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    Huddersfield, England!!
  • Interests
    women, sex, booze, partying, woo!
  1. Thanks dude, what do you think of my newly created scimmy? I made the handle thing because scimmys remind me of pirate swords, ye-arrrrr...
  2. Looks like a scimmy? pshhh... If this satifisfies your needs the sword on the right is my drawn Dragon Scimitar, the sword on the left is the Dragon Longsword which you think looks like a scimmy...
  3. Thanks :D , I make cartoons when I'm bored or draw stuff in flash.
  4. Dude, im guessin this is the place where you posted it, itl take me time, since i am a guy, and lazy is my middle name, but itl be done and itl look so god dam cool :P
  5. Dam, my eyes, they hurt, but still it looks good, so what if you take out a couple of retinas? That's a price to pay for art :-k
  6. Try doing it like that, make the axe spin the right way as the others pointed out, add some woosh lines to make it look like its flying through the air, and make sure its fast, to make it look smooth and good.
  7. Hey there, this is my newly opened signiture and avatar shop!!! Before you think... "Lol who is this noob!?! Rofl Lmao Pmsl roxor!! 1337 ruLEZ!!" or something, my signitures are a little different to other people's signitures. First of all, they ain't pixelations, some of the things I do mainly involve hand drawing with the mouse. I think that's the only different thing! The similarities are I use photoshop to pretty them up even more!!! Apart from animated avatars, they're done in .gif so have that .gif look effect... Define to me what you want in a signiture or avatar! ..................................................... (btw don't go over the top and say something like "I want a sun lit moon in the dark cloudy yet slightly damp night sky with fairys in packs of 5 galloping like wild horses in the wind..." because that stuff will get you big [wagon] slaps!) Here's examples of what I done so far... This is a quick avatar I did to fill that empty spot when I post... My first signiture of my guy from Runescape Crazy Taj : , I drew that guy with the mouse in a different program and just transfered it to Photoshop to add cool flames and text and renders etc Erm... This was for a thread in the gallery when guy did a rubbish axe thing and I gangstered it up! Caption: (Like in mine where it says "A new dark knight is born") Name: (Just say if you want one on it or not) Definition of the image: (What you want the image to look like, for example for the one I got I would of said "Base it round my runescape character and make him look cool, also make him droused in flames whatever droused means, also I want a little tribal image at the bottom right with a ying yang thing on it) Each image I draw is unique to the other, since all of them are hand drawn, so don't start moaning if you posted first and your sig isn't finished, I'm just trying to bring a new era of mouse drawn sigs that aren't pixellated! JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT AND I'LL TRY TO FUFILL THAT NEED!!! (not all needs will be fufilledÃÆââââ¬Ã¾Ãââ)
  8. No offence dude, but that's a little weak. You should practice a whole lot more...
  9. Hmm , I think it looks cool, just like other people on this thread I ain't no expert on Photoshop, though the border is a lil POW!! But everyone has their own styles after all :roll:
  10. Woo my turn! This is my Dragon Longsword. I know everyones gonna probely go "(Double U, Tee, Eff! What's with the hole on the sword blade? LMAO?!?" or something. It's imagination people!!! And I think it looks cool, sort of like a second handle or something for extra killing style! BTW I drew it on Flash 8 so it doesn't look pixelated unfortunatly, but more of a cartoon edge!
  11. Ahh nothing special, just took loads of picture on the same place and cut each bit out leaving the person and a lil bit of area around them. I had a background (the garden) and each of me all around.
  12. That was a little project I did in year 9 or 10. Nothing special though, first time on photoshop.
  13. Thanks for the tips Aijiru! Old one... Updated one (with border and some more brushiness)... Any better?
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