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Everything posted by dkw0101

  1. lol thanks for helping me remember a script for a comic btw.
  2. lol, i'm guessing you mean "omg that comic was awful, give me a barf bag or somethin ugh" lol
  3. thanks for your comment and i agree THE CHINEESE ARE GONNA TAKE US OVER AND WE'LL BE MAKING SHOES!!!!1 lol my science teacher told me that
  4. Doc Bender from Ksa did true. but no one on tip.it did yet :ohnoes:
  6. hope you'll be able to make it! as do i, i can not make it however, i have to work
  7. yes, leaf, thats exactly what i meant. how silly of me not to specify who i was talking about! how silly of me... EDIT: i'd better correct my previous post! sorry for the miscommunication! thanks for clarifying that money, we now know who the 2 tip.it paper makers/ steel war supporters are.
  8. walking to varrock by the dark mages. those devilish people
  9. Lol, I'm gonna start making sure these authors and info is legit before I start posting 'em. :-k Hehe, probably lol, and you asked where our article went? :P *cough*thenagain,weactuallyunderstandhowthegeworks*/cough* there ya go, i resized it for ya.
  10. how will the GE be bad exactly? ppl will still buy at the same price and sell at the same price, the noly lower prices you'll see are the occasional ppl who just wanna get rid of some stuff, but that sells after the first 3 seconds, if anything it will help merchants because they won't have to world hop trying to find buyers, this way they can sell and get more inventory at the same time. my only complaint on the ge is that it's in varrock, they update varrock to much.
  11. so everyone has their opinion, does that mean i do as weel and unorclan doesn't have to make my decisions for me.???
  12. thanks! :thumbsup: Next edition comes out in 2 weeks!!!! I CAN'T WAIT. i guess i can find something to do in that time though..
  13. lol, i prefer the term dedicated workers u may prefer dedicated workers, i prefer socially impared
  14. exactly since everyone doesn't like the same style of games, me however, i'll play w/e so long as it has a good response from other people.
  15. there is a big problem, i saw somewhere saying the sites jagex registered regarding mechscape and looking at them, they had same names as a lot of rs fan site, is this jagex' idea of ridding all fansites?
  16. i agree, thanks to you all our readers for your support for if it wasn't for you we wouldn't have our paper
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