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    Under the bed.
  1. Just in case any of you nublets wanted to keep stalking me: [email protected] Enjoy.
  2. Ouch. A good 20+ pages lost there. Now, I hate to do this just as we get the forum back but I was planning to do this a few days ago. It's time to announce my retirement from RuneScape and probably Tip.It as well. I've been on this game for a long time now and I've met some incredible people but I just find myself extremely bored. I may come back, but if I do, it will probably be on Call Of Ra - my f2p (ex)pure. Thanks to all the people who've supported me on my goals. I couldn't have done without you guys. There's a few people who've been extra special to me. Please don't be angry/upset if I leave you out, I'm very forgetful. Heph- What a great guy. Always fun to talk to and do stuff with. Good luck with your other 99s. Vold- I know he quit but he's still amazing. Really funny and a great friend. Sjakie- Very supportive and helped me get through troubled times. Thanks man. Litoua- Extremely funny. Also really supportive and helpful. Um Bong0- My first friend on Tip.It. Chats with him are bound to end in a screenie or two. Lonk- He's quit too but is still an amazing guy. Absolute legend. Biscit- Really funny. Great guy. Devilsbr0- See above. Thiesje- Fairly old friend. Many a fun conversation. Zzzuper- Funny guy. His chat is never dull. Bballchamp- Had some fun conversations with him 'til he quit. Zaid- What an amazing guy! Truly one of my best friends. That's everyone I can currently remember. Please don't be angry with me if I left you out, I don't want to offend anyone, I'm just forgetful. Now, for the final time, Au Revoir Tip.It Memo out. (Forever?)
  3. Can't remember much but once, this guy in my class "peanutted" (yanking your tie really hard so you can't take it off) me so after school, I punched him really hard in the stomach and he started crying. Felt quite bad. :(
  4. Z0mg 30GB. :o Mine's only 8GB. :oops: Thanks King Nooble, Thiesje and Zaid. You guys rock. Closing in on 56 Range but school keeps safe spotting and potting. #-o
  5. For hide, you do this: [hide=Clickable text here]Stuff you want to hide here[/hide] Nice blog, g'luck with your goals. :wink:
  6. There will be soon, game. :wink: Thanks Jopie, I love it. :D
  7. Amgz, dusty is back!!!11!1shiftone!1! Welcome back noob, want seeds? :lol:
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