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Posts posted by Jard_Y_Dooku

  1. Not sure if your still working on it, I went to check Level 101 Spirit tree and the link is busted...along with a few of them. |:


    Sorry about that. I've fixed the links now, it was due to a misplaced rewrite rule. Both the old and new links for the level 101 Tree spirit should work.




    Please note that I will be working on a different naming system in the future, so most monsters will just be like:




    This will allow you to manually type a monster's name to find it, without having to know its level. For monsters with the same name but different levels,




    will result in a disambiguation page, which will provide the links:






    For a monster such as steel dragon, a disambiguation page will not be shown. The links would be:





    So overall it will be easier to find scans and the whole system should work much better. I am also working on updating the back-end systems to function better than ever before. So stay tuned... I've a month break from university/college so I have plenty of time to code up some stuff.

  2. It's been over a month since my last post. I just wanted to let you all know that I AM still here and will update the guide as soon as I have a chance. I do have the scans ready to upload. I've had so much to do lately but after next week I'll have a month break and you might see some updates to the guide that are more than just new scans. Emphasis on might... I have a TON of things to do.


    Secondly, I've been doing URL changing on my server. Thanks to awesome nifty code, your browser will still redirect the old links to the new ones. It only takes a few lines of code so I'll remove it in a year... maybe I'll forget and never remove them. Ha. But I encourage you to update any bookmarks you may have, as you never know when I'll wake up one day and decide to make the old links stop working. For reference,




    is the master URL for the monster examine guide. Currently, this will redirect you to Tip.It but I may in the future add a page that shows the guide as a searchable database with links to the forum post on various RuneScape fansites as well. To be honest it's kind of pointless having it on a forum when it can be updated so much more easily on a website, but for, for lack of a better word since I haven't slept in 3 days, "marketing", it will be staying on the forum for now.


    For the scan viewer, http://www.runeuniverse.us/tip.it/monster_examine/?view=MONSTER has become http://www.runeuniverse.us/monster-examine-guide/view/MONSTER ... not too much of a change, just a bit cleaner and also SEO friendly. The logo changed from http://www.runeuniverse.us/tip.it/monster_examine/logo.png to http://www.runeuniverse.us/monster-examine-guide/logo.png ... and that's basically it.


    I am aware that monster scans with ' marks (like Kree'arra) or parenthesis (like Steel dragon (POH)) or other special characters, do not currently work. This is due to a bug in the URL rewrite engine I am using. I plan on rewriting the offending section of code and emailing it to the rewrite engine's developer this weekend, so the links should work again soon. And when I update the guide the new links will be in place anyways.


    Bye for now. Updates will come soon.

  3. Quite interesting, don't suppose anyone has a link to that program that lets you see the RS Cache?


    Its called Runescape Model Viewer. But I wouldn't bother for one Its against the rules, most of the downloads contain Trojans and every cache release someone posts them all on youtube.


    Most of the downloads actually don't contain Trojans. This is propaganda because it's against the rules - less incentive for you to download it. I prefer a more honest system where you say "you're not supposed to do it, so don't" rather than "LOOK OUT, YOUR HEAD MAY EXPLODE IF U DO DAT". Just my 2 sense.


    Also (off topic), what do the following two pieces of code have in common?


    ResponseFilterStream filter = new ResponseFilterStream(this.Response.Filter);
    filter.TransformString += delegate(string arg) { return Utilities.FormatHtml(arg); };
    this.Response.Filter = filter;


    this.pixelData = (PixelData*)(this.baseData + (y * this.bitmapData.Stride) + (x * sizeof(PixelData)));
    return Color.FromArgb(this.pixelData->Alpha, this.pixelData->Red, this.pixelData->Green, this.pixelData->Blue);

  4. Do not use C++. At your experience level, the effort required to be debugging with pointers is not worth it. They're dangerous and should be avoided. Plus porting is usually hell. Ignore anyone who claims that C++ is so fast and powerful and that you can do anything with it and it's the only language to make games in, there are plenty alternatives and you can get great performance out of other languages.


    You could try: Java + JOGL, though Java can be an annoying language to program in. It lacks many modern features and its event handling model seems to have been invented by a monkey.


    My best recommendation would be C# + .NET/Mono + OpenTK. I know you said no Microsoft products, but C# is not a "Microsoft product". It was invented by a Microsoft employee and maintained by them, but it is an Ecma (ECMA-334) and ISO (ISO/IEC 23270) international standard. And Mono is maintained by Novell. OpenTK is 3rd party. And, why hate Microsoft? They may be monopolistic and seem anti-standard at times, but at least they're not as dumb as Sun. And my other computer has Linux on it, just to keep you quiet on anything there.


    C++ gives you the power you need, without all of the handholding that C# or Java provide. However, since you're just starting out it might be easier to jump in to C#.


    Personally, I'd go with C#. The .NET management layer isn't THAT slow - and I imagine you'll be starting off small anyways. You could always redo your engines in something unmanaged later, if you decided to speed it up.


    Keep in mind that your first few projects are throwaways anyways. Pick what you want to learn, then worry about making something cool.


    C# and Java do not "hold your hand". You can't just magically write huge programs with no effort. Quite frankly, the absence of a few *, & and -> here and there hardly makes any difference (at least to me, some people find pointers difficult). It's basically a syntactical thing. And you will probably make a few more mistakes here and there. Java and C# weren't designed to be goo goo gaga baby nonsense. They were designed to succeed C++ for many purposes because they are more advanced technologies. Having the computer tell you when things are wrong is better than not. We might as well get into a "real man" argument and say that if you write a game in a weak-typed version of C, you're so cool an awesome... no. Use what works best for the job. C# is a modern, elegant language that is well suited for game development and easy to port if the proper libraries are used.


    And rewriting games in unmanaged languages won't speed them up that much, especially C# to C++. I've read many studies where benchmarks were done and there was hardly a noticeable difference between C# and C++. It really comes down to how well the programmer writes his or her code. Perhaps because you're passing tons of value types around, as opposed to what you'd do in C++... and I have to leave so this post ends abruptly.


    Read the OP he wants cross platform. C#, is MS based. I suggest you do some research before you try to act like a big dog.


    C# most certainly is NOT MS based. It is a language. You mean to say that .NET is MS based, and I suggest YOU do some research before trying to correct those more experienced than yourself whom you assume to be acting like "big dogs"... http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page


    I believe sloter is more experienced and competent than you. Also the page you referred to is just a .Net adaptation for Linux, which means it's still MS.


    Well I certainly don't. My point is that C# and CLI are standardized (plus this: http://www.microsoft.com/interop/cp/default.mspx), so Microsoft won't turn around and "pull any BS", to put it bluntly, which is my point. Plus doing so would be bad for business. Tons of developers would say screw it and not use their stuff. Less user base for them. And it's nonsense to hate Microsoft, they aren't going away for a long time and have made many great products and services. In short, I'm ignoring his "no MS stuff" and just suggesting it anyways.


    C# most certainly is NOT MS based. It is a language. You mean to say that .NET is MS based, and I suggest YOU do some research before trying to correct those more experienced than yourself whom you assume to be acting like "big dogs"... http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page

    C# is as "MS based" as Java is "Sun based". MS defines the C# standard, and the Mono project developers make an open source virtual machine that implements the C# standard. There may be an open source alternative (And a very good one at that) but when it's all over, it's MS that's deciding what happens with the language.


    Just because they invented and continue to develop it doesn't mean universe ending paradoxes will ensue. As I said, C# and CLI are open standards. And C# has the most incredible mix of linguistic elegance and power I have seen in any language yet.


    The thing I find most funny is that Java is as much a "proprietary language" as C# is, yet I can't recall the last time I heard complaints about not wanting to use Java because of it. You people just hate Microsoft.

  5. Do not use C++. At your experience level, the effort required to be debugging with pointers is not worth it. They're dangerous and should be avoided. Plus porting is usually hell. Ignore anyone who claims that C++ is so fast and powerful and that you can do anything with it and it's the only language to make games in, there are plenty alternatives and you can get great performance out of other languages.


    You could try: Java + JOGL, though Java can be an annoying language to program in. It lacks many modern features and its event handling model seems to have been invented by a monkey.


    My best recommendation would be C# + .NET/Mono + OpenTK. I know you said no Microsoft products, but C# is not a "Microsoft product". It was invented by a Microsoft employee and maintained by them, but it is an Ecma (ECMA-334) and ISO (ISO/IEC 23270) international standard. And Mono is maintained by Novell. OpenTK is 3rd party. And, why hate Microsoft? They may be monopolistic and seem anti-standard at times, but at least they're not as dumb as Sun. And my other computer has Linux on it, just to keep you quiet on anything there.


    C++ gives you the power you need, without all of the handholding that C# or Java provide. However, since you're just starting out it might be easier to jump in to C#.


    Personally, I'd go with C#. The .NET management layer isn't THAT slow - and I imagine you'll be starting off small anyways. You could always redo your engines in something unmanaged later, if you decided to speed it up.


    Keep in mind that your first few projects are throwaways anyways. Pick what you want to learn, then worry about making something cool.


    C# and Java do not "hold your hand". You can't just magically write huge programs with no effort. Quite frankly, the absence of a few *, & and -> here and there hardly makes any difference (at least to me, some people find pointers difficult). It's basically a syntactical thing. And you will probably make a few more mistakes here and there. Java and C# weren't designed to be goo goo gaga baby nonsense. They were designed to succeed C++ for many purposes because they are more advanced technologies. Having the computer tell you when things are wrong is better than not. We might as well get into a "real man" argument and say that if you write a game in a weak-typed version of C, you're so cool an awesome... no. Use what works best for the job. C# is a modern, elegant language that is well suited for game development and easy to port if the proper libraries are used.


    And rewriting games in unmanaged languages won't speed them up that much, especially C# to C++. I've read many studies where benchmarks were done and there was hardly a noticeable difference between C# and C++. It really comes down to how well the programmer writes his or her code. Perhaps because you're passing tons of value types around, as opposed to what you'd do in C++... and I have to leave so this post ends abruptly.


    Read the OP he wants cross platform. C#, is MS based. I suggest you do some research before you try to act like a big dog.


    C# most certainly is NOT MS based. It is a language. You mean to say that .NET is MS based, and I suggest YOU do some research before trying to correct those more experienced than yourself whom you assume to be acting like "big dogs"... http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page

  6. I give up on Java. It's too confusing. I forget stuff faster than I learn it. <_<


    Now, C++ and C# are two good options...


    I've tried C++ and so far it's been surprisingly easy. I played with PDCurses for a while (crossplatform things ftw) and it's not too hard either. Well, maybe the hard stuff is just behind the corner. I would really like to use C++, but I'll think about it a bit more. So far it's been great. :thumbup:


    C# also sounds like an interesting option. I already have MonoDevelop installed, so I could check what it is like.


    I don't mind experimenting with something new (that's why I'm using Arch Linux - awesome for that purpose), if someone has anything else to say, I would like to hear it. Now I'll check C# out.


    WHAT? You think C++ is easier than Java? I am unable to comprehend that, so I'm sorry, but I can't help you anymore.


    Most illogical...

    Logic circuits overloading...

    Entering emergency escape sequence...



    There are two Easter eggs in this post. Try and find them.

  7. Do not use C++. At your experience level, the effort required to be debugging with pointers is not worth it. They're dangerous and should be avoided. Plus porting is usually hell. Ignore anyone who claims that C++ is so fast and powerful and that you can do anything with it and it's the only language to make games in, there are plenty alternatives and you can get great performance out of other languages.


    You could try: Java + JOGL, though Java can be an annoying language to program in. It lacks many modern features and its event handling model seems to have been invented by a monkey.


    My best recommendation would be C# + .NET/Mono + OpenTK. I know you said no Microsoft products, but C# is not a "Microsoft product". It was invented by a Microsoft employee and maintained by them, but it is an Ecma (ECMA-334) and ISO (ISO/IEC 23270) international standard. And Mono is maintained by Novell. OpenTK is 3rd party. And, why hate Microsoft? They may be monopolistic and seem anti-standard at times, but at least they're not as dumb as Sun. And my other computer has Linux on it, just to keep you quiet on anything there.


    C++ gives you the power you need, without all of the handholding that C# or Java provide. However, since you're just starting out it might be easier to jump in to C#.


    Personally, I'd go with C#. The .NET management layer isn't THAT slow - and I imagine you'll be starting off small anyways. You could always redo your engines in something unmanaged later, if you decided to speed it up.


    Keep in mind that your first few projects are throwaways anyways. Pick what you want to learn, then worry about making something cool.


    C# and Java do not "hold your hand". You can't just magically write huge programs with no effort. Quite frankly, the absence of a few *, & and -> here and there hardly makes any difference (at least to me, some people find pointers difficult). It's basically a syntactical thing. And you will probably make a few more mistakes here and there. Java and C# weren't designed to be goo goo gaga baby nonsense. They were designed to succeed C++ for many purposes because they are more advanced technologies. Having the computer tell you when things are wrong is better than not. We might as well get into a "real man" argument and say that if you write a game in a weak-typed version of C, you're so cool an awesome... no. Use what works best for the job. C# is a modern, elegant language that is well suited for game development and easy to port if the proper libraries are used.


    And rewriting games in unmanaged languages won't speed them up that much, especially C# to C++. I've read many studies where benchmarks were done and there was hardly a noticeable difference between C# and C++. It really comes down to how well the programmer writes his or her code. Perhaps because you're passing tons of value types around, as opposed to what you'd do in C++... and I have to leave so this post ends abruptly.

  8. Since the recent update to Champions' Challenge, I've been thinking...


    Now, I am a former Champion of Champions, so I certainly know how difficult it is to complete all the challenges. With the recent update we saw the release of the second of six Champions of Champions. Assumedly, Jagex will follow the same pattern with the rest.


    Do you think these updates will be frequent? Maybe every few months until it is completed? I am also quite glad we now finally have a way to prove what we've completed as far as challenges go. I intend to change my XI banner into an XV within the month.


    Anyways, as far as rewards go... let's see, we have 4 CoCs left to go, assume 3 lesser champions each. That's 16 more, added to the current 15. Let's estimate around 30 in total. That's a LOT of champions and would be quite difficult to complete. As it is, I am one of VERY few people in RuneScape's who has completed 11 challenges. Even less now, if any, have completed all 15. And we have gotten next to nothing for it.


    However... what if Jagex is saving something? Keeping back an incredibly powerful reward after all six CoCs have been defeated? I think this is quite possible, and it would have to be a REAL reward... something worthwhile, something that would change RuneScape as much as the abyssal whip did, BUT... be untradeable. An item for the TRULY elite warriors of RuneScape. With high level requirements in itself. Perhaps even total level or total experience requirements. An item that would be almost godlike. Something on the level of the Stone of Jas, although to a lesser extent. Obviously the quality of the reward will change how many people ACTUALLY go for the reward.


    So, the purpose of this topic is to discuss future possible lesser champions to be released, and what rewards will be. Try to think of logical rewards based on the actual difficulty of obtaining 30 champion scrolls and defeating the champions.


    Should the reward be an item? Should it be money? Experience? Should it be a permanent, one-time reward, or a reusable one?


    So, I'll pitch the first idea: the reward should be a free 99 in any skill. Instantly. 13 million experience... or whatever you'd need to get it. Now of course you'll say that's too powerful, but wait... hold on JUST A SECOND!


    Let's calculate how many monsters you need to kill to get all the champion scrolls. Let's use my table as an example: http://www.runeuniverse.us/championsguild/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=7


    Now. That calculates to...


    Goblin - 120,000 + 40,000 = 160,000 XP

    Imp - 8 + 2.66 = 10.66 XP

    Ghoul = 100,000 + 33,333.33 = 133,333.33 XP

    Skeleton = 59,000 + 19,666.66 = 78,666.66 XP

    Jogre = 1,440,000 + 480,000 = 1,920,000 XP

    Hill Giant = 1,680,000 + 560,000 = 2,240,000 XP

    Hobgoblin = 4,756 + 1,585.33 = 6341.33 XP

    Zombie = 92,000 + 36,666.66 = 122,666.66 XP

    Lesser Demon = 821,600 + 273,866.66 = 1,095,466.66 XP

    Earth Warrior = 1,382,400 + 460,800 = 1,843,200 XP


    TOTAL = 5,617,264 + 7,489,685.33 XP


    So in TOTAL, I've gotten about 7.5 MILLION experience just GETTING the Champions' Challenge scrolls. And I'd consider myself quite lucky. 1 kill for imp. 41 kills for hobgoblin.


    Even if someone were lucky like me getting THIRTY scrolls, that's 20 MILLION experience, which is MORE than a level 99 skill. And chances are it will take people more kills than it's taken me so far. So... you'll practically get enough experience for two level 99 skills completing Champions' Challenge (the final version). So I think as a reward for killing all the Champions (all 30), a free level 99 skill would be quite fair. And it wouldn't get you 13 million XP, the skill would be boosted to level 99. If your skill was at 13 million XP (level 98), you'd only get 34,041 XP.


    So yes, I think that would be an interesting idea for a reward. A reward for the truly elite. Your ideas?

  9. Perhaps it is actually Bard. As many have posted before, there's a picture of a skill cape with a harp on the back in the cache, perhaps that's the bard skillcape and not the music cape of achievement after all. Then again, it wasn't trimmed, was it? Probably just the music cape of achievement due for a future release, then.

  10. I'll want to see one change though;




    Make clickable links OPEN IN A NEW WINDOW (like it used to on phpbb2)




    thank you :D




    Nope - while this option is available, it won't be enabled. Standards dictate users choose where their windows open now and by default it's the current window, not a new one. The "target" property (what was used to open in a new window) is deprecated in XHTML Strict for this reason.




    :shock: I love you.




    I smell someone so desperate to let everyone know how smart he is regarding coding that he'll offer his irrelevant and useless opinion while describing it as "constructive criticism" and then tell everyone he's writing an article which is labeled as "more constructive criticism" when in reality that article is nothing more than a giant sign that screams "LOOK! I KNOW STUFF ABOUT CODING! I SHALL PROVE IT BY TELLING EVERYONE ABOUT THEIR OWN FLAWS, WHICH IN TURN MAKES ME LOOK BETTER! ADMIRE MEEEEEEEEE!"




    Oh, I also happen to smell someone who is so desperate for the aforementioned attention that he'll even start his own site with a color scheme patterned directly on tip.it's.




    Old site. Old design. Yes it was based off Tip.It's, but they seemed like nice colors at the time.




    My god, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd rather have devnull in forum updates and suggestions than this chucklehead. At least he was well-intentioned.




    I am well intentioned. How about you tell us how it could be done better, then?







    I'd be glad to, buddy!




    1) Stop tooting your own "look ma I know how to code" horn by yapping about writing your own forum software because this forum is run by a bunch of volunteers who get paid as much for their hard work as I do to tell you you're an idiot. The fact that they are volunteers (many of whom don't even play Runescape anymore and don't have that link to the forum) means that it is of course a great and feasible idea for them to simply use prewritten forum software.




    I don't remember stating anything referring to how good I am at coding, nor do I care how good or bad people think I am.




    2) Your nerd rage arguments about how self-written software is much more secure and better organized and blah blah I think I'm going into a coma, right here we go again are also irrelevant because of the nature of the situation- a bunch of volunteers, a not-for-profit forum, the fact that the forum software is prewritten, and the (i'm guessing) insane amount of work that would be required in creating your own board from scratch




    I didn't say Tip.It should write their own forum. I was simply stating that custom forums play better with existing systems. Tip.It has minimal integration so this doesn't apply. You see, talking about software development entertains me. IPB is a NEW AND EXCITING CHANGE, therefore I am EXCITED and start talking about all sorts of things. I don't think you have any place to flip out at me.




    3) I'm not normally one of those chumps who thinks that hypocrisy dilutes the strength of the message, but in your case, with a forum that is pretty much an exact clone of tip.it's (right down to the use of phpBB) stinks of "do as I say, not as I do." If your sorry [wagon] is "too lazy" to even create a website that doesn't break every time someone uses it, the idea of you telling everyone here to do the incredible amount of work in writing forum software is nearly funny enough to make me shatter a rib bone.




    How about instead of giving us your condescending opinion disguised as "constructive criticism" you go write your own strongly-typed forum software and prove us all morons?




    I don't need a forum that's integrated with an existing system at the moment, and I already have too many things to do.




    Let this be the end of this blasphemy... this madness!

  12. I smell nerd rage.




    I smell someone so desperate to let everyone know how smart he is regarding coding that he'll offer his irrelevant and useless opinion while describing it as "constructive criticism" and then tell everyone he's writing an article which is labeled as "more constructive criticism" when in reality that article is nothing more than a giant sign that screams "LOOK! I KNOW STUFF ABOUT CODING! I SHALL PROVE IT BY TELLING EVERYONE ABOUT THEIR OWN FLAWS, WHICH IN TURN MAKES ME LOOK BETTER! ADMIRE MEEEEEEEEE!"




    Oh, I also happen to smell someone who is so desperate for the aforementioned attention that he'll even start his own site with a color scheme patterned directly on tip.it's.




    My god, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd rather have devnull in forum updates and suggestions than this chucklehead. At least he was well-intentioned.




    I am well intentioned. How about you tell us how it could be done better, then?




    I'm sure you have stuff going on we don't know about, but it's nothing near what I am envisioning and going to detail in my article. Hmm. Funniest thing, you could view my draft if you liked. >.> Best I store it off your servers for that reason and the fact they'll be deleted. :D




    While we're being critical about things it only took me 15 seconds to find that if I try to list a directory on your website ( http://www.runeuniverse.us/tip.it/ ) for example, all of the paths are broken in the error page which results in the user being stuck in an endless loop where no links work and there's no styling.




    Yes, my site is not structured very well, because it dates back to when I first started to learn programming, and I have been too lazy to redo it over the years, so bad coding just piled up.

  13. The Tip.It website is not exactly designed as best it could be - it's evident in its coding and functionality. Also, don't come back with "there's more on the sever than just HTML". I know that, but being someone like me, external observation of various things about a system can reveal much about its internals. I'm not trying to be a pain, I'm just constructively criticizing the website from a software engineer's point of view. In fact I will be writing an article on how Tip.It's systems could be improved over the next month or so.




    I'm well aware of the shortcomings of the Tip.It website, which was designed back in 2000 or so. You only need look at the footer to see how old it is. I'm also aware that functionality currently doesn't exist where it could, this is generally because of limitations with the current layout or backend coding. I've come on board within the last 18 months and I will admit that I wouldn't have coded a lot of things the way they are myself. That being said, perhaps the reason you're not seeing all that much activity on the site front even though we have coders on staff may indicate that there's something going on which you can't see? Just a thought. :roll: Good luck with your article.




    Will drafts be kept in the phpBB > IPB switch?








    I'm sure you have stuff going on we don't know about, but it's nothing near what I am envisioning and going to detail in my article. Hmm. Funniest thing, you could view my draft if you liked. >.> Best I store it off your servers for that reason and the fact they'll be deleted. :D

  14. Well, from what I've seen... :?




    What exactly have you seen?...




    The Tip.It website is not exactly designed as best it could be - it's evident in its coding and functionality. Also, don't come back with "there's more on the sever than just HTML". I know that, but being someone like me, external observation of various things about a system can reveal much about its internals. I'm not trying to be a pain, I'm just constructively criticizing the website from a software engineer's point of view. In fact I will be writing an article on how Tip.It's systems could be improved over the next month or so. Will drafts be kept in the phpBB > IPB switch?

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