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Posts posted by Ravenkana

  1. A censor is made.


    People find ways around it.


    The censor alters to fit those new words.


    People find ways around it again




    And so on.




    Exactly, like when Runescape filters out the words for private body parts, people got around the censor by making symbol of them (which the filter absolutely cannot filter). I dont know whether it is worse than before or simply plain stupid

    Well they can... SAY HELLO TO QUICK-CHAT!!!




    He got muted for saying Youtube? Despite the fact that Jagex itself allows you to say it?

  2. Brando, you keep on saying it's a bug when it's clear that it's not a bug in the code sense, and if you look at it as a bug in the "it's not what the programmers intended to happen" sense, then most of the game is a bug...




    And if they were to change it, that in no way, shape, or form means that it was a bug...they've changed a million things that weren't bugs.

    But what about the Dragon Full Helm drop? Obviously, Jagex implemented it themselves. But now, several weeks later, they're saying it's a bug. Isn't the ditch a strikingly similar situation?

    But thanksgiving, not at all about religion


    Isn't it the pilgrims celebrating their passing through the harsh winters?

    Contrary to popular belief, no. It was started by one of the early Presidents, Washington I believe, to celebrate all the natural wealth of the U.S. Later, in the mid 1800s it was dropped, but was resurrected later and stands as it does today.
  4. sorry SOMA, (an honest mistake on my part, settle down... you've just shown you've got serious temperment issues :lol: )




    As for coding, true, I'm no expert, But I can make the assumption that they dont code everything ground up everysingle time, this would be inefficient and costly. What I do know about programming, especially in games like this, is that ground and open space are generally precoded, and a simple click and drag function to implement. After which, they augment depths and make their obstacles.




    What I'm almost sure they dont do, is go through and tick off block range before assuming that you CAN range. All allowing something says to me is that they didnt block it, that doesnt mean they intended for things to be the way they are.




    As a base layout for new areas, the ground is precoded, because all the ground is the same from a coding standpoint. After they shape the area, they then go in and design the details, such as textures, bumps, hills, trees rocks etc. most of these objects are also precoded, so they dont have to code how characters react when a tree is in their way every time they add a new tree. By you're statement, you assume that they code everything from scratch each time they add something, which clearly shows you dont know how an end product game is coded and produced.




    So no, they dont go through every tile of ground and code in whether you can range over it or not, they have default ground that they spread out, and it is assumed as "open" or "free" space, where all actions are open, such as walking and for that matter ranging. you cant range over an area you cant walk on, with the exception of fences, which are coded as a default to allow ranged. This means that Jagex didnt worry about their default programming when they implemented the ditch. This means that right now, the fact rangers can abuse this area is in fact a bug, as it is misuse of programming, that they overlooked.




    So, we're left with two questions:




    1) Did Jagex implement the ditch in full awareness that a player could range over it?




    2) Is the ditch such a problem to PvP that it needs to be changed?




    My opinion is yes and no, respectively.

    1. No. They never did. See, in case you've forgotten, originally you COULD NOT shoot projectiles over it, reason being only one side was PvP.




    2. Yes, it needs to be changed. Not only are warriors affected, but mages get the short end as well. Though they CAN beat warriors, they cannot beat rangers. But rangers can beat warriors. And other rangers. And mages. See? The only REAL winner of this combat triangle is the ranger. There's our problem.




    1. You were always able to range/mage over the ditch. Players often use crumble undead on the skeletons.




    2. No, it doesn't. There are plenty of areas in Runescape that compliment each combat class. This has been discussed IN DETAIL within this thread, and I can only assume that you did not read it thoroughly.

    1. Are skeletons players? If so, then this was foreseen and intended by Jagex. If not, than this occured through an oversight- it never occured to them this would happen.




    2. Since you say that plenty of areas complement each combat class, name one that complements Melee and one that complements Magic more than ranging.

  5. sorry SOMA, (an honest mistake on my part, settle down... you've just shown you've got serious temperment issues :lol: )




    As for coding, true, I'm no expert, But I can make the assumption that they dont code everything ground up everysingle time, this would be inefficient and costly. What I do know about programming, especially in games like this, is that ground and open space are generally precoded, and a simple click and drag function to implement. After which, they augment depths and make their obstacles.




    What I'm almost sure they dont do, is go through and tick off block range before assuming that you CAN range. All allowing something says to me is that they didnt block it, that doesnt mean they intended for things to be the way they are.




    As a base layout for new areas, the ground is precoded, because all the ground is the same from a coding standpoint. After they shape the area, they then go in and design the details, such as textures, bumps, hills, trees rocks etc. most of these objects are also precoded, so they dont have to code how characters react when a tree is in their way every time they add a new tree. By you're statement, you assume that they code everything from scratch each time they add something, which clearly shows you dont know how an end product game is coded and produced.




    So no, they dont go through every tile of ground and code in whether you can range over it or not, they have default ground that they spread out, and it is assumed as "open" or "free" space, where all actions are open, such as walking and for that matter ranging. you cant range over an area you cant walk on, with the exception of fences, which are coded as a default to allow ranged. This means that Jagex didnt worry about their default programming when they implemented the ditch. This means that right now, the fact rangers can abuse this area is in fact a bug, as it is misuse of programming, that they overlooked.




    So, we're left with two questions:




    1) Did Jagex implement the ditch in full awareness that a player could range over it?




    2) Is the ditch such a problem to PvP that it needs to be changed?




    My opinion is yes and no, respectively.

    1. No. They never did. See, in case you've forgotten, originally you COULD NOT shoot projectiles over it, reason being only one side was PvP.




    2. Yes, it needs to be changed. Not only are warriors affected, but mages get the short end as well. Though they CAN beat warriors, they cannot beat rangers. But rangers can beat warriors. And other rangers. And mages. See? The only REAL winner of this combat triangle is the ranger. There's our problem.

  6. I noticed that Jagex announced the minigame as their headliner. True, the quest SOUNDS epic, but if it's not the main event, will it be? Probably, at least I hope. The quest brings me worries. Anyone remember a little game called Barbarian Assault? Has like one or two good rewards, and most of the player do not know what they're doing. I'm predicting, except in clans and groups of friends, that we'll see something similar. Barbarian Assault proved that most Scapers are almost incapable of teamwork, and often do not listen to reason or instructions. If the rewards are good, than hopefully veterans will stick around and help/train newbies. But, if the rewards are poor, say one good item or no good items, we may very well find it abandoned after the first several weeks.




    The only other thing is that I'm miffed about the non-removal of randoms. I mean, they hinted at it in the Postbag! I hate it when they do that! If Jagex wants an update that'll have every player dancing in the aisles singing hallelujah, standing in sacred groves chanting awareness raising mantras, or performing dark rituals using forbidden knowledge while shouting the foulest of curses, depending on the god of choice, than they should have removed/tweaked the scourge that is Randoms.




    Oh, about Turkey Day, well it is well known. For those who don't know what it's about, just remember the three Fs. Family, food, and football.

  7. I agree with you, but when I think about it, what are we really missing? The updates 75% of people complain about and at the same time get little to no use 2 weeks after the update? Examples include, but are not limited to: beacon network, blast furnace, circus, gnome delivery, gnome ball, jungle clean up, jade vine, and rogues den. The list goes on, but how many of us actually go to these weekly? bi-weekly? monthly? yearly?




    I just hope they keep up with all the little tweaks that are necessary to the game, while adding decent material in the process.

    But many, like gnome ball, jungle clean up, and rogues den, are really old. They became obsolete. And many of the smallish updates are useful. The rogues den has a bank right next to an everburning fire. The jade vine can give a large boost to slayer if you can be bothered. The circus gives weekly FREE experience. Many updates may not seem that great, but can, in fact, have some small aspect that makes it unique and very useful. Similarly, we might say that Tears was a small update. Short, easy quest. Unlocks weekly minigame. Yawn. But wait! This minigame can give you experience in your least favorite/ least trained skill! Wowza! Now let's look at a decidedly BIG update. The GE. Yes, it streamlined trade and made the game a lot easier. But, a year later, it still has problems, some minor, some major. Just because an update is "big" doesn't make it good. Sometimes big things come in small packages.
  8. increasing all levels to 199 max would solve the problem




    "Woot, level 198 hp!!! Only 5,372,498,211 more exp till 199!!!"




    A bit short but relatively well written. Ranged does have a place in PvP, but it is only against ranged. Magic on the other hand has to be combined with melee to be effective - hopefully this will change over time. :)


    It would be ALOT more than that... Probably in the 10's if not 100's of millions of xp... :ohnoes:




    Instead up building up, why can't we build to the side?

    Why? Because we want to reach the Incomparable Gardens, of course!
  9. If you are in one of bob's randoms for over 24 hours, all your stats that are bot-able are set to 1/whatever your level is and teleported to a random location thats out of the way.
    Seriously? Man... that's harsh AND unethical...




    Not really unethical lol.


    Kinda harsh I agree, that's why Jagex are updating the random events soon ;)

    I see it as unethical because a. most randoms are bot-solvable and b. because bots can quickly reclaim lost skill levels while players cannot.




    erm it doesn't deleted ur stats it jsut draisn them to 1/x eg 1/99 cooking




    meaning u either wait for a few hours or gulp down a restore pot

    Really? Thanks! I totally misconstrued that explanation. Man, I might want to try it sometime. Go into a PvP world with 1 attack, defence, and strength and a DDS...
  10. If you are in one of bob's randoms for over 24 hours, all your stats that are bot-able are set to 1/whatever your level is and teleported to a random location thats out of the way.
    Seriously? Man... that's harsh AND unethical...




    Not really unethical lol.


    Kinda harsh I agree, that's why Jagex are updating the random events soon ;)

    I see it as unethical because a. most randoms are bot-solvable and b. because bots can quickly reclaim lost skill levels while players cannot.
  11. The only thing i don't understand is what it's got to do with monkeys and grease? i mean really thats just random.




    Its the firefox way.




    Fire fox


    Thunder bird


    Grease monkey




    I'm sure theres some others out there tooo

    Actually, a grease monkey is someone who works with complex machinery, like cars or conveyor belts. That's where the grease part comes from. Monkey probably comes from the fact that monkeys are agile and nimble.
  12. If you think about it, the updates in the past really weren't much smaller than the last two we've gotten. Yes, they released pvp worlds. Big whoop. Yes, they released a Halloween event AND quest. Big whoop. In the past there have still been far better updates than these, which required more time an attention to create, while still maintaining the smaller updates.




    In other words, I want my old update system back.




    Lol? I think PvP worlds are the second biggest update we've had this year (barring the graphical update, which was the biggest update since RS2) It's almost tradition for JaGeX to release a halloween event, and we got a bounus quest too.




    We've not done too badly in October if you ask me.

    But, correct me if I'm wrong, PvP worlds are almost exclusively for PKers. Most skillers won't touch'em. True, some activities, like the wildy agility course, green dragon slaying, and runite mining, are more profitable on those worlds, but for most the risk outweighs the rewards. True, the release increased the price for many items, but that's a secondary bonus, a trickle down.
  13. [hide=quote wall]
    Agreed. Magic is more secondary. But this is caused by two things. 1. Magic is both a skill and a combat style. If it was JUST a combat style, the rune set up may never have been needed. 2. Dragonhide. As said before, it can easily cancel out magic. It's also cheap and does not detract from melee. Heck, no armor detracts from melee, and those that detract from range can still be used, making effective range tanks. But magic? The best robes are Ahrims, a level sixty armor, while range and melee have armor at the seventy mark- Bandos and Armadyl. So, magic can easily be negated and has low armor bonuses. Though the armor bonus is a given in ANY game, mages actually tend to hit harder or have fantastic abilities in other MMORPGs or just games in general. Final Fantasy, DnD, Fire Emblem, even RTS like the Warcraft series. Ironically, this is not so in Runescape.






    A few errors in that post.


    1. Armadyl armor does detract from melee.


    2. Ahrims is level seventy armor.


    3. Bandos and Armadyl are level sixty-five armors.






    But yes, magic is very secondary, and needs reworking if it is ever to become primary. (high hitting spells/spec weapons would go a long way towards this....) Have you ever seen a "true" mage? One with magic and defense as their only combat skills, and doesn't have a main? (pure mages don't count.) I didn't think so.

    Really? Wow. Didn't realize Armadyl detracted from melee... And you can tell how much money I have based on my faulty data... But how much DOES Armadyl detract? If it's minimal, than a player can easily melee.




    *quickly checks the kb* helm -5, legs -6, body -7; for a total of 18.

    Considering that Proselyte's alone has a total of -10 magic with just plate and legs, that doesn't sound too bad.




    That is negative MELEE stats, not magic.


    and givin mage robes better defence against melee would go a long way to ballancing the triangle... as well as giving dhide negative melee stats against players (it shouldn't vs monsters tho, as certain slayer monsters use magic based melee.)

    Right, but I'm comparing the two. Proselyte's, armor requiring level 30 defence, gives a -13 on magic for the full set. Armadyl's, the games most powerful range armor, gives a negative 18 to melee for the full set. See what I'm saying?
  14. Who would risk 10m for Maging when they could just Melee?
    True, but considering that the staff would probably the most valuable item in any mage set up, you'll probably keep it.




    Oh, and I love your "Verac Obama" signature.

  15. Agreed. Magic is more secondary. But this is caused by two things. 1. Magic is both a skill and a combat style. If it was JUST a combat style, the rune set up may never have been needed. 2. Dragonhide. As said before, it can easily cancel out magic. It's also cheap and does not detract from melee. Heck, no armor detracts from melee, and those that detract from range can still be used, making effective range tanks. But magic? The best robes are Ahrims, a level sixty armor, while range and melee have armor at the seventy mark- Bandos and Armadyl. So, magic can easily be negated and has low armor bonuses. Though the armor bonus is a given in ANY game, mages actually tend to hit harder or have fantastic abilities in other MMORPGs or just games in general. Final Fantasy, DnD, Fire Emblem, even RTS like the Warcraft series. Ironically, this is not so in Runescape.






    A few errors in that post.


    1. Armadyl armor does detract from melee.


    2. Ahrims is level seventy armor.


    3. Bandos and Armadyl are level sixty-five armors.






    But yes, magic is very secondary, and needs reworking if it is ever to become primary. (high hitting spells/spec weapons would go a long way towards this....) Have you ever seen a "true" mage? One with magic and defense as their only combat skills, and doesn't have a main? (pure mages don't count.) I didn't think so.

    Really? Wow. Didn't realize Armadyl detracted from melee... And you can tell how much money I have based on my faulty data... But how much DOES Armadyl detract? If it's minimal, than a player can easily melee.




    *quickly checks the kb* helm -5, legs -6, body -7; for a total of 18.

    Considering that Proselyte's alone has a total of -10 magic with just plate and legs, that doesn't sound too bad.
  16. Agreed. Magic is more secondary. But this is caused by two things. 1. Magic is both a skill and a combat style. If it was JUST a combat style, the rune set up may never have been needed. 2. Dragonhide. As said before, it can easily cancel out magic. It's also cheap and does not detract from melee. Heck, no armor detracts from melee, and those that detract from range can still be used, making effective range tanks. But magic? The best robes are Ahrims, a level sixty armor, while range and melee have armor at the seventy mark- Bandos and Armadyl. So, magic can easily be negated and has low armor bonuses. Though the armor bonus is a given in ANY game, mages actually tend to hit harder or have fantastic abilities in other MMORPGs or just games in general. Final Fantasy, DnD, Fire Emblem, even RTS like the Warcraft series. Ironically, this is not so in Runescape.






    A few errors in that post.


    1. Armadyl armor does detract from melee.


    2. Ahrims is level seventy armor.


    3. Bandos and Armadyl are level sixty-five armors.






    But yes, magic is very secondary, and needs reworking if it is ever to become primary. (high hitting spells/spec weapons would go a long way towards this....) Have you ever seen a "true" mage? One with magic and defense as their only combat skills, and doesn't have a main? (pure mages don't count.) I didn't think so.

    Really? Wow. Didn't realize Armadyl detracted from melee... And you can tell how much money I have based on my faulty data... But how much DOES Armadyl detract? If it's minimal, than a player can easily melee.
  17. Though I'm P2P, I too dislike the broom. Given that the event and PvP were the only two updates this month, and that I have no reason to use one and the other I found lacking, I feel like a dissatisfied customer.




    PvP worlds were good for everyone. I don't PK but the price of items sky-rocketed. Slayer is more profitable again! \'

    This is true. But, though I do love money, sometimes I want something that I'll try. Something that I enjoy. PKing really isn't that- for me, the risk outweighs the reward. So my benefits are only secondary. It helps me, but really doesn't add to my gaming experience.
  18. Agreed. Magic is more secondary. But this is caused by two things. 1. Magic is both a skill and a combat style. If it was JUST a combat style, the rune set up may never have been needed. 2. Dragonhide. As said before, it can easily cancel out magic. It's also cheap and does not detract from melee. Heck, no armor detracts from melee, and those that detract from range can still be used, making effective range tanks. But magic? The best robes are Ahrims, a level sixty armor, while range and melee have armor at the seventy mark- Bandos and Armadyl. So, magic can easily be negated and has low armor bonuses. Though the armor bonus is a given in ANY game, mages actually tend to hit harder or have fantastic abilities in other MMORPGs or just games in general. Final Fantasy, DnD, Fire Emblem, even RTS like the Warcraft series. Ironically, this is not so in Runescape.

  19. Well, there are a lot of reasons to NOT like a skill.




    But there are problems when you voice your dislike purely out of ignorance.

    True. But I'm not really all that fond of it simply because... well... it's not exciting. At all. Whoop de doo! My plant's full grown! Now I can harvest it!




    This is sort of ironic considering my love for the Harvest Moon games...

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