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Posts posted by Ravenkana

  1. Jagex overlooked one key fact when designing this minigame- high level killers are mad skillers. They're generally self-sufficient, whereas, though capable of making anything, low level mega skillers are incapable of using the equipment or defending themselves. And, given the aforementioned self-sufficiency, high combat levels have to reason to lend aid.

  2. I'm still baffled as to why Jagex insist on celebrating Thanksgiving. They are a British company, and all their staff are British, and they are based in Britain. :lol:




    I know many of the RS population are Americans. But even so, I see no need for a thanksgiving update. :?




    Anyway, back on topic. As stated above, most major updates are around 12 noon, on a monday or tuesday. It's possible this may come on a different day but unlikely.


    A quest of this size is more likely to come out next week ;)

    What... you mean in December?
  3. Actually, robinhoodie, I think you are quite wrong in this case. I used the Sacred Clay Scimitar at Pest Control and was hitting up to 27s with it, non potted. So assuming we gain double the exp (8 exp per damage) with it after the update, and you were to use it with a black mask and piety and potions, you'd probably be able to hit around 34-35s with it...meaning that would be like hitting 68s with the whip. It is also the same speed as the whip, and is actually fairly accurate.


    So no, I have to disagree. I think it has lots of potential being far better than the whip for training. Not for killing in general, but for training the combat stats themselves.

    But do you use the level 3 scimmy?

    And after hearing that most of the tools from SC don't work I think I'll pass on wasting time to get them until they're fixed. #-o

    Ditto. Plus, with the removal of all exp, I'm trying to finish DT as fast as I can so I can get some free barrage experience. And it appears that, when they get off there fat tocuses, they take their sweet time about it- all they promise for the fixes is by that they'll be here by the end of the year.
  5. Edit- Sorry- forgot to write something after the quote. Anyhoo, I'm not liking this. As afore mentioned, the armor is the level with the general stats as rune/greendd'hide/mystic. Few high levels will touch it. The removal of exp sound like a mistake- the more logical thing would have been to ADD exp to skillers. I suspect that, for all its merits, this game won't be played often. The rewards may be "improved" but they're still no where good enough.

  6. Know whats an Epic Fail? SAYING EPIC FAIL!!!




    Jeez i have no clue why this has becoem such a craze....first school now tif -.-......Anyhow, karils is good in a few ways, Imo it looks pretty nifty ( like a ninja with a crossbow! ) and it has a very good mage defence.

    Epic Fail was originally a term used in DnD for when you rolled a one. Basically, if that happened, something REALLY horrible would happen. Like spontaneous combustion. Or a heart attack. With the advent of the internet, DnD nerds were capable of communication without leaving their house and so this wondrous term was brought into public view.
  7. Nice rant, I agree with almost everything here. I always tend to groan "finally, after 6 months" whenever I see some of the more obvious fixes. Just one thing... ever considered that we might have a new theme music right now? It was about time for a bit of change.
    Yeah but... dark and gloomy? Does this signal that the taint of Morytania will spread throughout Runescape and we shall all come under the iron heel of the Draken Dynasty?
  8. Every time I open Runescape, I hear the Halloween music. The first few times it was great when, you know, the event was actually here. But a week later it got a wee bit tedious. Two weeks it got down right annoying. Not because I particularly LIKE the Runescape theme, but because it represents something: laziness.




    Anyone playing Stealing Creation must admit that it is a pretty fun game. But equally obvious is the fact that it needs to be fixed. Skillers get no exp for their efforts while killers do. Half the tools are bugged and useless. The rewards, quite frankly, tank. The armor is too low leveled and the afore mentioned tools have more bugs than an ant farm. I assumed that they would be fixed in the week of release or the next one. But you know what is said about assume.




    And finally, PvP worlds. A Pker's dream that quickly became a nightmare. With one itemers more numerous than a zerg swarm, people capable of teleporting in practically every environ, and totally random drops, sweet victory quickly became ash in their collective mouth. Kills are hard to come by in member worlds, what with one click teleports immune to teleblock, and nigh impossible in free worlds. Now, when searching for a world with a low population, the bottom five or six are ALWAYS PvP worlds. And where are the fixes? How long ago was THIS gem released? Once again, we see little action by Jagex to correct an update.




    Now, before you say it, I know I couldn't do a better job. Even if I could, I would be unable to fix this as I do NOT work for Jagex. The problem is that Jagex cares FAR more for future updates than old or current ones. Other than a lick of paint, how often do older updates (excluding skills) really get fixed? Ok, they DID cancel Dancing with Monsters, and helped prevent hitchhikers from boarding the Trawler, but their current inactivity towards some rather large updates is... irksome at best.

  9. "For those players in Europe, look out for Wallie Cards, which can be bought in a host of stores, such as CostCutter (with a PayPoint logo), Esso, Total, Hema, Aral, bft and Westfalen. Wallie Cards can be used to purchase RuneScape membership and come in a number of different amounts."








    Ugh. I'm tired of these filler updates- first funorb, then good boy Jagex!, and now this. Why do these keep being put on the front page displacing other, more pertinent updates, like stealing creation?

  10. It's supposed to be a tough, scary quest. Jagex does a good job with visuals\music\messages to build the mood. I really liked that quest
    Me too, and, unfortunately, I don't believe we'll see another like it ever again. With the way Jagex's marketing is going, I don't think such a quest would fit their current bill. Too scary for the wee ones.
  11. What!?! By the Chaos gods, you have yet to know what madness truly is! When the voices do not merely whisper, but shout at you, THAN you may yet experience TRUE madness. When the blessed taint twists and warps your mortal coil, making you into a twisted parody of your former self, than you ARE TRULY mad, for at last the mighty gods have favored you! PRAISE THE RAVEN GOD! LONG REIGN TZEENCH, THE CHANGER OF WAYS!! HURRAY, HURRAY, I'VE FOUND A SPOON!!!




    Eh, the quest was annoying, true. And the voice was quite creepy, you're right. But it also gave me a laugh; I examined an agility pipe and, right after, I got the message "I will devour your soul." I assumed it was the new description for the pipe and was quite amused for all of thirty seconds.

  12. Oh and Psycho Robot, imagine the Runecrafting skillcape emote, and replace the runes with some history stuff, thats what I'm doing at the moment, IN YOUR FACE!! Calling me a washed up historian, shame on you! :shame:


    I'll never apologize! I meant what I said!




    I'm adding a new section to the main post about whether the dragonkin are related to the Mahjarrat.




    Also, Frenaskrae is a PLACE not a race or a tribe. I HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN THIS. Any post or quote you see saying otherwise is a LIE AND A FORGERY! Probably made by my super-arch-nemesis Hippodo the washed up historian! Don't fall for his treachery! BEWARE!

    You are obviously superior- your hypno toad avatar whispers this to me. ALL HAIL THE HYPNO TOAD!




    And someone mentioned the symbol looking like the Stone of Jas. Someone else verified you see a similar symbol in Casa de Dragonkin. In Making History, I believe Guthix mentioned something about Elder Gods creating Runescape to the human family. What if the Elder Gods were Dragonkin? Incapable of reproducing because of their godhood, maybe when Guthix found the plane they left it to him out of fear of extinction given how powerful Guthix is supposed to be. Maybe collectively the Dragonkin are stronger, but alone they are weaker and they feared the death of their race.

  13. I just got some info from some guy in game, name of Shiro Chan7. He told me that you can see dragonkin symbols in the analogue world you gain access to in Summer's End. He says that you can see them or it on one of the walls of the castle in the parallel world located in Wilderness level 46. I haven't checked, so I have no screenshot and am unable to verify this. If it's true, then all credit belongs to Shiro Chan7.


    You've just given me the greatest idea to improve my daily productivity. If this can be done for a week straight, Ill be able to nap on the bus to and from school, at lunch, and throughout the night, and will become an unstoppable robot.




    More time with friends, more time for school, more time for runescape.


    Sleep is an invaluable waste of my time.




    This is possible - but the week you take adjusting to this will be absolute hell. I would not recommend doing this.

    True. Plus, we sleep for a reason. I used to hate those eight hour slices of nothing too. But then I realized something. When I sleep to little for extended periods of time, I get more angry, I'm less happy, and I'm usually tired. True, I am more creative, but the price is NOT worth it. Especially for a video game.
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