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Everything posted by 3xp3rament3

  1. good... take her off my hands, shes costing me a bloody fortune, let alone my sanity. when can she move in?
  2. well technically, you do start dying of "old age", which unfortunately comes at the ripe age of 30, varying for ages for different people of gender, race, size, composure etc. as someone stated above it is around the 30 year old mark that the body does not produce as many of the essentials we need to grow and to repair our body to the full, minerals, amino acids etc. We actually start to "die" faster than the body can repair, however slow the process takes, 50, 60, 70 years etc. And it is because of this that we become more prone to diseases, cancer, organ failure etc. When u say it is not "old age" that kills you it predominantly is, because we cannot fight off, and/or repair the body quickly enough to stop them from spreading etc. Have you ever seen a ripe teenager die from a cold? Very very unlikely, because the amount of white blood cells produced and efficiency of them is second to none. However it is not unlikely for a cold to progress and sometimes, tragically, kill an old person, because their body cannot fight the infection quickly and effectively enough. finishing... in a way it is "old age" that can lead to the death of someone.
  3. I hate how they always put that, because it really doesn't mean anything. They should't apoligize to you once they find out who you are. I mean, if some other person got rejected from the store, would they apoligize? Maybe, but would that really mean anything either? And it's not like they would give any publicity when doing it. It's just polite to apologize if people feel offended. They didn't intend to offend her, she was offended, they apologize. It's called being civilized. No he's totally right, only because she can, and obviously did, make a huge fuss about this calling it racism and whatever, ROFL! I work at a stationers in town, loadsa people come upto our shop before its open or after it's closed and try and get in, i say sorry were closed, they go away, simple as that. I would wet myself with laughter if they started shouting im a racist and that they're gona post this all over the tv/news. I absolutely HATE celebrities like this, power goes to they're head and they forget what they actually are and what they'll always be... people like the rest of us. Rich or poor, old or young etc. etc. no-one has the right to demand something that wouldn't be offered to another equal person. Sorry just annoys the hell into me.
  4. u have to duel someone with obstacles on, obviously u have to dig before they kill you, so it does help to say something, or pay them :)
  5. i really don't think u get zammy kite from maze, maybe treasure trail ?
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