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Posts posted by hatebringer

  1. So honetsly vamp and penance are out for slayer, but lets say I wanted to camp tds or something else would neither of these be worth it since prayer pots are too expensive and soul split just counters vamp anyways? or would the free boost be possibly worth it?

  2. I currently have enough loyalty rewards points to buy pretty much any aura, or for that matter any of the loyalty rewards, but I am not too sure which is best.

    I like the sound of the vampire aura as well as the special attack one(not sure on name) but then again i dont know what rlly is best. I have the tier 1 fishing aura already for some reason :S


    If I mostly slay as well as some boss hunting rarely which really is best?

  3. I really can't believe that they actually went through with getting rid of f2p highscores. AND the new website and highscores just seem like a big hassle and waste of space. I like seeing my updates and not crummy troll face or victories and happy kid s**t on everything everywhere on the website.



    Wow i hate this update more and more the interfaces are stupid and pointless. Doesn't go with the game and lot more. The forums and website overal are just a horrible change. The lagg and everything else makes them such a hassle not to mention the adventurer's log is completely ruined. WHY SHORTEN IT!? i dnt need stupid graphics give me my info ..


    Why do you care? I thought you were quitting if they implemented the high score removals. Won't matter to you now eh?

    Yes i am quiting but i do care about how the people who still play will be penialized for literally everything unless they pay. I refuse to pay and play a game that went from such a great game to a load of trash so quickly and care almost nothing about the community.


    I find your post + your forum name to be quite ironic.


    My name hatebringer was originally made up to represent bringing hate to the people who bring it to others who do not deserve it.

    Its just something i've used as my online alias ive used since way back when I was mocked for "hating" on people and I did not care for it because they needed to be hated on thus my name;

  4. I really can't believe that they actually went through with getting rid of f2p highscores. AND the new website and highscores just seem like a big hassle and waste of space. I like seeing my updates and not crummy troll face or victories and happy kid s**t on everything everywhere on the website.



    Wow i hate this update more and more the interfaces are stupid and pointless. Doesn't go with the game and lot more. The forums and website overal are just a horrible change. The lagg and everything else makes them such a hassle not to mention the adventurer's log is completely ruined. WHY SHORTEN IT!? i dnt need stupid graphics give me my info ..


    Why do you care? I thought you were quitting if they implemented the high score removals. Won't matter to you now eh?

    Yes i am quiting but i do care about how the people who still play will be penialized for literally everything unless they pay. I refuse to pay and play a game that went from such a great game to a load of trash so quickly and care almost nothing about the community.


    This game is becoming more and more like the United States. People care about the changes happening but have no guts to say or do anything about it. Saying you believe in the occupy wallstreet and actually going there and protesting are two completely different things, just like denying jagex their not earned money is different from just sitting here and posting that you dnt like this stuff. You can trash talk me as much as you would like to, just as Devnull put it this is the last straw in many screwups on jagex's record and I cannot continue to pay for their failure.


    I do believe that everyone should not pay fro this game the way it is. I have been here in this game since '05 and alot has changes, some for good, others for bad but in the past year and a half this game has truly gone to hell. I came back maybe 8 months from a break and this game really is different than what it used to be. Member points, and Friend bonuses and all this marketing crap, the change of their website really was the last bit for me and it took away the last reminants of the old scape I used to enjoy when i first started to the stealallthemoneywhileyoucan-scape.


    I always wondered why I still played after all my other RL friends quitted this, and now i know why. And that is why I am quitting. I did not make an empty threat on this game. Removing the f2p highscores was exactly that, the last straw.

  5. I really can't believe that they actually went through with getting rid of f2p highscores. AND the new website and highscores just seem like a big hassle and waste of space. I like seeing my updates and not crummy troll face or victories and happy kid s**t on everything everywhere on the website.



    Wow i hate this update more and more the interfaces are stupid and pointless. Doesn't go with the game and lot more. The forums and website overal are just a horrible change. The lagg and everything else makes them such a hassle not to mention the adventurer's log is completely ruined. WHY SHORTEN IT!? i dnt need stupid graphics give me my info ..

  6. F2P players make the game. If enough people dnt like this then where are future members coming from? Alot of members and free members alike dnt like this so u really believe anyone is going to spread word about the game if there is no one happy with how it is run. First rule of business is the customers make you not the other way around.

  7. If this goes through I will stop paying for members and will quit. I am not gonna continue to pay for a game that punishes it's free members .. that is where everyone starts and if u can't see your rank and kill lookup for f2p. Members all ready have enough bonus to constitute a upgrade. Taking away highscores all together is just stupid

  8. Random easter egg:


    Go to south east corner of a clan citadel and you can see the top of the tower poking thru the clouds.

    Yup, saw this earlier in the morning lol, here:



    Can be seen from pretty much any border of the citadel tbh.


    Woah, that's an interesting find. Emphasizes the tower length well. :blink:


    Wonder if someone is standing on the top and you can see they from up there haha :P

    But the climb mode really does pose a tough challenge, 7 handicaps on pest queen was too much dam you no prayer or potions :(

  9. Obviously there should be a beta test server with a random lotto to be given out for players to test content, just like WoW does and just like most other large MMOs do, but jagex like to keep secrecy on their updates and probably won't ever do this. The entire time i have been playing they have yet to even say anything about beta testing. This is the first time ever and it was exclusive to RuneFest.

  10. Can somebody give advice? I'm fighting Sigmund, he switches prayer to whatever style you are using. I can not do special attacks because of they are disabled. Any tips?


    Pick up the Ancient Mace off the floor and use it's special attack after he has activated his prayers. If you do it before it wont work and you will have to wait 5 minutes for your spec bar to refill.


    Sounds like shit design. Seriously, make them wait FIVE MINUTES for the spec bar to restore? Thats really lame.

    Not only that but i got sigmund as the first boss so i have a full inventory and need to use mace special, so i drop a potion grab the mace n spec before his pray is on... before reading this... so i drop the mace and pick up the potion thinking it will stay since it is needed now, and no... IT DISSAPEARED and i have to sit with full armor ON and hope that he kills me fast enough to not make me quit. Really awesome I dnt even feel like doing this anymore already.

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