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  1. Dimensions:(WidthxHeightxFilesize) The MAX Render:(link to the planet renders page) http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-8529 Text: Sharingon1 Sub-Text: Font:(link to the dafont page) Your choice...as I can't choose the perfect font Other info: None
  2. Thanks man for the siggy. Its l33t :D
  3. F2p should get some updates once in a while, probobly like 3 times a year. I don't think they should get too many updates. SO ENJOY THE UPDATES YOU DO GET. F2p is the FULL GAME, but p2p is what we call "expansion pack". F2p is not a demo because demo only have a certain small area. Why do we have the feature of the wilderness? Demo probobly won't have that feature. Trails are timed demo.
  4. Magic is never weak, they are call "support characters". In p2p pking below the 20 wilderness level, the wizards used teleport block so that guy can't block. The warriors attack the pker and got the loot BECAUSE of the teleport block. I say that the triangle is unbalanced. The wizards is stronger against their melee armour, but the max of the fire blast is 16 (rumours say 18 with prayers). Magic is underpowered in F2p but not in members.
  5. I would like Premade #2. Text:Sharingon1 Thats about it
  6. Player Moderator have a common thing about us. They are humans. Jagex choose their Player Mods well. They are angry for several reason. Probobly because a noob tick him off. Jagex is wanting trustworthy of using the Mod's power, but yet to acquire these it to behave correctly. They do behave correctly, but the players making their jobs worse. They are humans too, they can be angry anytime. If somebody needs help and ask a PMODs. Yet the Mod doesn't answer. Go ask somebody else, they are just busy or doesn't want to talk.
  7. There is nonthing wrong of RC pking. People complains about it. If the abyssal was made in the wilderness. You can pk those RCers. Wildernes = Free for all/No Rules People complains..it their opinion. Everybody complains, yet it doesn't effect anybody. It's their problem and not the pkers.
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