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Posts posted by Jard_Y_Dooku

  1. I can understand the effort they are trying to make, but I don't approve of lying to the public to get what you want, even if it's for your and/or their own good. What good does dishonesty bring?




    A real world example: the American NSA would LOVE to have you think they can break through the toughest encryption available in a short amount of time... like in Dan Brown's book, the NSA had a computer called TRANSLTR with 3 million processors which could break a 10,000 bit key in under an hour. In reality, even if they DID have a computer of that power, it would take them up to 3 x 10^9733 years to brute force an 8096-bit RSA encryption key. But they are happy with most people not knowing that.

  2. We have reviewed all the macro programs available, and there are none we cannot detect.
















    Apologies, but the spam was required. From a software engineering standpoint, that is more false than saying Apple makes the best computers in the universe.




    First of all, it is impossible to review every macro program "available". This cannot include custom programs not distributed publicly. If I were to write a macro program RIGHT NOW, the first part of Jagex's statement is proven false. Secondly, it is impossible to distinguish a macro program from a human with high efficiency, in this context. It is very easy to program a macro that could just about flawlessly mimic a human player; most authors are simply script kiddies and novice programmers, not even remotely experienced programmers, from what I have seen. The RuneScape cheating world is for the most part, filled with idiots. If you visit any RuneScape cheating website, you'll see questions like "how do i make ints?" and "whats a server?".




    The only reason Jagex is able to catch a lot (and I'm using "a lot" here, not "all", because I don't believe in propaganda) of bots and macros is because they are poorly written and do not accurately mimic humans. You must consider mouse movement, clicking accuracy, clicking frequency, "mistakes", among other techniques. Many programs simply go: wait 0.5 seconds, click, wait 0.5 seconds, click... yes Jagex, you are so very intelligent for being able to detect that!




    Their claims on today's news post are complete nonsense. While I don't advocate cheating or macroing, I also strongly disapprove of propaganda and misleading information. And the prospect of not even allowing macroers an appeal is disgusting. Looking at Jagex's incredible incompetency in the past, add to that their poor design skills in many areas, I find it extremely hard to believe they are capable of banning the right people with high enough accuracy to deny any sort of appeal.

  3. Ok, hopefully someone will respond with that information by morning. I've just taken my computer over to the table and popped it open - as I suspected, the power supply is actually 250W according to the label and a large "250W" written in marker on the side by I-think-I-know-who... not 170. That did seem a bit low and I was almost certain the manual for my variant of the GX270 stated it came with a 250W PSU, so I suppose I was right.




    I also got a chance to tighten the previously loose screws when I put it back in. :P A bit annoying having it slide back whenever I plugged in the power cable. Hmm. About time I get some sleep now.




    *goes to have nightmares about an 8-bit color universe*

  4. 'Ello. Last night my graphics card blew another capacitor. VERY LOUD! Through the past few months it's blown a few, and I never thought it was the graphics card, I always thought it was something snapping inside my two 25 kg CRT monitors or however heavy they are... But tonight I saw the busted capacitors and realized the real truth. Here's where it gets peculiar. Last night when the capacitor blew, nothing happened to the computer, it seemed to run fine.




    Today I unplugged everything from my tower and left for a few hours, because I intended to swap out a hard drive when I returned. When I got back I took the unplugged tower onto the table and swapped out the HD. (By the way, I put my computer in hibernate before I'd unplugged it, NOT shut down)




    When I booted the PC back up, weird stuff started happening. The screen was discolored, had redrawing problems, it would freeze every now and then, which Ctrl+Alt+Delete SOMETIMES fixed temporarily. I uninstalled and reinstalled two different driver versions for my graphics card drivers, to no avail. (this was before I realized the capacitors were blown). I believe 4 out of 6 were dead. I took the graphics card out some time afterward and noticed. Strangely the card worked fine in safe mode (where it was using the default drivers I assume, not the ones that on the CD that came with the card, or the updates ones from nVidia's website. It's a GeForce 6200, by the way).




    I guess capacitors blowing make the card malfunction quite badly, but not die entirely? I'm from software land, not hardware world. =/ It went in the trash, and I'm now typing this message with a screen resolution of 1024x768 with 8 bit color. Onboard video is great.




    So, a few questions:




    1) It's VERY coincidental the card seemed to "break" only after I swapped one of the hard drives. Maybe I'm just too paranoid. Neither drive's data seems corrupted, and my computer is working "fine" with onboard video. Any explanation?




    2) Did putting my computer into hibernate as opposed to shutting it down before the HD swap or graphics card failure have any hand in all this? Doing memory dumps and then changing hardware around don't exactly sound good, but again the data on all 3 drives seems fine to me. Plus, whether I had drive A + B, A, or C in there, the computer still malfunctioned so the graphics card is the obvious culprit. Well... except C since FreeDOS is on it. ;)




    3) I heard running a card with blown capacitors can burn out your PCI slot. I think it's fine but should I be worried? I've heard pops for at least a couple months now (always thought it was the monitors, not the GPU capacitors), but it worked fine until today so the slot is probably OK?




    Clearly, I need to buy a new card. What would you recommend I get? (PS - just nVidia, no Radeon) Apparently 'too good' of a card can damage components if your PSU isn't good enough? Again, I come from software land. :P I want the best card I can get that will work with my computer and not blow up things. Don't worry about the price for now, just give me a few suggestions on what are the best that'd work with what I have.




    My computer is a modified Dell Optiplex GX270:


    Pentium 4, 2.8 GHz processor


    2.5 GB ram


    170 250 Watt power supply unit


    2 Dell M993s monitors, if that matters - http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/m ... ifications




    More info on this topic when I posted earlier about buying a new graphics card: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=787618&p=6532609




    Thank you.

  5. This will be extremely interesting; I'm quite excited to see what they do for their C# version of RuneScape... ironically, my favorite language. Unfortunately this means Jagex will beat me to making the first large C# MMO. Ah well.




    A Java to C# compiler... very interesting... *goes off murmuring*

  6. Magicplayak had this to add:


    For those having problems (either moving too far or too short). You may need to change your GHz.




    Go to your desktop.




    Right click > Properties > Settings > Advanced > Monitor.




    Change your Screen refresh rate to something else. All I know if that if your is 60Ghz, change it to 75. I am not sure with those with higher.




    If you are still having a problem, where it goes to examine on the second click:




    Go to Start > Control Panel > Mouse (under Printers & Hardware cateory) > Pointer Options




    Check off the 'Enchace pointer precision' option. It will feel very strange at first, but you'll get use to it.




    Hope this helps.




    First of all, you don't "change your Ghz!". Although it sounds extremely entertaining, it's incorrect. The proper way to phrase this would be "change your monitor's refresh rate", where refresh rate is the number of times per second your display hardware (monitor) displays the data sent to it.




    Also, if your refresh rate is 60 GHz... you have a SERIOUS BUSINESS MONITOR FROM THE FUTURE. There's no monitor in the world that refreshes 64,424,509,440 times per second, sorry. By the time we have the technical knowledge to make that physically possible, monitors will be obsolete and more ancient than the Egyptian pyramids. What you meant to say was 60 Hz (Hertz), not 60 GHz (gigahertz).

  7. There are three versions of the 'ghostly' version of the Corporeal beast, and I also suspect that the Tormented demons you fight when you get that 255 stat boost are not the same as the ones you fight after the quest(You don't need a darklight, and I've found two different versions in the cache).


    Both Tormented Demons have exactly the same stats. Also, the only scannable and fightable Beast is the Corporeal beast itself.

  8. Thursday, June 04, 2009 (thanks to Sumondskull6!)


    1. Confirmed Goblin Champion (level-24)
    2. Added Mercenary axeman (level-88)
    3. Added Ghoul Champion (level-85)
    4. Added Guardian of Armadyl (level-57)
    5. Added Shady stranger (level-50)
    6. Added Mercenary mage (level-48)
    7. Renamed Hobgoblin (level-54) to Hobgoblin (POH) (level-54)
    8. Renamed Kolodion (level-112) to Kolodion (5th form) (level-112)
    9. Renamed Tok-Xil (level-135) to Tok-Xil (POH) (level-135)
    10. Renamed Dagannoth (level-135) to Dagannoth (POH) (level-135)
    11. Renamed-all Spiritual warrior/ranger/mage (level-###) to Spiritual warrior/ranger/mage (GOD) (level-###)
    12. Removed Drunken dwarf from the unscannables list - could never TRULY be fought and thus didn't belong there


    A most delectable update. The Mercenary mage, Mercenary axeman and Guardian of Armadyl are from While Guthix Sleeps. I failed to obtain those particular scans last year, but here they are now. I added the Shady stranger (level 50) from Draynor... this one may be new or may have been missed. The ones I had before were Shady stranger (level 30) and Suspicious outsider (level 50). Also, the various renames were made not only for clarity and consistency but for technical reasons related to the upcoming Section 5... which in itself may become something even bigger at a later date. I've also got another idea for the guide, called codename CAT (this is actually a note to myself so I don't actually forget what it is).


    Well... now there is only ONE SINGLE SCAN to go until my guide is 100% completed. This evasive monster, whom I never expected to be the last in... is the Imp Champion. I'd thought about this a lot; I always thought it would be Leon d'Cour or Viyeldi. The guide is quite literally over 99.9% complete. I'm very glad we are so close.


    PS - The three guards from WGS I posted about earlier turned out to be the level 95 Elite Khazard guards as I expected. The "Skeleton" from the cutscene was an Undead hero (level-92) with 70 HP. This is only a cutscene monster and has no place in the guide though as it can't be fought or accessed in any way. Just thought I'd mention it since I did earlier.

  9. Technically, YouTube could still face a Lawsuit even if the disclaimer is there.


    Say a music distributer didnt want any music they have rights on leaking to the internet (Because there are some programs that take YouTube sounds, turn them into standard mp3s and shove it on limewire) Anyway, this music distributer can actually force YouTube to remove the video, not just mute it, as it breaches all sorts of laws. The only way around it I think is if the video you posted is hosted on an American Server, where it is protected by the constitution somewhat.




    Umm... hardly. The Americans are very concerned with copyright, being capitalist and all. It would actually be 'safer' in Russia or somewhere else... did you know you can easily find Microsoft Office 2007 brand new in Russia for around 3 US dollars?

  10. I just visited ALR to verify this, and it's true. I killed around 20 leeches, and it seems they give 4.1 XP per hit rather than 1 like they did before. The Abyssal demons, walkers and guardians give the normal 4 XP per hit, not 4.1 like the leech.




    I visited the Edgeville Abyss too, just to be sure, and all the monsters in there still in fact do give 1 XP per hit.

  11. 070_Angry_juvinate.png100_Angry_juvinate.png130_Angry_juvinate.png




    Ok, I've investigated and sorted this situation out. There's the scans of all three Angry juvinates, from routes 1, 2 and 3. When you get a Juvinates event, you'll get a level 59, 90 or 119 Juvinate [see my guide for scans] depending on what level of Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble (henceforth known as TTBDR). You can attack these with a silver sickle or Rod of Ivandis. They will turn into mist at around 20% HP.




    Alternatively, when you get them to 50% HP or below, you can use the Rod of Ivandis' special attack on them, which will turn them into Held vampyre juvinates [see my guide for scans] with the same level and HP, that cannot attack you. From here, you have additional choices. You can continue to kill them and not be attacked; they will turn into mist at 20% HP and run away.




    Or you can use a Guthix balance potion on the Held vampyre juvinates. One of three things will happen... One: the vampyre will be instantly killed (no damage shown on the HP bar or anything) and turn into vampyre dust. Two: The vampyre will turn back into a human and reward you with an item, in my experience is a noted black, mithril or adamant weapon or piece of armor. Three: They will become very angry, and turn into Angry juvinates, whose monster examines are seen at the top of this post.




    An interesting thing about Angry juvinates is that they are NOT immune to nearly all forms of attack like Juvinates and Vyrewatch are. They can be killed normally with any weapon (I shredded them with my Armadyl godsword) and reward you with Slayer experience if you are on a Vampires Slayer task. As far as I know they only drop Vampire dust (100% drop). The highest level (130) Angry juvinate has the highest hitpoints of any undead monster in the game (185) as far as I remember, so for any Dharokers who are looking to get max hits with a REAL challenge (you have to get your HP down, get a vampyre event, and hope that they become Angry juvinates rather than the other 2 options).




    The Angry juvinates' examine info is as follows: An initiate juvenile vampyre; he looks really angry.




    They look a bit like a normal Juvinates, but in Incredible Hulk mode (clothes torn off, and larger than normal). I believe I've mentioned everything I know, and here is a transparentized version of the original poster's Angry juvinate image if you wish to insert these into the Bestiary which I would recommend you do.




    Here is a 32-bit PNG version (544 colours):






    Since I know you guys want to use GIF, here you go. Enjoy a limit of 256 unique colours rather than 16,777,216 with PNG. IE6 is at a usage rate of 15% and falling (down 3% in the last 3 months) and I gaurantee you 99% of the users that even care about RuneScape are not using it... and there's even PHP code to fix it for IE6 users automatically. You could even write a JAVA APPLET to display the images and bypass any browser limitation, there's so many ways to solve a problem than by simply saying "we can't do it, so let's ruin our content by storing it in a format that loses data"... meh, but have your ways:






    And here's a picture of me fighting one.








    If any additional information is needed, please send me a PM, I know more than most about TTBDR (TWO, yes, TWO lumberjack tops).

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