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Posts posted by foofoomagoo

  1. Pked in a clan []


    Gotten owned in wildy losing more than 1m [X]


    Had your friends list maxed out [X]


    Known over 5 player mods [X]


    Known a 1st page player [X]


    Lent out an expensive item, and got it back [X]


    Borrowed and expensive item, and gave it back [X]


    Gone to a drop party with over 50m in drops [X]


    Donated to a drop party with over 50m in drops [X]


    Hosted a drop aprty with over 50m in drops []


    Attended a TET event []


    Hyted someone []


    Been hyted []


    Helped a friend/Stranger do a quest [X]


    Been helped through a quest [X]


    trained together with a good mate [X]


    Left your training spot to go train with a mate [X]


    Given away stuff to a friend that needed it [X]


    Been given stuff when you needed it []


    Helped out a new player learn about the game [X]


    Sacrificed yourself in wildy for a friend [X]


    Stood up for a friend against an agressive player (verbally) [X]


    Made friends with tipiters in game []


    killed a boss monster with friends []




    Not bad i guess

  2. Requirements for the Fishing Guild:




    20+ combat




    500+ total




    70+ fishing




    50+ cooking








    Think that should stop autoers... they dont usually cook =)








    The combat requirement would destroy skillers, and some people dont like to cook and just like to fish.

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