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  1. Autoers must be stupid to just sell willows to the store when its already banked.
  2. Alright Ill try it out. Thoise willows near that lake is far from the general store, I wonder why people cut there :shock:
  3. I'm in Rimmington cutting up the willows there. There is no one there and I'm aiming for my wc level, fming level isnt really needed. Should I cut the logs and burn them or should I cut them and sell to the general store? Btw: I'm wondering where the Lumbridge general store gets all the willows?
  4. My bunny ears :) except I didnt get the scythe :(
  5. Lol taht was funny. "Some people are noobs at life" So ironic :lol:
  6. Yea level to hp, I think its experiments 4.04, then rock crabs 3.85
  7. I dont think so because the person had on accept aid. Yea and what that guy said ^
  8. I read somewhere in this topic that it ahs been tested and only 399 will show up no matter how many others there are.
  9. I got none, dropped them everytime because they are wasting my limiting my f2p space :(
  10. K thanks but for now what is the best hat to wear? And where can I get it?
  11. K thanks, I already got the vambracees thats why. What is a decent level to get it up to?
  12. Well my stats are on the hi-score and ranging is level 42. I plan on becoming p2p in the furture and maybe a pker if I get bored. So should I start training range? I could get arrows in the SoS. Btw: How much are the green dhide set except for vambraces. Also the best f2p bows are in the ranging shop right?
  13. Yea experiments 2 and 3 got 4.04 ratio and rock crabs got 3.85.
  14. Heres something to add on to the monster part: Highest Monster Level:HP ratio. Dunno what it is since Im not member.
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