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Posts posted by foofoomagoo

  1. -F2P Skill Capes- Been suggested but i support


    -F2P More Bank Space - not very likely to happen because alot of people get member for more bank space.


    -Bones Show Level Of Player When They Died (collection of lvl 3 bones Thumbs Up )- pointless


    -Wild Made Bigger- id say its already big enough


    -A New World Created, or A New Continent- never happen


    -Ability To Cut A Tree With A Sword (a sword is sharp to you know) - Who cares to be honest


    -GGGUUUNNNSSS- do not suggest and i would ruin the feel of the game


    -Mages Made Weaker - melee is already the strongest so pointless


    -Melee Made Stronger - see above


    -More Cuttable Trees In Wild - pointless


    -More Mines- would be good but would lower price of ores


    -Members Able To Create Their Own Shops- been suggested wont happen


    -A "Shop World" In Which All Those Shops Are Located- see above


    -Instrument Mini-Games In Game (you can buy say a flute and play in public, but in order for it to sound good you need to click a certain color at the right time or something, think how cool it'd be to see a band playing in Varrock square!)- I do not see how this would be cool or fun in anyway

  2. I think they deserve an area to put their random event clothes, but not nececarily a new row of bank space. As for the argument over why some people dont get members. Alot of the time is that they do not want to get sucked into the bigger expansion of the game or have it become a bigger part of thier lives.

  3. 1. Wheres you favorite place to craft armor?




    Draynor Bank


    2. Wheres your favorite place to mine coal or any ore higher?




    Coal Trucks


    3. Wheres your favorite place to train?






    4.What do you train on there?






    5. Whats your favorite Regular monster?






    6. Whats your favorite Slayer monster?


    Harpie Bug swarms




    7. Who's your favorite slayer master?






    8. Wheres your favorite place to firemake?






    9. Wheres your favorite place to farm?






    10. Do you love to pk? Do you like to pk? OR do you hate pking?




    I hate pking


    11. Where in the wilderness do you like pking?




    lvl 1 wildy by scorpions


    12. If your running away from someone trying to kill you, where do you run to?


    the green dragons




    13. Whats your favorite emote of a cape of achievement?






    14. Whats your favorite kind of magic? regular, Ancients, lunar, or none?






    15. Do you range with bow & arrow, knives, or darts?




    Bow and arrow or darts


    16. Whats your favorite kind of quest? Easy, Medium, Hard, or Very hard?






    17. Do you PC for your combat skills?






    18. Whats your favorite potion? (can be ANY potion)




    Super energy


    19. Wheres your favorite place to fish?




    Shilo Village


    20. Finally, how do you raise prayer? Pc, Gilded Altar, Ecto, or just burying bones? Burying bones

  4. 1. Whats your favorite agility course? Brimhaven




    2. Whats your favorite Combat skill? Range




    3. Whats your favorite NON combat skill? Woodcutting or Farming




    4. Wheres your favorite place to fight? Your or your friends house, dueling arena, c wars, or fight pits? Castle wars




    5. Wheres your favorite palce to cut yews? Gnome Stronghold




    6. Favorite place to cut willows? Barbarian Assault




    7. Favorite place to cut magics? Gnome stronghold




    8.Do you farm a lot? Yes everyday




    9.How many pures do you own? What type? 1 a skiller pure




    10.What monsters do you fight for clue scrolls? hell hounds, guards, men




    11. What do you like to do with your friends? (mini games/fighting etc) Skilling or Castle Wars




    12. How do you craft? (jewelry crafting armor etc) Bowstrings




    13. Favorite place to mage? Castle Wars




    14. Do you like graphical updates better or quest updates? Quest




    15. What new skill would you want to have? um Engineering




    16. Where do you usually make friends? (games fighting monsters etc) Skilling usually woodcutting or farming




    17.Do you have to look at a guide for an easy quest? nope




    18. If you could have any Combat skill at 99, what would it be? Range




    19. If you could have any NON combat skill at 99. what would it be? Farming




    20. Do YOU own a quest cape? NO




    21. Do you own a fire cape?NO

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