don't know with those who would aprove of it shows the same intolarance. No one is whining about basic names, but do you think you could get a job, or even think a judge would let you legaly change your name to... well, I'd make up an example but it would be edited... :roll:
  4. Ya you got them all, even the made up ones that don't even exist :roll: .
  5. I always though they sould have done something about . His name is a little diffrent, but it's still very offensive. I've seen quite a few others like , ... etc. Why do they censor almost every thing even close to 'bad' in chat but not names... very good question. My name plzdiequick is censored like p***iequick... only thing i've though of is they think it's lsd.
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