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Posts posted by RUNESCAPEfantasy

  1. pures can now get up to addy gloves from rfd (doing the monkey part. you can now travel to ape atoll without getting defence. just talk to the guy who takes you and he will give you 2 options)


    training str. go to experiments or rock crabs. if your 85+ cb do smoking kills and train at mighty banshees


    training range. mbs with iron arrows is more than enuff at fire giants. you could kill blue drags (using mith / broad bolts) for profit. pray at avys for profit. if you just want xp train with bronze/iron/steel/black knifes(what ever you can afford) at caged orges

  2. Yeah-- the majority of attacks which hurt you there are magic-based and your magic level constitutes 100% of your magic defense (excluding armor)... the higher the better



    im sure your mage defence is 80% mage lvl 20% defence lvl

  3. so does that mean the smoke monster is also jakobs rivel (the man you see jacob talking to on the beach and the man says he wants to kill jacob)


    also i read they are going to be explaining to us about them 2 skeletons in that cave place where some of the servivors lived in season 1 i forgot about them a few episodes after we saw them -.-

  4. had college today and i found out i might be able to do a course next year that i like ( i dont like the current one as much as the once i did last year)

    + my girlfriend might be in the same class witch will be great

  5. interesting read in my tv guide. its going on about how the promotion picture for the lost cast is taken like that painting of jesuses last supper. locke is sitting where jesus would be and its saying hes like the saviour that rises from the dead. all the characters are stairing at locke and it point out a few like sayid is sitting in the place of the person who betrayed jesus . i cba to right it all out but its a interesting read



    they also say not everything is going to be explained so there will be some secrets left <_<

  6. im wanting to know more about jacob and his rivel and how jacob made richard imortal? (as we see richard in almost every time period in the show and im sure he said jacob made him that way) and ofcourse the smoke monster

  7. Anyway, a random question for Americans, I suppose, what's the deal with Dr Pepper? I had some when I went to Sydney. It's crap.

    I don't like it either.


    i hate it to :blink: but it gets my gf so hyper i will drink it :twisted:

  8. 99 range will get me 110m+ easy so that pays for the mage and a few armor sets and all the rest of my cash will come from merching.


    the only hard thing i can see about this is doing knights training with 60 att (or 61 i forget what the quests get you)

  9. hi all i was thinking of making a new pker as my current one ( a zerker pure) fails alot


    i was thinking of making an account like this


    60 att

    90 str

    70 def

    90+ range

    70 pray

    94+ mage



    this would make me 97cb and max out at 102 (99 str and hp)

    this account will have b gloves, ancients, piety and a large cash pile so i will be pking in barrows and corrupt pvp armor

    i will be ranging with diamond e, maging with barrage and blitz and meleeing with d skimmy+ corrupt vlz


    would this be a good pvp account in the 90-110/115 combat range



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