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Posts posted by Ravenkana

  1. The best strategy of all from what I have observed is to have an enormous offensive force in the beginning of the game. About 70% of the time, the team that snatches the obelisk first wins the game. Offenders are defintely more useful than defenders, they can simply do more damage to the enemy. If you load yourself up with a full inventory of heals, and you have barrows, you can knock off an enormous chunck of hp from the enemy avatar before dying.




    So, the best way to win would be to have al players rush the obelisk in the beginning of the game. You swiftly gain control of the obelisk, then 5-15% of the team falls back to defend, while 10-15% of the team (preferably high level tanks) goes to attack the avatar. The rest of the team stays in the center and holds position.




    The people whose position is to guard the center should not go for heals after they die; they should return directly to the center. A constant flow of your team's players to the center is enough to hold the center. The defensive players should not get heals at all, but focus entirely on increasing their offensive stats to take down enemies quickly, obviously. Offenders should wear bulky armor and preferably own godswords. If not, a whip + crystal shield will suffice.






    Also a few other observations:




    The team that snatches the obelisk first typically wins the first kill.




    The team that snatches the obelisk first typically wins the round.




    The team that won the last round typically wins the next round. This means there is usually a long streak of winning for a certain team, then it goes back to the other team, which has a streak of it's own. Back and worth.






    Also, some notes on rewards:




    The exp actually appears to be slightly better than Pest Control (calculations must confirm this though, none exist at the moment).




    The charms, most players generally agree, are overpriced.




    The gambling is actually very nice. Gambling costs 2 points, which is the average points won a round. A round is 20 minutes. Take these stats into consideration while you look at this gambling log in progress:




    20 bagged plants


    50k + 60 b bones


    52 ogre coffin keys


    60 b bones


    16 wyvern bones


    5 graahk fur


    7 carved evil turnip


    fury (unconfirmed, but I've heard it twice)


    22 unicorn horn


    28k + 22 ogre coffin keys


    10 snake hide


    28 vampire dust


    42 ogre coffin keys

    But those strategies are ridiculous! Not because they don't work, but because they shouldn't dictate the winners.




    An example: I'm playing Starcraft as the Zerg and I build as many Zerglings as soon as I can, as quickly as I can, and as many as I can. Then I send them to attack my opponents base. Since this is early in the game, they initially can not fend them off. But they build some units and do. I feel satisfied, knowing that they lost their lives for a good cause: to cripple my enemies and give me an initial advantage. BUT! Later in the game, I find myself losing. My initial strategy helped, it bought me some time, but my over zealous use of melee ground units allows my Terran foes to pick them off with air support and heavy fire. So, my initial gamble helped, but it in no way ensured my victory.




    And that's how this game should be. Look at Castle Wars. What happens if one team initially swamps the field and carries the day? There's still a pretty good chance that they'll be defeated. Of course, the problem this game has is also shared by Stealing Creation. An early, offensive push will destroy your opponents for the entire game. And that's no fun.

  2. isn't the zamorak spear supposed to be worth it? For monsters like waterfiends.
    It's useful for a select few monsters, that's true. But Jagex botched it. If it could be poisoned and if they hadn't just recycled the Dragon Spear's special, maybe by giving it one comparable to the saradomin sword, than it would be far more useful. At least that's what I think.
  3. From what I hear, for I am currently non members, this game is Castle Wars meets Pest Control with a Black and White Motif. Forces of Destruction and Creation? Animal avatars? Why not go a step further and have a huge, black ape on one side and a large, white lion for the other.




    And where'd all the other slayer monsters go? Just jellies and pyrefiends?!? Why not put other monsters, in a wide range of levels. Maybe some hands so everyone can help and some nechryaels so high level players can REALLY tear into the avatar's required slayer level.

  4. What a reassuringly perceptive and eloquent man.


    The future looks a little bit brighter.

    That's just the oncoming train at the end of the tunnel.




    I jest! I jest; this all sounds good. But, maybe, a little too good; to my eyes, it appears that he may just be doing this to appease the sheep like masses. But I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt. One, two, maybe three months to see any changes. Then, if there are some, I might get membership again.




    I also understand why the TET team is miffed. It appears J mods, who have been notorious for being rarely seen, have been attending Tipit, and other site's events, for several months. And now they say they're doing their own events? This sounds, but may not actually be, like they've been observing fan site events with the express intention of stealing ideas. Until this is cleared up, I believe that is exactly what they were doing.

  5. I definately do not expect them to be perfect. They have proven many, many.. many times that they are far from it. However, when dealing with accounts that are 3, 4, even 5 years or older, they should be a bit more cautious about going and permanently banning them. If the account gained under 50k exp in the entire week of the penguin incident does that look like someone that bug abused to gain exp? Obviously they could have handled this much better. Unfortunately that was not the case.


    Account age has nothing to do with whether or not that person is capable of violating the rules. I have seen proof of that on Tip.it. In fact, some of the biggest rule-breakers that I've seen have also had some of the oldest accounts. And even if you did not get any xp from the penguins, abusing the glitch was still your intention if you clicked multiple times.

    But what he's implying is that a four or five year old account has a LOT of time poured into it, and the player is often a loyal member. So they should FULLY assess the situation before they take action. I'm not saying his story is true, but I do think it very well could happen.




    The thing with Jagex is, in a crisis situation, many players view them like many people around the world view Bush: "Dear Lord, what's the monkey going to do NOW?!?" And often with good reason. Jagex has made enough boneheaded decisions to land them a permanent leadership role in a squad of Ogryns.

  6. Im thinking for the next 3 weeks we will get




    1. soul wars




    2. evil tree




    3. everything else




    I dont think random removal warrants its own week, its an awesome update but its not like you need time to go check it out.

    Actually, I anticipate the random removal above all else. I don't particularly like Distractions and Diversions and Runescape's minigames are always hit or miss.



    I don't know why you guys are still talking about the ruined Slayer/Summoning exp argument, when a Jmod posted that the development team has taken this into serious consideration. I'm sure it will be a mediocre way of training slayer, but will be a fun minigame.




    Also, a system update which led to a post by Mod Emilee largely hinting at a huge update next week, like Soul Wars. :P




    Quick find code: 15-16-127-58343569 Last Post

    Does it explain why there wasn't an update this week? Because now they have four to do and only three weeks to release them.
  8. Last year wasn't so hot. Summoning's initial release was horribly flawed, and Jagex had an inane fixation on Minigames and Distractions and Diversions. Correct me if I'm wrong, but looking at the two months we've had this year, they still have it. But, there were some significant good changes. Like Summoning 2: The New Batch. Although I still think it needs to be more accessible to skillers...

  9. apparently, they changed it form the transition to rs2 from rsc so that weapons would have speed, in the hope that more people would use the other weapons that were being ignored (everything except baxe and 2h). I never played rsc, I read it in an archive when I asked this question to someone who gave me a link. I don't have the link myself, but im pretty sure it was detailed in a 2004 update.




    Instead, everyone uses the perfect balance of speed and power, schimmy, and ignores everything else.




    The schimmy either needs to be nerfed somehow, or the other wepons need to get faster (in the case of weak ones) or stronger(in the case of slow ones) so that they can all generate decent melee exp. Also, the whip is too much of a juggernaut. It needs a decent competitor that can be acessed by an average player.




    I believe scimitar will not be nerfed, and the specs of the current weapons will not be changed, unless there is a new RS release, like RS3. That is to say that Jagex will only add in weapons with different stats, to try and balance their game more. I think a weapon as fast as a whip, and as strong as a whip, but can train strength is needed. There needs to be some downside to this weapon though, it has to degrade, need sharpened, etc. Then the base will split between this weapon and the scimitar.

    How bout a weapon as fast and strong as a whip, but incapable of training defense. It also hits crush instead of slash.

    This, compared to the only glitch I tried (the Ectoplasm-covered Bedsheet Party Room teleport), is madness.

    No, this... is... RUNESCAAAAPE!!! And yeah, this REALLY cheapens the game and frustrates thousands of players who did it the hard way. Worst glitch EVER, even more so than the Falador Massacre.
  11. Sometimes skills are respected for being long and hard...




    That's what she said. :D




    OT: The only thing that I dislike about some skills in Runescape is that you can take raw materials, do something with them, and you lose money. You are spending time doing something, so why should you lose money? In real life, taking raw resources and creating a product usually makes you money, not lose it. Some skills to name are smithing, crafting, herblore, etc. Other than that, I like almost all the skills, except farming, it is soooo boring to me...




    All skills can be done for "free". Training a skill by buying the resources makes it cost money. Gathering your own resources will make it more like "real life" in that you will make money.




    Catch fish (= free), cook fish, sell fish.

    EEEEH! I'm sorry, but that answer is incorrect. You do not make money be gathering your own resources for making end products, but LOSE money. An example: You gather Green Dragonhides worth 1.5k each. You craft them into Vambraces worth 1.3k each as well as tanning them for an increased time expenditure. You actually LOSE 200 gp on each hide and even more from the time it took to gather and tan them. And in reality, businesses almost ALWAYS buy their raw materials or parts and then use them to produce something worth a good bit MORE than the materials, wages, and time expenditure.
  12. At the start of the game, this is what your character assumes to be true. Through quests you discover, and uncover, the true history.




    I believe that this is the reason, and agree with the view put foreward by Dan, above. I don't understand why almost everyone else can't seem to understand this. Erichermit even showed Jagex explicity stating that you should take 'history' with a pinch of salt to say the least.




    Why would the average person know what happens in the hardest and longest quests? Only, what, like a handfull of people know what happened in the depths of Lumbridge in While Guthix Sleeps.




    Just as it is in real life; the truth from actions of old will only come with the deepest reseach into them.

    Or the internet is invented, and information is assimilated through the masses in mere minutes.
  13. Quite pretending your drunk and go get potty trained...Oh my god, I have not read so much fail in one post since EatRuneArrows rants...
    NO! Do not mention his name; he comes when called...
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