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Everything posted by Sdn

  1. So my bank is like 332m kinda bad for a 138 but I dont merch/76k I just pk and monster hunt. Got this too, from 95 or 96 I barely even trained it except for effigies and assisting but the new elites gave me like 500k smithing xp. Started my 50 day solo td goal and ended up getting 2 shards in 20 kills for a nice 7m and then on kill 107 I got claws again.
  2. I've killed well over 1.2k ice wyrms without a staff of light and yesterday I get on and today I get two in one task. My best clue was a zammy d hide top from a few months ago which was 1.7m but then I get a 2.3m and 3.7m clue in a row (like 3 hours part). Gave those items to my friend who was helping me get a fury kit and ended up getting a sara bow and I later traded the bow for a fury kit. I dont care is it was a bad trade on my part the bows suck and fury kit was the only item out of the new tt items I wanted. Now my bank I was 250m a few days ago and I figured I would only be around 270m but after pcing everything I found out its 292m without my utnradeable pots, 540m with the pots. Its not too good for a 138 I guess but I have decent gear for every boss and enough pots to make a few mills, I never merched this bank its all from killing monsters and pking. Now I'm saving for 99 smithing I only need 1.3m more and I'll bank it =p
  3. I wish to not speak of the horrible acts Mod MMG made me do :-|
  4. Holy snap, didn't know people posted here lol, thanks for the comments =p.

  5. I finally got 90 agility for slayer and only about 300k xp of it was from agility brawlers...it sucked nuts. Made a few mill from the ep and killing pkers who ran by =p. I also finally got Sdn as my name which I wanted since I started back in 02 so yeah it was a good day. Now I just need to get my cls (81/83 dunge) and finish off 99 smithing (350k off 96) then back to pking.
  6. What? You expect us to rate everyone fairly? Are you some kind of socialist or something? Besides, Sdn's picture is good enough proof that you were a bot. It's very convincing. Hell, your forum account could be a bot for all we know! My rating still stands at 4\10. But considering that you're a socialist, I'll have to dilute the rating a little bit with something more fitting for a Communist such as yourself: 4\100. Have a nice day, Comrade. WHAT RIGHT DO YOU HAVE, TO COME ONTO MY THREAD, AND POST WHAT YOU THINK OF IT? WHO DIED AND MADE YOU ADMIN. get off my thread. Jesus made me admin. I did? wow i rly wish people would take this thread more super seriously. :| watermelon
  7. What? You expect us to rate everyone fairly? Are you some kind of socialist or something? Besides, Sdn's picture is good enough proof that you were a bot. It's very convincing. Hell, your forum account could be a bot for all we know! My rating still stands at 4\10. But considering that you're a socialist, I'll have to dilute the rating a little bit with something more fitting for a Communist such as yourself: 4\100. Have a nice day, Comrade. WHAT RIGHT DO YOU HAVE, TO COME ONTO MY THREAD, AND POST WHAT YOU THINK OF IT? WHO DIED AND MADE YOU ADMIN. get off my thread. Jesus made me admin. I did?
  8. Lmfao my bot joke to my FRIEND made this thread into a complete joke, he meant he was catching chins and there was a botter there so it was easy to get them. 9/10 because you got 99 agility banked.
  9. 3/10 because you botted hunter (I have proof if you doubt pm me)
  10. The 850 on Krill was on accurate with black d' hide top =p. So far 886 is my max with ags, this was all in one day btw =p.
  11. Finally after 4 days of doing MA I finished up my 300 rank...well 301 rank and enchanted my rings! I saved enough points for an onyx (i) for when I'm done camping for tokkul.
  12. Yeah, I don't really play much anymore :( Thanks Thanks nub 1/10 comment
  13. Finally after 200m+ and a year from 70 I got 99 farming =[). I've been doing tree runs daily for the past 2 months which was shocking to me as I've went months without doing a tree run and usually stop doing them after a few days >.<. Now my cape tab-
  14. Only nerds get higher than 69 rc! And why the hell aren't I mentioned on first post in big yellow letters!?!? Grats on the herb levels <3
  15. It's nice to know we share the small penis thing together it's like a bond. Grats on 30m agility xp :o
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