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Posts posted by Ravenkana

  1. Ravenkana: You seem so sure that they're lying, but can you prove it? It is a dangerous assumption to make. While we're talking lawsuits, have you ever heard of a little thing called libel? Making unfounded claims about anybody that have the potential to damage their reputation is treading in dangerous territory.


    Yes. Yes I can. Not with their inside information, or even a basic knowledge of programming, but with Philosophy.




    You see, by removing the ability to appeal, Jagex is implying that their macroing software is 100% correct and never catches an innocent. Philosophy tells us that all or nothing statements are almost always wrong. They imply that you are omniscient, which I'm sure Jagex's computers are not. If they are, us fleshy humans would have been long gone by now. In other words, EVERYTHING MUST HAVE SOME MARGIN FOR ERROR. Even if it's .01%. That's what Civ 4 does- even if I attack a half dead spearman with a Panzer tank, he still has that margin of error to survive.

  2. Change the title to slayer pwns k just because you stink at killing things doesnt mean a skill is bad if there was no slayer where would the whips... the d bows.... the d boots ect come from
    OR those same items could come from the same monsters minus the entire slayer skill.




    Also, tell me slayer gives me a variety of monsters to train on after me third or fourth Kalphite task. In a row. Although that shouldn't happen anymore.




    Gah, this has got to be the longest thread currently on a front page in this forum.

  3. I'd like to mention what others have mentioned: this is propaganda, pure and simple.




    lol. I can see your point. At least they were nice enough to warn everyone what will happen if they continue cheating, or have a thought about trying it. It's just a deterent. It's a game, and even in the game there are rules that need to be followed. As far as breaking American and British laws... a big ROFL. This is their game. Period. They are technically allowed to do anything they want, you agree to the terms and agreements. Unless they are breaking laws concerning your privacy or getting into your computer... good fight. :)

    But they're based in Britain. Furthermore, there are such things as international laws.




    They can ban you and delete your account without any warning, and there is nothing you can do, that's just part of the terms and conditions. I don't blame them for it. Runescape was not meant to be played out in the courtroom.




    It doesn't matter about international laws in this case, it's based in Britain, and the terms and conditions simply state, that they ultimately own the account and can do whatever they want with it, that's what you agreed to. Simple.

    This may be true.




    But what if I rented a storage room, signed the agreement for six months storage and abided by everything in the contract. Then, suddenly, one day they toss all my stuff out without warning. When questioned, the owner tells me he suspected that I had breached the contract while under my own free will.




    Now take this to court and see how the judge rules.




    Just because you sign a contract, it doesn't mean they have all power. If they don't follow it, or if the contract itself has illegal clauses, it could mean the whole thing is null and void.




    I'd like to mention what others have mentioned: this is propaganda, pure and simple.




    lol. I can see your point. At least they were nice enough to warn everyone what will happen if they continue cheating, or have a thought about trying it. It's just a deterent. It's a game, and even in the game there are rules that need to be followed. As far as breaking American and British laws... a big ROFL. This is their game. Period. They are technically allowed to do anything they want, you agree to the terms and agreements. Unless they are breaking laws concerning your privacy or getting into your computer... good fight. :)

    But they're based in Britain. Furthermore, there are such things as international laws.




    Mmmmhmmm so they are. But what exactly are they doing that may be considered illegal. Propaganda? Saying they can do one thing and they really can't? Maybe they can or maybe they can't. If that were the case I would sue every weight loss program commerical, and heck even the president. I am sure things are said every day that we all know is bullstuffings... but I doubt it could be grounds for legal actions or rewards. You could just quit? :)




    Meh it's just a scare tatic. If you are doing things right, then I wouldn't worry about anything.

    But in a world where McDonald's can be sued for serving hot coffee and patients are more than willing to bite the hand that heals them, then you'd think Jagex would be a little more careful with what they say, hmm?




    Furthermore, weight loss commercials simply offer testimonies and what you CAN do on the plan. And I believe that everything that Politicians say prior to election is just what they WANT to do.




    Anyhoo, they're not above the law either. Does Nixon ring a bell?

  4. I'd like to mention what others have mentioned: this is propaganda, pure and simple.




    lol. I can see your point. At least they were nice enough to warn everyone what will happen if they continue cheating, or have a thought about trying it. It's just a deterent. It's a game, and even in the game there are rules that need to be followed. As far as breaking American and British laws... a big ROFL. This is their game. Period. They are technically allowed to do anything they want, you agree to the terms and agreements. Unless they are breaking laws concerning your privacy or getting into your computer... good fight. :)

    But they're based in Britain. Furthermore, there are such things as international laws.
  5. A tail of two cats=A tale of two cities...




    Tail of the Muspah- both use tail and tale. I like the title here because you get the muspah tail for the child after listening to the tale of the muspah




    Actualy the "A tail of two cats" = a tale of to cats. Not cities. Pretty much self-explanatory IMO.




    "A Tail of Two Cats" is a play on the title of the novel A Tale of Two Cities by Charles [bleep]ens.


    i can't think of any relation though, and i think i would know meaning last semester i recorded over 125 homework hours on just that book.


    It's just wordplay, like how Great Brain Robbery has nothing to do with Michael Crichton's Great Train Robbery or any other large theft involving trains

    But why not do a Tale of Two Kitties than? That rhymes, Cat doesn't.
  6. I'd like to mention what others have mentioned: this is propaganda, pure and simple.




    Obviously, they're lying, and aside from being immoral, it is, more importantly, unprofessional. If this game catered to an older audience and had more coverage from the gaming community, there would be some pretty hefty repercussions.




    In fact, is it legal by either American or British law to lie to your customers?

  7. This does look like good news but I have to agree that it is bad that they can't appeal but then again it is true what MMH said in Unknwnwrrior's post.







    If somebody is *genuinely* and *absolutely* certain that there has been a mistake, they will find a number of ways to contact us are still available.








    ~ MMH ~


    Anyone that have put alot of time on their account and knows that Jagex made a misstake would most likely never rest until they get their account back. I know I would do everything I could to get my account back if I was wrongfully banned.


    Macroers would never take the time to get their account back as they are too lazy to even play the game. So giving them a chance to appeal would just be too easy for their lazy [wagon] to waste Jagex staff time once again. Instead, as someone else suggested earlier in this thread, make the appeal system harder or more time consuming for the user. Make it so you can't just Copy-Paste and click Appeal.




    A guilty man will give up after some time, an innocent man will go though hell to prove his innocence. Of course, it's different from human to human.

    But how much information on their site do they have? Email address? Telephone Number? Mailing address?




    Sure, they could make a new account, get either the exp or pay to become members to access the forums and plead their case, but it is just a game.




    Older players, after a while, will just give up, realizing that if a company will ban them without any proof or chance to appeal, they shouldn't be giving them time or money in the first place.

  8. Once more get pumped into circulation from farmers they might be useful. Fletching potions use a stackable secondary ingredient and the potion gives 132 XP. Fletching potions are the only potions in the game with a stackable secondary. This could save some banking and extra clicks.




    Oh, and wimpy feathers are easy as pie to get, they just take a bit more effort than normal birds but still easy enough to get several hundred feathers in decent time.




    I'd also like to point out I'm not counting herb tar as potions with stackable secondaries. Yes, the swamp tar stacks but you do use 15 of it for 1 herb and get 72.5 XP max.

    But fletching potions themselves will be useless, or close enough. So, it follows that it'll probably be fast way to train but expensive due to the lack of demand for fletching prowess.
  9. I just wanted to reply to something you said Raven. Off topic, but the thread has 24 pages anyway so what does it really matter?




    Bigfoot and Nessie(were they real) would have to be highly intelligent to have evaded capture, or even decent recording, for so long. Elvis, was one of the most popular, and still one of the most universally recognized musical icons in history. He was so damn good at what he did that they let his [wagon] keep doing it after he inflated like a damn weather balloon.




    As far as homer Simpson, I take it you never saw the episode where he had the crayon removed from his nose and turned out to be some sort of super genius? Either way the sheer fact that he's still alive and kicking after the years of misadventures he's been through kinda lends a bit to his ingenuity.




    That being said, Jagex's QA and customer support have always been sub par. I'm hoping that will change in the future, but to be honest I wouldn't really put my chips on it.




    Finally, if what someone said about changing ID's to combat autoers is true, then it may be possible that they can't make an announcement until they're done sorting out that issue.

    The comment about Nessie, Big Foot, and Elvis was not implying they were stupid, but very hard to find, maybe even non existent. And, well, you are right about Homer Simpson having to be either ingenious or extraordinarily lucky to have survived over the years.
  10. I have mixed feelings about this update.




    First, I find that, for the most part, the tweaks to running are very, very, VERY, good. Though it appears I burn through it slightly faster, the rate at which I now regain energy more than compensates. The only exception is the rest function which, from preliminary reports, appears to be less efficient then just walking whilst waiting with the exception of high level agility quests and for healing damage in hard to reach places.




    Next we have the icon changes. Good but unnecessary with one exception- the summoning icon on the minimap. Before it looked pretty cool, like the silhouette of a wolf's head. Now, it looks like the actual head of a wolf, ripped off and placed in my interface as a warning from the Penguin Mafia.




    Third, Seaweed nets. I... dunno. Could be useful for a niche market. I'm neutral about this one.




    Fourth, the new herb. Quite frankly, I have no idea what Jagex was thinking. A fletching potion is probably one of the most useless items in the game, with maybe the exception for a couple of quests. The crafting potion gets the same result. Plus, why the new herb? Why not just use an existing herb? And finally, why not release a USEFUL potion?




    Last, I shall comment on the non repeating slayer tasks:








    Now that that's out the way, I must comment on the bugs. First, the initial glitch is so obvious it makes me doubt the existence of Jagex's QA team. Or, if it does exist, it's comprised of Big Foot, Nessie, Elvis, and spearheaded by Homer J. Simpson. None of which are renowned for the quality or quantity of their work.




    Secondly, the ensuing chaos after the "fix" was handled abysmally. They didn't shut down the servers immediately, or at all, which would have sniped this problem between the eyes from three hundred meters before it even began, they didn't do a rollback and it appears there shall be no bannings or even warnings handed out. And, the cherry on this dung cake, they have yet to even mention the situation on the front page! On the forums, it appears they're keeping pretty tight lipped or unsure of their next course of action.




    But, really, what should I have expected? Jagex's QA has always been awful, and this seems like the Year of the Bug as far as they're concerned.

  11. Update the exp points for certain skills, currently we all train using the "fastest and cheapest" method which means that lots of areas of a skill are neglected - currently skills are innovative and offer a variety of ways to level but the other ways to level are ignored becuase it's not good exp, especially in skills like hunter, chinchompa's are boring, but the skill is so rich that its a pity people don't lvl using other ways




    unlocking more with skills as your level goes higher, this doesn't have to always mean new things to make, but maybe giving more experience bonus's as well if you are higher level in a skill




    Expanding some skills that have been neglected, such as smithing, or firemaking and making these useful again.




    STOP making it easier to gain level 99 in a skill, instead focus on making each skill richer and more rewarding, especially the original older skills which haven't been updated in forever




    Make skills earn gp instead of losing gp, even if that means bringing in more NPC's that buy skiller produced items at good prices




    Contradiction much?

    I believe he's asking Jagex to update skills so people will use more methods of training instead of just the fastest. Such as granite mining or chinchompas.
  12. Does anybody have a screenshot of Jagex saying price manipulation is against the rules? It'd be helpful in this thread.
    Not really. Unless it's said by Andrew, MMG, or someone else high in the company or on the official rules page, then it's not official. Remember those two Jagex Mods who told a large group that Summoning would be Free to Play? Or the whole Swiftkit debacle?
  13. just giving my opinion bud, no need to bust out the rolly eyes and dictionary.com definitions.




    still waiting for the rule that says people can't buy and sell items through the grand exchange.

    That... is a brilliant argument! After all, all these clans are doing is buying and selling items. They're not going over the limits set by Jagex, they're just using the GE. They're not lying about the prices as the GE sets prices. They're not scamming or being deceitful, they're just using the GE. If there's anything wrong here, it's with the cumbersome device Jagex refuses to repair, not the players.
  14. Gotta get my .02 in




    i don't get the hate for merchanting guilds. they give you an opportunity to sell your stuff at ridiculously high prices if you can get in when the time is right. ie: i had about 50 crystal keys hanging around in my bank and sold them at triple their value last week. And I've gotten 30k free crafting exp a day from people who have too many dragonstones. the only people who lose are the bandwagon jumpers who buy too late and sell way too late.




    haven't read the entire 15page thread and I'm sure this has been mentioned many times; but these guys are doing nothing wrong. The words 'abuse' 'manipulate' etc. are being thrown around and I don't think they're fair. Merch guilds are playing WELL within the rules and I take no moral issue with what they do. It's alot more legit than stuff that used to go on with merchanting before the G.E.




    There has always been what I view to be an irrational hate on for merchants. Whether it's born from jealousy, bad experiences or whatever, I don't know... but it's silly. The whole thing is silly.






    You really should read the thread as you don't seem to understand the harm they cause, or that it's clearly not well within the rules as jagex has begun taking action against it.




    Also, a Mod is NOT allowed to express opinions which are contradictory to the rules of Runescape. That being said, I reiterate that it was indeed, just a joke.

    But it's not against the official rules. Sure, Jagex frowns upon it, but they frown upon a lot of things- 26k pking, not being paranoid and thinking every other player is a fifty something child molester, not giving them money, speaking out against them. Unless it's in the official rules it is still legal, even if the mods say it isn't cause mods say a lot of things that aren't always true.




    Secondly, when the clans are complaining within their own clan chats, Jagex begins locking those down. Now, censorship in the Western world rarely works. Didn't work on the American colonies, didn't work for King Louis the XIV, and didn't work for the Catholic church. The dissenters will simply go someplace were the authorities are not present, in this case a forum on another site, and the act of censorship becomes just one more log on the fire of rage.




    When did Jagex start shutting down clan chats?




    Jagex locked a few well known price manipulator's accounts due to them being stolen or them account sharing(or so thats the reason Jagex gave). The cc's weren't locked they were set to ranks only can talk.


    Really? Huh, don't know much about clan chats, and from the way people were talking I assumed the chats had been locked. My mistake, sorry!

  15. Regardless of whether or not Jagex interfered, this whole situation has been handled poorly, as usual.




    First, we have a wisecracking, downright rude mod mocking the merchants, never actually giving a straight answer. In any real world business, such behavior would probably result in the employee being fired.




    Secondly, when the clans are complaining within their own clan chats, Jagex begins locking those down. Now, censorship in the Western world rarely works. Didn't work on the American colonies, didn't work for King Louis the XIV, and didn't work for the Catholic church. The dissenters will simply go someplace were the authorities are not present, in this case a forum on another site, and the act of censorship becomes just one more log on the fire of rage.




    The repercussions for these actions will probably be a lot of disgruntled merchants. Though you may say that they make up a minority, some of these clans are quite large and have a vast array of levels and experience amongst the players involved. Furthermore, many of these merchants are members. What does this mean for Jagex? If pushed hard enough, some of those merchants might quit. Many others will harbor anti-Jagex sentiments for the rest of their career.




    In short, this poorly handled debacle will probably have long reaching, negative consequences for Jagex, regardless of how much you enjoy Mod Mat K's infantile antics.

  16. I'm sure Jagex would take weeks to figure out whether someone is price manipulating or not with long logs of their ge transactions. They arn't going to go on one sale or purchase and ban someone right there. I'm pretty sure they'd treat this like macroing and do a heavy search into the person's account for a month or so back.
    Right, riiiight... just like they did with RWT.




    Of course they won't do that- they're customer service team is too small in proportion to the number of players to do that. How many times have players been wrongfully punished, without proof, sent in an appeal and gotten it back five minutes later telling them they were in full control of the account at the time and Jagex had conclusive proof, which they never showed, that they committed the crime. Face it, that rout would have too many casualties, probably more even then the War Against RWT.

  17. To raven:So your saying if there is a flaw or bug in the game that you should abuse it because there is profit? Last I checked people get banned for doing that. Althought price manipulation may not be against the rules in game yet it is on the forums which tells you something.
    People get banned for bugs and glitches, not flaws. Particularly not when the flaw is well known to both players and Jagex, has been around for a year and a half without being fixed, and is not, in itself, against the rules.
  18. I haven't read the RSOF thread which created this thread, but if Mod Mat K is truly "messing" with the clans like you say he is, then he needs to grow up. That behavior is unprofessional and, in the context, downright rude.




    Furthermore, I find nothing wrong with what the clans are doing. It's not a bug or glitch they're using, but a flaw that Jagex has done little to fix in almost a year and six months. And why shouldn't they manipulate the market? They profit, don't they? It's not, technically, against the rules, is it? For other players they'll never meet? In a competitive environment, what they're doing is just good gaming.




    I feel you guys who are praising Mod Mat K and bashing merchanting clans are just like the players who whine about getting Zerg Rushed or, in the context of this game, specced by D claws. You blame the gamers who use that tactic when it is in fact the company's fault for enabling those tactics.




    Oh, and applauding Jagex for possibly changing the market is not good. It just encourages them to do it again. And like an ever tightening noose, no one will try to stop it until it is too late.


    Edit: I got in trouble for this years ago (by the JMod himself) by screenshotting what Mods said/say to me and posting it, I don't see why all of a sudden "MMG" is allowed to even broadcast these things which could be true or rumours.

    Ya, I'm with you here. Didn't he get admonished for doing this before?




    Furthermore, porting Runescape to consoles would probably not benefit Jagex in any way. Even if it's a totally different game, only existing players would be interested.

  20. I was killing Greater Demons and found they drop thread at least once per trip...they have a secret sewing club.


    They, at one time were graphically just a much smaller lesser demon, which was a smaller greater demon. So one could speculate that they are from the same species and this have an obsession with collecting nick-knacks.

    Or greater demons are greater due to their age, the demonic equivalent of little ole grannies.
  21. Come one, come all, to the perennial forum favorite: Strange Happenings of the Scapeland!




    Post bizarre, nonsensical monster drops! Wonder at impossible topographical features! Tremble in horror at insane npc behavior!




    Post your stories and musings here!




    Recently, I was slaying Dagannoths. Whilst there, I noticed that they would occasionally drop tinderboxes. This struck me as odd; what sort of adventurer carries a tinderbox into a dangerous lair with him? And, furthermore, why are the Dagannoths holding on to them? Are they learning to make fire? Have we unwittingly advanced their evolution by millions of years?!?




    Another thing that strikes me as odd is the desert. There are no mountains to create the weather conditions, and several rivers run through! Additionally, wells seem to be semi-common suggesting large underground resevoirs. Finally, the Pharoah Queen from the most recent quest mentions it used to be far more lush. What happened? Also, areas surrounding various mountain ranges are NEVER desert. What's up with that?

  22. This here's a rant about recent quests. No, not about the number of them, but about the difficulty and length of them: it leaves me hungry, nay ravenous!, for more.




    Tale of the Muspah, Search for Red Raktober, Missing my Mummy, even to a certain extent The Chosen Commander were all far to easy. All but Commander were too short, over before I barely began- most of the length came from walking from place to place.




    Furthermore, the rewards were all very light. True, several were low level quests, but Chosen Commander was not meant to be. The only reward of any merit so far has been Zanik's Crossbow and those new fish hats simply for the amusement factor.




    All I really want is a challenging, long, in depth quest. I'm tired of having to chow down on Nooblets.

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