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Posts posted by Pete_the_Viscous

  1. I don't play it; though I did a few times, for school. Nothing serious, however. I actually used to get picked amongst the first few, when picking teams. I didn't know the rules all that well, though: it was just that the rest of them were all pansies, or something.

  2. Not sure when I stopped. Before joinging this board, I think; not sure. I think I've logged in a couple of times to see if anything major had changed; both times things had changed. One thing was... castlewars, or something? Had a go at that, then stopped again.




    I think I'm done with MMORPGs for now, at least. Everything seems so insignificant on them. WoW had a few nice features in the "wow, that was something big" area, such as big bosses and things... but nothing changes.

  3. I once went to a school where there were patrolling policemen to stop people getting out... but it was a rough school, and, frankly, they were needed. Glad I didn't stay there.




    School (or rather college) food is quite good. The sandwiches used to be terrible, but they've really improved lately. As for hot food, there's a reasonable selection, and they've started doing more salady things recently.




    Not sure whether or not they'd be affected, though, not being a school.

  4. Apart from a few people in English who probably took it as an easy option, all the people in all my classes are great.




    It's more the people outside of my classes, though, that I get on with; there's not all that much talking in lessons, and, while I know the people in my classes well enough to say hello to them in passing, I don't really talk with them (apart from those people I DO know, of course).

  5. Bernard of Bernard's Watch fame. It's a children's TV programme, in which a boy callen Bernard has a magical pocket-watch with which he can start and stop time... but, of course, he can still do things while it's stopped. He, of course, gets into various tricky situations, and solves them, of course, with the aid of the watch. It was a lot of fun, as I recall.


    Oh God, yes. I agree with that, but it was the game that brought us here initially.




    Not me (arguably). I did play runescape... but I found out about the board(s) though other people, and would never have come onto them from the game itself.

  7. Big fan of Lego here. Not had any out for a while, though. I used to make prisons and death centres for the lego men... ah, the innocence of childhood.

  8. Whether or not it's bad that she doesn't like black people, think how you would feel if someone were to do that to you, whatever your hue. I don't think it's a question of how racist she was in not liking black people, but rather about how nasty it would be to make a scene like that about someone, based on something they cannot help (not that I wish to suggest that being black is something one should want to help, of course).

  9. As long as we're not being too serious here, I'd probably go for




    The ability to stop/start time (yet still be able to do what I wanted, such as move things about for comic effect).




    Invulnerability (to a reasonable extent -- I suppose I could suffer to have a weakness like cryptonite, or whatever).




    ...don't know. Not particularly inventive today. I don't want to be able to read people's minds... so maybe... hehe, as Martin Prince put it "a million hit points and maximum charisma!"

  10. Anyone got ideas to get rid of the stereo which doesn't involve death? :P




    Well, you could have the "break in at night, re-wire the stereo and stab anyone who happens to be in the room with him" -- that's not got much death in it.




    Hmm... I can't really think of anything you can do to the stereo alone without getting into the place - and if you don't know him that well, or don't get along, I don't see you being able to do it. Perhaps if you know someone else who does get along with this person, you could get them to do something...

  11. The world will end if I don't flick the lightswitch on and off 7 and a half times every time I -- or someone else, for that matter -- enters the room. So don't get me in a bad mood.


    You, also, did not address my question. I asked you what the NATURE of good is. What is the NATURE of evil? How do you know what is evil and what is good? Not just what they are as it is relevant to this topic. Because you didn't even answer my question, I won't respond to your statements. Later, when I know where you're coming from, I'll answer.





    The nature of evil is "something God doesn't like" -- that should be enough for you.

  13. Equally true. ...but then again, one might argue, from the scientific viewpoint, that the truths that the religious viewpoint deals with are not truths at all.




    That just gets into the whole Ode on a Grecian Urn business.

  14. As science is subject to constant review it is the most accurate portrayal of the truth available and therefore the best view to follow. The religious view is one which can't be changed to accomodate new discoveries and is therefore flawed.




    Are you even attempting to say that science is bad/wrong? It doesn't even purport to be the truth, it is just the search for truth through rational enquiry. I am done arguing with you, you are such an indoctrinated fanatic that you could very well believe black was white.




    Hear, hear.


    I'd like to think that my memory will live on with my children, and be passed on to future generations. Just because i'm not religious doesn't mean i'm living a pointless life. My reason for living is to be the best that i can be, and ultimately enjoy my life - i don't think believing in god would change that, or make it easier to achieve.




    Exactly -- life without an afterlife isn't pointless. I think that would be a bit selfish, frankly. The point of life (I feel) is to accomplish as much good as possible, and enjoy doing it.

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