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Posts posted by MotherBrainII

  1. 1) Void Mage or Ahrim's -- which would be better for general use in PVP and PVM minigames? On the one hand, Void doesn't degrade and offers range defense, but Ahrim's has good enough accuracy to hit through black dragonhide, which Void doesn't.


    EDIT: Also, how good is Void's accuracy with top-end gear? Is it significantly improved with access to 3rd age and/or an Arcane shield?


    2) Is it worth saving up for an arcane spirit shield? It seems very good, but costs an obscene amount of cash. Similarly, what about a 3rd age amulet, given that I tend to focus on magic offense in non-risk PVP settings?


    3) How much can I expect to pay in shards and seconds for around 75 summoning from 56?

  2. [spoiler=Spoiler]How high is the final boss's resistance to magic? Using Ice Barrage or another freezing spell could help you avoid his "last ditch attack", in theory.


    Also, if that charge attack hits 98, and it's unavoidable, doesn't that mean that whatever hitpoints level is required to brew to 98 is a requirement for this quest? The fact that it isn't suggests to me that we're missing some way of blocking it.


  3. In that case, why is she only nervous talking to me some of the time? It doesn't happen as often as it used to, but we can occasionally have a good conversation (with her treating me just as she would a normal friend). Other times, she shuts me out completely while talking to those around me normally. It's very random and confusing.


    One of my friends suggested that she may know that I like her and be nervous abut turning me down, since she considers me a good friend. I'm just curious as to what makes you sure that this isn't the case. :)

  4. My guess is that she likes you, but doesn't know how to go about doing anything about it. Either that, or she doesn't want to commit to anything, or doesn't feel ready for a relationship. Regardless, from what you just told us, it seems that she does infact like you. It's your move now.


    Hmm... then why would she not seem interested in talking to me? I understand that she might be nervous about it, but even so, I'd expect her to respond with a little enthusiasm when I spoke to her...


    (I should probably also mention that she often laughs upon overhearing my comments, amusing or otherwise, but rarely does so when I'm speaking to her directly, even when she's giggling at comments made by others around me.)

  5. Okay, how would you go about telling whether or not a female friend knows that you like her, but doesn't ike you in return?


    I've got a female friend (the same one I've referred to previously on this thread) who, at the moment, rarely talks to me. I'm told that she's become quieter all around, although she seems perfectly friendly with my friends. She apparently talks about me quite a bit (in a very positive manner, and disproportionately often compared to how well she knows me), but rarely initiates conversation with me, and more often than not doesn't carry the conversation for very long - I get the idea that she isn't all that interested in talking to me, and she'll usually spend more time talking to people around me in mutual conversations. Despite this, I often catch her looking at me at random intervals. Note that she has not dated before, to my knowledge, and is often assumed to lack interest in relationships entirely. Note also that I'm known for worrying too much. :P


    Any enlightenment or advice would be much appreciated.

  6. OK, I'm not really the type that knows much about girls, but I'm guessing the reason you're confused about this is because she's ignoring you, right? Well, by the looks of it, I think she's got something for you, and she's too shy to admit it, that's why she's ignoring you IMO.


    Just my two cents.


    That would make a little sense, but why someone would pass up a good opportunity to talk to someone who is trying to express interest is beyond me. Reb's comment about girls having labyrinthine and nonsensical brains is sadly accurate. :(


    She's going hot and cold. A lot of girls do that when they like you. They think it keeps you interested, when it really just freaks us the [bleep] out and we get scared that she's an alien or something.


    Anyways, ask her out.


    Are you talking about "experienced" girls here? I'm fairly sure that this girl has never been in a relationship before, so I'm not sure how applicable the games that some girls like to play are here. If you aren't, disregard my comment; it's just that this girl doesn't strike me as the type to do so.


    Well a smart girl is definitely the kind of girl you should be with. My boyfriend thinks I'm smart and says he probably wouldn't like me otherwise. Although she is quiet, is she popular? It sucks to say but sometimes popular girls will ignore any friend of theirs who isn't when they are in public. Or maybe she doesn't hear you. I was always the quiet type in school, and I would get "weird" in a crowd full of people, so when a friend say hi I would just smile and continue walking. Maybe that's the case...


    I'm fairly sure this isn't the case. She's about as popular as I am, although a fair bit less eccentric, and many of these instances have been when it's just the two of us. Sometimes she looks at me when I speak to her, so I know she's heard me, but she still doesn't respond. As mentioned above, she hasn't been in a relationship before, and is generally extremely polite, so ignoring someone who is speaking to her is very much out of character.

  7. Sigh... here goes.


    Well, I've liked this girl for a few months, but am not really sure whether I should continue to pursue her or give up.


    On the one hand, I have seen her consistently looking over at me within school over the last two months. She also seems to find a lot of things I say funny despite there being no real humour value (often, no joke is intended), and talks about me a lot to one specific mutual friend - all of what she says is positive, and she often has no good reason for mentioning me at all. She also accepted a recent invitation enthusiastically and unconditionally, despite taking a while to actually receive the message.


    On the other hand, actually talking to her is a royal pain. Whenever I say hello to her in the hallways, she appears to ignore me completely. She will more often than not only talk to me when I have a good reason for doing so, although we can have long conversations occasionally. Finally, she often appears to be making a conscious effort to ignore me - she will either pay me more attention than necessary, giving me almost costant eye contact, or much less, giving me almost none at all. There doesn't seem to be any middle ground.


    This is frustrating the heck out of me, so all advice would be appreciated. Bear in mind that this girl is generally the quiet type, although she is far from asocial, and is also quite academic.


    Thanks in advance. :)

  8. People were probably panic selling after the price reduction.


    As for bots, couldn't RWTers actually take advantage of this by offering to mass-collect an artificially price-capped GE item and sell it to a customer for GE price? At low levels, the number of vials you can get is directly proportional to the number of accounts you have, so it seems like the sort of thing that a horde of bots would be perfect for.


    EDIT: I now have a rather amusing image in my head of a queue of bots at Shilo's General Store, spanning most of the town, each making incoherent beeping noises at the storekeeper and running off with 27 vials...

  9. The problem with safespotting is that it's only usable when the opponent is standing next to an obstacle - in about 15 hours of using magic in situations where this is possible, I've only ever accomplished this once. I was PJed almost immediately afterwards.




    Comboing, however, is possible wherever you go, and Karil's Crossbow works especially well because of the fact it happens to be a good weapon in its own right, and so you can combine the triple stack combo, normal combos and standard mage/range hybriding.

  10. I'm far from sure on this, but it's possible that he's using it so that his Void protects over everything else. IIRC, Adamant Crossbows have a lower protect value than any item in the Void set.




    OT: The Ancient Staff as a melee weapon.

  11. Although I know Warrior disagrees, I prefer to use standard attacks unless I know the opponent's HP is low enough that I could potentially KO them. If using the combo still won't do enough damage to kill the opponent if it maxes, what's the point?




    Unless of course the combo in question is the ice blitz-DFS-obby ring-blood barrage combo, which can potentially bring HP down from 99 to 0 in the space of less than three seconds, and is impossible to block effectively.

  12. EDIT: Just been using magic again - it seems that all spells have been made slow. Shadow barrage, smoke barrage and blood barrage no longer hit instantly when casted, and even when I was the furthest possible distance away, blitz still hit well before barrage did.




    You made my heart jump when you said this. I some my runite ores, grabbed some runes, and tried this. They still work fine for me, smoke and ice barrage are SLOW spells though. Blood and Shadow are the only instant.


    And concerning the DFS, I'm not sure about that. It would be interesting to see, perhaps you or I could try it?


    PS: I'd love to update this guide on TS forums, but the account review I sent in JAnuary still hasn't come back. Would you mind A) Posting this new one, or B) Help me get an account?




    I'm not sure why it wasn't working last night, but this morning I went and tried spell combos again - they seem to work as usual, including the TSC. But they were definitely hitting at ice barrage speed yesterday.




    You'll have to try the DFS and see how practical it is to use - I can't afford one.




    I can't do anything about your account review, since Qeltar has shut down the main site now, and I don't know if he'll be managing the forums or if somebody else will be taking however. However, if you like, I'll repost it myself and update it as necessary.




    By the way, I added you in game - my RSN is Ekarderif.

  13. A thought occurred to me today - is it at all possible for the Dragonfire Shield's firebreath attack to be used in or before the TSC? Since AFAIK it doesn't use up an attack turn, with good timing you could probably get all 4 hits to land at once - if the opponent isn't praying, a one hit kill is theoretically possible. Even failing that, you could probably use the firebreath attack as a substitute for the rsnged attack, since it can't be blocked by prayer (to my knowledge).




    EDIT: Just been using magic again - it seems that all spells have been made slow. Shadow barrage, smoke barrage and blood barrage no longer hit instantly when casted, and even when I was the furthest possible distance away, blitz still hit well before barrage did.

  14. Is Ahrim's set really good enough to justify not using a Master Wand and Mage's Book (or a shield for range defense) under normal circumstances? I notice you weren't using a shield in one of your pics where you used a Master Wand, so were you switching in Ahrim's Staff?




    EDIT: And is a 3rd age ammy useful with Ahrim's set, or is a fury still better? I mean, your defense is going to be abysmal either way, so the extra magic attack might help. This is for safe PVP of course...

  15. Avansies don't beat 1m an hour, but they come reasonably close with the right techniques and stats (hint: 99 range and 88 summoning are a must). GWD does, however - look at my signature for examples. DKS is also over 1m, and merching also makes me a nice daily profit with virtually no time spent on it.




    Dag Kings is very ownage money indeed. but hard to see the ladders to get there with a dark screen =[. MERCHING FTW, many people have goten max cash cuz of the Grand exchange, was harder to get max cash without the ge back in the day. :o




    DKs are inconsistent at best. All 6 of my trips have been dry trips, with no drops worth over 10k.

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