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Everything posted by Harding_10

  1. sad 0/10 i break your heart you are so sad Liek why u so gud huh? Showing off so nubs like me get to feel jealous? 1b/10 k nub
  3. It's 66 Hunter for that cape you fat noob WHO'S EPIC PHAILURE NAO?! Thanks Campy, Ammo, and Mil.
  4. YOU!!!! WHERE DID YOU GO??????? :-s :-k :shame: :wall: Seriously where did you dissapear to lol.
  5. Honestly, I don't know why people do this, either :| . He's my rl friend tbh. And I don't know why people like you post off-topic stuff like this when it's not needed :-#
  6. Thanks everyone, I know my agility is teh suck but I hate it until wildy course and up lol :wall:
  7. I don't understand why people find this funny :? . I don't understand how you thought anyone thought it was funny. :? Thanks everyone
  8. O Hi. I r I Harding I. Rate me k? What I'm Currently Doing Yes, I was going for 99 Prayer but that goal is on hold. I am raising all my non-buyables (and buyables when I don't have to pay for them :lol: ) in preperation for Summoning, if Summoning does not involve any money, I will fund it all towards 99 Prayer. Also, check out my vids \ :P http://youtube.com/profile?user=iHardingi Rate/hate/date/mate/mastur..../n8(myton)/gate -Harding
  9. I TOOK THE PIC I just moved my Rs folder that the SS Screenies go to so it went to a destination that wasn't there. = Lost lulz.
  10. EPIC PK VID - 1 KILL BUT STILL EPIC http://youtube.com/watch?v=SbV_CPypaTQ -Harding
  11. Hmm did you pk full zammy and not share with me? Aqua = sad. poor toast :| We kissed and made up Axe at dks with the muted toaster :D YE TOAST TRIED TALKING BUT HE COULDN'T SO IT ENDED UP AS EPIC PHAILURE I HAVEN'T TOOK CAPS OFF IN LAST 10 MINUTES I FEEL SPECIAL LULZ YOU ARE NUB TBH TOAST I HAVE YOUR 1800 TOTAL LOG I FEEL SPECIAL
  12. o hi what did u do wit teh log its worth alot u kno
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