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Posts posted by Maleficus1055

  1. Guess I'll do a recap of the past couple days now that TIF is up.


    Had a job interview yesterday. I take off at about 4pm since it's at 5:15, take the train downtown just fine. Then I need to catch a 9 bus and see it four blocks down, so I chase it (in super nice shoes I haven't broken in yet so it hurts like a [bleep]). A stop later I realize it was going the wrong way, so I have to jump off and run back (now 6 blocks back). At this point my interview is in 5 minutes, so I call and say I'm going to be late to the girl that answers, she says she understands and I should just wait there to see if someone else doesn't show up and take their spot.


    So I ran back and caught the right bus, ended up getting to Best Buy 7 minutes late. I take a seat and wait for about 30 minutes, then they call in this girl, then 15 minutes later, they call my name. As I walk in, the dude goes "Oh, sorry you've had to wait so long, we've been running really late today". NOT A PROBLEM, DUDEicon_thumbsu.gif.


    The interview itself went pretty well, I'll find out tomorrow if I make it. And then as I left, it was REALLY painful to walk, but I toughed it out till I got home, took off my shoes and both my heels were bleeding.

  2. Bought my train tickets today to go home for Thanksgiving. Until yesterday i wasn't going to, either, so I'm really glad I'm not going to be stuck at school for a week while everyone goes home.

    Wait, they have trains going from San Fran to LA? :unsure: My dad had to take a bus once.



    Today I e-mailed my career representative I've had in college to help me get a job again. This Macy's job is quite terrible: they're not giving me shifts (two 4-hour shifts in two weeks) and it's not using the things I've went to school for.


    At least I don't need a job so terribly like some people. I thank God for that.


    Bus from SF -> Santa Barbara, then train from there -> Anaheim, getting picked up there.



    EDIT: Got a random call and picked it up, some girl from Best Buy about the application I submitted. I did a phone interview and then she scheduled me for a 2nd, in-person job interview this Thursday!icon_thumbs.gif

  3. Bought my train tickets today to go home for Thanksgiving. Until yesterday i wasn't going to, either, so I'm really glad I'm not going to be stuck at school for a week while everyone goes home.

  4. "Allons-y"


    It is something that the Tenth Doctor says all the time. French for "let's go."




    Okay, so you say it's something from Doctor Who and proceed to post a pony video? Normally that stuff doesn't bother me too much but can't you post WHAT YOU'RE ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT?

    Yes, I understand it's a pony version but jesus [bleep]ing christ you people can be annoying.

  5. Milk + ice cream + bubblegum Millions = best milkshake ever.


    Never had a milkshake before, but from the looks of the ingredients, that looks extremely delicious to try out. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to make one. :(


    @Crocefisco: The texture and angle of that looks like a piece of sausage.


    Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah. You've never had a milkshake? [cabbage] dude, just like go to a fast food place and order one.


    No no no. If you're this old and you've never had a milkshake, you have to get a really nice one, not from some fast food place.


    I dunno. In n Out makes some pretty badass shakes.

  6. Milk + ice cream + bubblegum Millions = best milkshake ever.


    Never had a milkshake before, but from the looks of the ingredients, that looks extremely delicious to try out. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to make one. :(


    @Crocefisco: The texture and angle of that looks like a piece of sausage.


    Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah. You've never had a milkshake? [cabbage] dude, just like go to a fast food place and order one.

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