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    RHCP!!! guitar, skate bording...
  1. Yeah well uh, smithing and mining aren't exactly my thing. My minings 40 and my smithing is... get ready... 27. Bad huh? Yeah well, i neeed to know what the best smithing exp would be at this point? Also, where should i mine and WHAT should i mine to get my mining a lil higher. maybe to 50-ish. Thanks guys Flamable 20
  2. Any one else have something they would say? * I agree with the person above me completely. Off topic: Sorry if i offended you by correcting your spelling, english probably isn't your first language right? Mine neither :P
  3. The problem is it takes 14 days to take effect lol. Yeah, the most convenient way would be to go with the messaging Jagex. if your stories beleivable, they'll probably do something about it. Other than that i'm out of ideas.
  4. Assuming your a newcomer, just collect cowhides from killing cows near lumbridge. If all you want is 500 gp back, just collect 5 hides lol. they sell for 100 each. good money for newcomers. Make sure you sell them in the bank in Al Kharid ( The desert near lumbridge where theres a gate) u'll just have to pay 10 coins. If u have trouble finding 10 coins, just look on the floor really lol. 10gp is easy to find
  5. Dude just click his darn RSN and it'll show them. Doesnt take rocket science. he even told you. Whats the point of writing it out. OT: Yeah im gunna have to agree with joes_so_cool. Just pick a skill that you enjoy because they're all profitable in their own way. Time'll pass faster if your actually enjoying it. I personally love WC cuz theres usually lots of people around to talk to keeping you from dying of boredom. I'm not a member so i don't really know any member ways but, my altime favorite is merchanting. Merchant either.. coal (buy 150-170 then sell for 180-200) get a bit more and you can do rune (g) (buy1M and sell for 1.1M - 1.2)
  6. I want to start a collection of bronze meds :) And all the god armours.. not gonna happen
  7. 1k - mines rune essence 100k - merchanted 1Mill - not reached yet :boohoo:
  8. Yep, I was gonna say that. Its the same thing with stand with your two legs together. I see people asking me "How do you stand like that!" When I see THEM standing like that and not me. I think it's just a way to determine where you are in populated worlds.
  9. Cause im stupid and listen to my friends :thumbsup:
  10. Walked into the stone circle, died, went back to the stone circle, died [repeated this process] And then... It clicked! "I shouldn't go in the stone circle! :O"
  11. "Aw... i need money" "Collect the bronze pickaxes where they respawn in lumby" Edit: Good one soul
  12. Oh, sweet! Do they drop iron arrows aswell? Do they drop more since they're higher levels?
  13. Wahh!? theres lvl 27 minotaurs? oh man... i didnt know that :) Gotta find those. I've been doing the darn level 12 ones.
  14. One word; MERCHANTING. Probably the fastest but... most boring way... It took me like...2 days to get full guthix. Just start off with over 150k at least...
  15. Lol, I was desperate. But from 1-40 i've trained at the minotaurs and it just got SOO boring... How are mossies?
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