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Posts posted by Pete_the_Viscous

  1. Not to my knowledge; at least, no more than the next man. Maybe by chavs, as I don't wear the same clothes as them. Regardless, I don't hear about my being classified as any particular sort, and if I am, then the people are kind enough to keep it to themselves.

  2. Perhaps I am somewhat unusual in this respect, having come for the community, and stayed for the community; I once played Runescape, but stopped before ever coming to tip.it.









  3. I'm learning the guitar atm. I find that it helps to jump in at the deep end and try and learn something really difficult to begin with. By doing that, and have a few easier things going at the same time, I find that I notice how much I improve far more, and I don't get bored because I've still not mastered whatever it is I find hard at the time.

  4. I'm sure most of them are actually acting just like they do in person; I suppose it's just that it seems different when read. The more computer literate people I know all type properly -- I wonder if it's to do with how fast they type? Still, when I try and type badly it takes longer!

  5. Because when someone is speaking in only text, you can fill in the tones and in-betweens yourself, and thus you're less annoyed by people and less mean :D Plus, if someone tells an awful joke in real life, you might try to give a slight half smile, which is the equivalent of an "lol" really :P




    I don't know. Online, it's just easier to be nice. :D




    Yeah -- and for the same reason, I don't really like talking to people I know IRL on the internet. They seem different.

  6. *What with needing to look 21 to not require ID. No -- it doesn't fit properly, either.




    Apply for a provisional drivers license?




    Ah yes -- I forgot about that. I meant to, at one point, but I didn't do it in time, so I used my passport; it's stayed there since.

  7. Bank statements


    A passport*


    two bank cards


    a blood donor card


    ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã0 notes


    Some ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâãs coins.




    *What with needing to look 21 to not require ID. No -- it doesn't fit properly, either.

  8. I suggest learning an instrument, learning to juggle, and getting more exercise (that is, unless you already do any of those). Actually, scratch that: if you already do, learn another instrument, get better at juggling, and... well, don't get too much excersise. Do something you'll be happy to be able to say you can do -- I wouldn't bother taking up a hobby that doesn't improve you somehow; otherwise you're just distracting yourself, and not getting better.

  9. Seeing that screenshot brought back memories! Not seen that game for ages. It was good -- I don't think it would work on my computer these days, but there we go.

  10. I got out of biting my nails a few years ago. I just decided that I wanted my nails to be quite long (not long long), and stopped doing it. It took me about a week, and since then, I've not gone back to doing it -- I just don't think of it.

  11. I got to bed when I get tired; that varies, and I go through periods of going to bed at about 10, while other times I go at about 2. If I have to do anything the next day, I get up at 7. My alarm clock goes off at 7 regardless; I just go back to bed if I don't have to stay up. If I don't have anything planned for the next day, I get up whenever I can't be bothered lying down any more.

  12. Let's see...




    • an amp,
      a computer case,
      two monitors,
      a keyboard and mouse,
      a graphics tablet,
      a few CD cases,
      a few pens,
      a guitar (well, leaning into a corner of the desk made by a draw being pulled out),


    Unusually, that's it. I think, anyway.

  13. I like the idea of it. I've done it once, and it went OK. Thing is, it's hard to find a good balance of people being acceptably nerdy and people being just downright sad. I still like the ideas behind it; I just can't be bothered with all the over-the-top pretending. Just a little bit is fine, but people tend to take it too far.


    There was a kid that i used to know, he had the same first, middle, AND last name.






    He usaly got made fun for that.




    Read Catch-22? In that (IIRC) there is a character whose parents called him Major Major Major -- and he's a major in the army. Major Major Major Major.




    I don't know what I'd call chilren. Being realistic, something which they're not going to mind when they grow up, so either something normal (as long as we like it), or something somewhat unusual, as long as it's not pretentious and silly.




    I have a sudden whim to call someone Cthulhu.

  15. I don't say this because I want to appear macho, or anything like that; however, I find it very hard to cry. I've felt like it, but there just aren't any tears coming out. My eyes water if I get sharp pain in my face, so it's not that there isn't the fluid to come out... I'm sure I can cry, however. I'm closer to tears when watching something emotional than when upset myself -- I can feel it.




    I don't regard it as a problem -- or a plus, for that matter.

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