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  1. Good guide for new players, but if your facing anyone with experience then this guide isn't anywhere near in depth enough.
  2. With 500 points Ive gotten: Red dhide top deaths iron arrows
  3. Runescape is getting there. It'll eventually become like neopets and sell advertising rights to any company under the sun thats willing to cough up some cash #-o
  4. I know what worlds are decent, but they're hit or miss when it comes to challenging games. My goal is to set a world where you can go any time of the day and play hardcore cw without any lag.
  5. Ive seen you around Danqazmlp, and thank you for understanding what I meant :lol:
  6. Unlike pc though, CW doesnt have a limit for players, so there would be both noobs and skilled players there :wink:
  7. "wordl, 2, 6 ,9 are official cws world.... no point int rying to make another one." World 2 is almost impossible to get into and world 6 and 9 lag 95% of the people that play there.
  8. Theres an (un)official Duel Arena world. Theres (un)official Pest Control worlds. Theres even an (un)official Barbarian Assault world. So why not an official Castle Wars world? A few friends (from different time zones) and I spent the time to scout worlds from each server area and found that the Canadian servers lag the least. Therefore, we are going to attempt to make world 129 the (un)official Castle Wars world. But why? A common world for everyone to meet and play castle wars would mean more intense and interesting games. It would mean theres always a world to go to if you want to play a challenging game. So the next time you have an urge to play cw, please head over to world 129 and help make it the place to be when it comes to castle wars. ps - We are also posting this on the Runescape forums and other fansites in an attempt to get this rolling!
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