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    Virtual Reality
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    Anything involving a PC...
  1. Everywhere except Lumbride was a PKing zone back when I died in 2001. Lol be more specific then with your dates. I avoided RS back in those "beta" days because i found it a boring all PvP game. Had an account STOP_Eaglclaw as part of the STOP clan, but the game bored me. The thought of an all PvP RPG just bored the crap out of me. Didn't come back till RS got some land, a separate wildy, and a few quests. Hey don't forget the one very special day, 06.06.2006 (at least i think thats when it was) when a couple of players magically received the power to slaughter players outside the wilderness.
  2. I was killed by a mugger south of falador on my first day, thought he was a player and begged him to stop :XD: . Was pretty sad coz i had all the tutorial items and cash on me...Wanted to quit but got over it 8-) .
  3. She moves between the two camps as she used to during roving elves, if you don't find her in one place just give it about 5 mins, she will show up eventually. Wearing ring of wealth might be usefull if you try to get more crystals (i got like 4 of em in 20 kills :XD: )
  4. I guess I'm gona give it a try...although I have trouble enjoying things that get too repetitive. I guess I'll start with an easier skill to lvl and see where it goes from there. The theory sounds great though :XD: .
  5. Ye I agree it was lots of luck looking back at the % chance of getting it. 1 thing is certain though, I wont be going back there for a while :XD: . After that kill I realized I am still way too weak for this (and without Solidus 77 going first I would have died within the first 5 seconds in there). Still thx a lot for going with me.
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