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Posts posted by Parabola

  1. New PC games are generally ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã35 in highstreet shops, less online - ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã25-30 normally. All PC games work on PCs anywhere in the world - none are region-specific. At least, in ~16 years of PC gaming that's what I've noticed.

  2. On the Channel 4 news this evening (in the UK) it showed that we had video evidence of a GPS system proving our troops were in Iraqi waters (around 1.6 miles shy of the borders), alongside evidence sent from the merchant ship they were boarding and the navigation records. Add this to the fact that the Iranians have changed their story, saying they were at two different locations so far makes it look pretty clean cut.








    As I mentioned before, the 'confession' doesn't mean squat, since Iran seems to think that a confession under duress/coercion counts for some reason.

  3. A picture really won't get you very far when it comes to identifying someone. But if you have their picture, name, age and location, it makes them pretty darn easy to identify. Just a thought.








    If you've got their name, age and location then either they've been breaking the rules by posting them, or you've seen them on some social networking site. In which case they'll have already seen pictures.








    But if the rule is going to remain how it is, what's wrong with just PMing someone your picture if you want to share it?








    Why have topics at all? We could just PM everyone our replies.








    The answer is because it's a huge hassle to PM everyone you want to see something.

  4. Feel free to post any questions or comments.








    The Administrative Team
















    Anyway, can someone clarify exactly what it is you're scared of happening if you allow RL pictures? Do you think two TIF users will be walking along the street, one will recognise the other and say "omg u flamed me 2 months back - now die"? How can pictures alone cause safety problems?

    His dad told him that and hes like a expert in computers
    The world is full of self proclaimed experts who really don't know what they are talking about.








    Very true. The thing is these 'experts' don't know that they aren't experts and that's what makes them harmful - if not harming people's machines then just harming the world by spreading misinformation.








    The real experts will admit that they don't know everything and not give advice on areas they're not informed about. You can't be an expert at everything.

  6. If you have drives of different sizes RAID 0 (striped) is a bad idea since you'll lose some of the larger drive. What's more, to do it both would have to be wiped. Basically RAID isn't what you want in your situation.








    If you have two partitions on one physical disc then you can either make the smaller one bigger and the bigger one smaller, or you'll have to copy the items over to the bigger one manually - which will prevent some of the copied programs from working.








    If you have two physical discs then you can only copy stuff over.

  7. a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.








    I am intolerant of fundamentalist christian beliefs because I see them to be harmful. I assume you are intolerant of the sort of fundamentalist muslim beliefs that allow the sentencing of rape victims to corporal punishment.








    I am, however, not intolerant of other beliefs - including more open-minded christian ones. Thus, I am not 'utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief or opinion'.









  8. However it can also mean you can save a ton of money and blow it all on shoes just so you appear rich. Or you can just be an idiot and think you're cool because you wear expensive shoes which apparently make you look rich.








    So true. That's why you see Mercedes on council estates. Why you see plasma TVs in their houses. Why chavs wear Burberry.








    Wearing expensive clothing doesn't say anything about your socio-economic status. Chavs have already proved that.

  9. but they totally own the shoes u told u have.








    This thread is the maturity epicentre of the boards.








    I can tell this from the talk of shoes 'owning' other shoes.

  10. You are trying to turn this into a flame war. The topic was just fine until you showed up several days later and stirred this up.








    I called you racist because discrimination is discrimination no matter if its someone race or religoun.








    You called me racist because you are ignorant as to what it means. Now you're just trying to make out like you're right.








    1 the belief that there are characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to each race.




    2 discrimination against or antagonism towards other races.








    1 each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics.









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