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Posts posted by oropher

  1. I'd personally love to see Pure Essence gone. That way, given a month or 2, Essence will go back down to what it should be in the first place: 40 gp each. That way Runecrafting will become profitable enough to make me continue training it on a more regular basis and Ftp will have the runes at the same cost that they used to.




    I'm assuming we all have the same opinion of the Wilderness Ditch.




    Also, get rid of the Home Teleport. It wasn't to fight Real World Trading, but the Home Teleport limits more then it helps for new players. Besides, if someone forgets a tele with it gone, I can guarantee that they won't next time. Let's put a bit of the danger back into Runescape. :twisted:




    Removing pure essence would be a disaster for everyone who has pure essence in their banks. You wouldn't get more profit from rcing either, runes would just drop in price ...

  2. So let me get this straight: Jagex has brought back a technique in Runescape that's been missing, the low level item merchant, and you're complaining?




    With Max and Min prices lifted on these items, you now can buy out your stock daily and build up for a nice profit by selling on the exchange to those that need it. On the other hand, if you can't buy enough shards from the store, buy them on the exchange from players that collected them and are selling them for a reasonable profit.




    The infinite stock solved some problems, but it ruined the ability for low level players to do grunt work for high level players, and get some cash for it.




    Oh, and it removes junk prices from the game. With no minimum limits in the GE, bye bye junk trades (look for big rants on this soon, I'm sure).




    Why would this affect junk items? The one thing these items have in common is that no one is able to sell them in ge, because noone wants them... If they dont get sold, price wont change.

  3. People like the leader of Smokin Mils SHOULD be banned. I don't care wtf anyone says, that's just bullcrap. It didn't affect me whatsoever, but just because it's possible for someone to do what he did, doesn't mean it should be allowed.




    To hoard like 100,000 Prayer Potions? Give me a break. If I was in Jagex, I'd be like, "Wtf?" And just ban him and not think anything of it other than the fact that he deserved it." People like that piss me off so much. My personal little theory is also proven correct with this situation as well... that anyone with that much money gained it unfairly or at the expense of others. Every extremely rich person I've ever met has been a douchebag also.




    I agree, merchanting has become WAY out of hand. Clans would used to much things that people could live without for a few days like dragon boots, obby capes or things like that. But now prayer pots? Whats next hes gonna buy out sharks? Cut off pking, bossing and training? Its really stupid now merching clans on this scale ARE actually ruining the game for other people.


    Its even got so bad its come to this.






    A player moderator spamming to get people into a merch clan? How sad..




    Can't we have the old days :( buy glorys 40k sell 50k :P W2 Fally =O






    So Jagex....




    Player Moderators are all invited by Jagex. We take many different things into account when looking for prospective Player Moderators; we review personal gaming style and forum posts. We consider the validity of the players abuse reports and as well as how helpful and friendly they have been to other players in the game.




    The likelihood of a player becoming a Player Moderator is not based on combat level or total levels. Its very true that you will not see a player fresh from the tutorial given Player Moderator status, but it's also true that you may see some Player Moderators with lower combat levels than you are expecting. We do check accounts fully before offering them Player Moderator status, so if you see the crown, that player is someone great.




    1. Helpfull. Check.


    2. Friendly. Check


    3. Leading you to your nearest pyramid scheme scamming clan. Check.

  4. Alot of people think that Sliske was the one who gave the Barrows brothers their powers, so I expect it to tie into one of the next mahjarrat quests eventually.




    Problem is that Jagex has released far too many quests and updates with loose ends, and it would take years of quests to clean all that a bit up. I also suspect that they just don't know what to do now, which might be why we still don't have access to Priffdinas.

  5. I don't think adding incredibly strong armor or weapons is that good an idea.... most PvP duels already only last a few seconds, we don't want to make them so fast no-one can respond quickly enough. There's only 99 hp possible, you know.




    There's also PvM... In my opinion we do not need weapons with alot higher strenght bonusses than the one we already have. What high levels really want(or just what I want ::' ) is armour/weapons with special abilities and set effects. An armour with defence bonus similar to statius that gives +5hp if you're wearing the full set for example, or a mage weapon with a special attack.





    what I would really like to see is a new continent with increased skill caps OR with different skill sets (like spellbooks for skills).


    This would have to be fine tuned of course but there are many ways to go about this.


    -content exclusive items (ores, fish, trees, weapons, armour)


    -new items that can be used anywhere but with a balanced item-level progression


    -with skill cap increase we could make dragon items. level 100 for 1 bar dragon items, 101 for 2 bar etc.


    -tons of other stuff.






    spiroff <3




    A new continent, or a new world would be nice, and would also be the easiest way for Jagex to create better gear without making it overpowered.

  6. lulz @ someone thinking RS could integrate some WoW aspects :lol:




    Well, they could. WoW has high level content, Runescape doesn't. We really need something big, like a whole new world(maybe Freneskae) with stronger monsters that drop better armour/weapons, with new dungeons, and ofcourse new skill-related items.

  7. 100 kays? How about making it a quest reward? :lol:


    As i have said the races can be introduced into the game through quests. It does not have to be perfect from the start. They can have the races without armoury and weapon appearence.




    Eventually they can update it and add armour and weapon to the races to make it look better. Runescape didn't go from low detail to high detail in a month. It took time, and races is same thing.






    Sounds like a very good idea. It would be next to impossible to allow people to start playing as anything else than a human. If different races are implemented as quest rewards it would just add something to the game, without needing a complete overhaul of all previous quests and runescape itself. A small special bonus related to a race sounds like a perfect reward for a quest granting us access to, for example, Priffdinas.

  8. All these posts about nerfing do my head in when it's clearly jsut bad luck.




    I mean sheesh jsut suck it up, I've been playing my account for a gd 5 or 6 years now. Aside from a couple of barrows items and a d chain from doing barrows runs (whihc aren't technically drops) the absolutel best drop I have EVER had is a rune large






    Which items would you expect to get with those stats then?




    On topic: I always try to think it's just bad luck. Either that, or Jagex hates me.

  9. What's wrong with Tuna Potatoes? =\


    Last time I checked, they healed 22, which is the most out of like, all foods.


    And my summon isn't high enough for bunyip or unicorn.




    =\ So why is Tuna Potatoes such a problem? They would allow me to stay longer. =|




    Because pineapple pizzas cost less than half of what tuna potatoes do, and heal 22hp in 2 bites.

  10. Eh? Are we supposed to debate whether or not bosses are worth killing? 1m+ an hour ain't enough for you?




    And since when was CB risky?






    Oh yes, 1m/hr - and with those stats it certainly doesn't look like you pulled that number straight out of your [wagon]...




    You can easily lose money at GWD or any other boss. Pots and other supplies add up. It's stupid to try to put an estimate on how much you can earn per hour from a boss, since it all still relies on luck. If you're unlucky you might make -100k/hr, if you're lucky you can solo a hilt on your first kill ever.




    and you think CB isn't risky? try to go 4man it right now please. He's the only boss who hits 50s through protection prayers.

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