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Posts posted by Ravenkana

  1. Yes, it's almost that time of year again, when one of the world's largest religion celebrates the death of their Messiah and everyone else gets sick on chocolate rabbits.




    And, almost certainly, Jagex will be wheeling out an Easter event next week. It'll almost certainly involve that accursed long ears, the Easter Bunny once again attempting to weasel out of working a single day of the year with a Rube Goldberg scheme that goes horribly awry. And I'm sick of it. Just once, just once I'd like for him to do his job. To deliver the chocolate to boys and girls across the land. I wouldn't mind helping him stave off a hunter who's after a "wascally wabbit" so long as he actually does his job.




    In other words, I want something new for Easter. I want something fresh, exciting, and refreshingly rabbit free.




    And so I ask: Do you wish to slog about fixing that lazy lagomorph's silly plans? Or would you rather have something completely new, free of buffoonish bunnies?




    Edit: Forgot the holiday quest. What do you think Jagex is going to do to keep it different?

  2. Oh my [bleep] god... Are you serious? Another "y u take out wildy?@" rant?




    If they didn't do what they did, RuneScape wouldn't even me on the Internet anymore.

    HE JUST BLOODY WELL CAME BACK! K?!? It's new to him, if not to you, and he's releasing some RAGE in the RANTS forum just like it says in the bleeding, blooming description, aye?
  3. What a load of total crap. Don't try and force your own narrow, biased [developmentally delayed] opinion onto others by displaying it as facts.




    If you don't like the updates, and if it's as bad as you say it is.. then quit. Whining like a [bleep] isn't going to change anything.


    well he is saying what the [bleep] people fell for [bleep] sake rs now barealy has over 100 000 player on during peak hours this IS PATHETIC!


    it used to be on average 500 000


    the game is solo now.


    he is just saying what is actually going on and what people are feeling.


    We should gather all the Jagex haters in this thread then nuke em imo.


    Right after we do the same to all the Jagex lovers.




    Love or hate Jagex, you still play the game and need to respect other's opinions. Brown nosing is just as annoying as obnoxious as hate mail.

  4. You know what would have made a better Development Diary? Mobilizing Armies. They could discuss the problems they've had, the ideas they've scrapped, and even tell us how close to release it is.




    But this... was a steaming pile of dragon excrement. He just told us that he is about to start development on the next Dwarf quest. It took them a MONTH to get this up. Or a month and a half if you go back to when they told us they were scrapping the BTS.

  5. "Especially in the United States, there have been very little of such restrictions, and the disaster this has led to is pretty obvious."






    I suggest you research the current situation a bit more before making claims like the above quote.






    We are not, by any means, in our current situation because of "no restrictions on trades." Also, even to suggest that there are no restrictions on trades is ridiculous. Sherman Act, anyone? We are in this current situation because of greed....greed from both lenders and borrowers. People borrowing loans they couldn't possibly repay, and the banks allowing them. Banks then putting the funds into (extremely) risky investments, etc.




    I am not going to go deep into our current situation, as this is not the place for it. However, I urge you to not make claims based on water-cooler ideas.






    Uh, isn't that exactly what he's saying? banks/lenders doing things they shouldn't? lol

    Actually, at least with the Housing Industry, it was caused by doing what the LAW said they should. I.e. giving loans to people who shouldn't get loans and giving larger loans than people can afford.
  6. I'm kinda afraid things will change and we won't know. Like how he's saying a new skill will be released for both members and non-members. Seems to similar to how some mods told us Summoning would also be FTP.




    But it's good he has decided to stop this. Although we still await a Development Diary.




    On a similar note, what happened to last month's Postbag and Player's Gallery?

  7. well unlike stated earlier i find the elf lands very useful. Fastest place to pick flax, one of the best places for addy minning(7 addy rocks within 2 squares of eachother), place to make 350k/hour with whiteberies, best magic tree spot in the game... now only if the hunting creatures were any usefull :x
    I'd probably use it if it didn't always make me think wistfully about napalm.
  8. Again you say what they want. They are doing it the way they wanted, it just takes a little more time then they hoped. The quest numbers don't matter. What matters is they can get it done in the way they actually do want. Bugs will always be in the game, you can't change that. The quality of updates hasn't been degrading either. You've just been improving and you expect Jagex to keep up with you. Jagex has tons of new players try out runescape each day, and they try to keep up with the new players more. After all they are the majority and pull more money to Jagex.




    No, part of the way they wanted was to release these updates on time. They WANT to release bug free and inexploitable content but can't. You can't just look at part of what they want to accomplish in this game and say that they are thus doing what they wanted to do.




    Example: summoning was released, and had only moderate usefulness. The level 88 and 96 summons are arguably more useful/versatile. The higher-ups in the company are STILL saying that summoning isn't all that THEY wanted it to be. Look at all of the patch notes, you'll see "______ wasn't doing something quite the way we wanted it to, so it has been adjusted". This is what I am sick of. I don't have time to shell out 5 bucks a month to a company who keeps shelling out sub-par content that will need to be adjusted on a completely uncertain time frame. I play DnD online, WoW, and I used to play EQ1. None of these games had as many "unexpected flaws" as Runescape has. Just because the good/fixed content will EVENTUALLY COME doesn't mean that they are putting it out the way that they want to.

    Surely Jagex isn't dumb enough to think they can release content without bugs. Why is every update updated a little later? it's called beta testing usually. Other people are the first to test it out and weed out the bugs their QA team may have missed. A small team can't catch as many bugs as millions of people. When they update and say the update isn't working like they hope they don't mean they didn't finish it all. They mean it didn't take with the community as well as they hoped.
    Here's the thing. QA rarely weeds out even most bugs. In fact, players are QA because it seems as though every update is buggy enough to open a child scarring insect exhibit. Look at the things released over the past year or so that were immediately in need of fixing, and in such a way it was obvious to players on release:


    Vinesweeper, Stealing Creation, Summoning, the Great Orb Project, PvP worlds, the Grand Exchange, Duel Tournaments, and so on and so forth.


    Now look at the things still in need of some fixing:


    Summoning, the Great Orb Project, PvP worlds, the Grand Exchange, Duel Tournaments, and so and so forth.


    Admittedly, this list also includes balance issues, but you get my drift. Every recent release has had issues so that for every piece of content they fix this year, they're bound to create a piece that will need to be fixed later.

  9. It's a nice recognition of all the hard work that went into Tipit over the years. However, promising specific content to websites, *will* give Jagex leverage over those sites.


    Remember when Jagex wanted Tipit and other sites to hold back on posting the quest walkthrough for Mournings End II soon after its release? Now Jagex would actually have leverage over those websites by with-holding (or threaten to with-hold) content to those sites. It's something to keep in mind.

    Also, they're doing this with many fansites. So non-compliance means you fall behind them.
  10. Crai sum moar!




    Seriously, some of the newer players are spoilt. They expect an update every single week... I started playing Runescape at the time just before Slayer came out and even I don't complain.

    But they have promised four updates a month. In your time they did not. There is a difference.
  11. I don't think anyone goes to that Dwarf city; I forget what it's called.
    Keldagrim. I only go there for the blast furnace. More profit on mithril and a unorthodox, if not particularly good, method of training.




    The other definite city is Dorgesh-khan. It seems as though the most beautiful and unique cities are always the least useful.




    I think a lot has to do with the fact that both Keldagrim and Dorgesh-Khan don't have a teleport spell (Yes, Dorgesh has the orbs, but who has those in large numbers in his bank?). It makes both cities not very inviting to pop in for just a bit.

    Actually, if you do enough quests, neither is particularly hard to get to. Home teleport, go the Culimonancer's chest for a light source, through the tunnel, and you're in Dorgesh-khan. If you've done Another Slice of H.A.M., then a quick train ride is all it takes to get to Keldagrim and, by extension, the Fremminik Province. All for free.




    Though that isn't exactly a "quick" visit...

  12. I don't think anyone goes to that Dwarf city; I forget what it's called.
    Keldagrim. I only go there for the blast furnace. More profit on mithril and a unorthodox, if not particularly good, method of training.




    The other definite city is Dorgesh-khan. It seems as though the most beautiful and unique cities are always the least useful.

  13. I dunno, since it was found out that Zamorak sort of cheated his way into godhood, I don't have much respect for him anymore.




    That being said, I used to like Guthix until it turned out that the gods have some sort of priority over free will.

    I would like to think that some gods take exception to that rule. Armadyl left Runescape because of the loss of his Avianses, and I feel that Itchlarin, the Anubis knock off, prizes free will as well. Didn't he break the control the Devourer had over you?
  14. I made several mill when leaf-bladed swords came out, but actually those are a hell of a lot more useful than this granite mace considering the sword's stab bonus. People just wet themselves over new stuff even if it's a pair of trimmed bronze claws dropped by a goblin.
    Leaf-bladed swords also act as a one handed replace meant for Leaf-bladed spears and can give slayers more choice for required monsters.
  15. Addressing the question of whether Tip.it will change, I cannot help but remember an article several years ago that caused, Andrew I believe?, to threaten to sue this site if it was not removed. I believe it was "Biased Bannings Raise Brows."




    Now imagine that they actively monitor the forums as well.

  16. I don't see why there couldn't be another Zanik/Cave Goblin quest. Unless maybe I missed something definitative at the end of Chosen Commander.
    I agree. Chosen Commander wrapped up Bandos' and Sigmund's involvement, but there is still room to expand. Sure, Dorgesh-Khan has both human and dwarf merchants, but they've yet to begin sending anyone but diplomats to the surface. And Zanik has a lot of possibilities. Just because she's left the city doesn't mean that she couldn't be involved in other plots. Maybe she could attract the wrath of a prominent diety, say Saradomin, because of her lack of faith in any god.
  17. Honestly, Runescape's learning curve is very gentle. If it wasn't, the population wouldn't favor the pre-teen bracket so much.




    Everything's pretty automatic. Aside from guides, tutorials, and warnings, combat is almost sickeningly simple. Attack a monster then sit back and watch your character hack and slash, with no input. Sure, specs and spells mix things up a bit in P2P, but not much.

  18. This week presented a milestone for Runescape: the first completed quest arc, ever. Oh, sure you could point to the Summer quests or gesture at the Plague City line, but one was only two quests and the other has yet to show us its crowning jewel.




    This momentous occasion got me to thinking: which quest arc would I like finished next? And that in turn caused me to ask what quest arc does Tip.it want finished? And why do they want it finished?




    My choice is the Temple Knights series, followed closely by the Gnome arc. First, the rewards are phenomenal. Adamant armor with higher prayer bonus than monk's robes? Sign me up! I also really love the Lovecraftian feel to it. It's just so... creepy. Additionally, it's also looking pretty epic, what with the slug queen breaking lose. Also, it would, at least if you trust Juna and others, that the Temple Knights and White Knights are more than they appear. Maybe such an arc would reveal that. And, finally, I feel that the quests themselves are really well made.




    I've given mine, what's yours?




    Edit: Perhaps I should elaborate a bit more. To get a good discussion going, I'd also like you to tell WHY you choose that particular quest.

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