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Posts posted by Joes_So_Cool

  1. I'd like to kiss you passionately on the lips, then move up to your belly button.




    (Use index finger to call someone over then say) I made you come with one finger, imagine what I could do with the rest.




    Would you be my love buffet? So I can lay you out on the table and take what I want?




    As long as you need a place to sit, you'll always have my face.






    You are what you eat, and tonight I want to be you.




    Those are actually humerus, all I know is the dumb ones.




    Are those astronaut pants? Because your [wagon] is outta this world.


    I lost my number can I have yours?


    Do you have a mirror in your pants? "No why?" Because I can see myself in them.


    Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?


    Are your legs tired, because you've been running through my mind all day long.


    Are you lost? Because heaven's a long way from here.






    Getting bored of typing them haha.




    Edit: Let me just say, none of these helped me get my current girlfriend, or any previous ones for that matter.

  2. I find Rubik's cubes to be an unentertaining waste of time... I imagine they'd be fun to play with whilst stoned though!!! It'd be like 'Woooooaaaaah!!! These colours are awesome!!! Woah!!! You can move bits!!!!' :lol:






    You've never been high on weed, that's what I'm implying your talking about weed that is, you wouldn't be acting like that..




    On topic, I never could figure out those things, I wish I could though.

  3. Hmm, I'm not sure if this is the most terrifying moment, but definitely in the top 3.




    My mom goes to book clubs with her friends on the 3rd Wednesday of every month, she's been doing this for as long as I can remember, probably close to 8-10 years. I am now 15, and when this happened I was 9 or 10. I'm sure you all know those little plastic bow and arrows, that have that red suction gummy thingy on the end of it that sticks to windows and television screens. Anyways, for some reason I was sucking on that but I stopped for about 20 minutes to go eat lunch, my grandma made me a sandwich and some red jello for desert., and I was alone with my grandma, she lived with us after my grandfather died. She was the smallest 68 year old I've ever seen, weighing in at about 75 lbs, and at about 5'4 (that has a meaning). So anyways, there I was, laying on the couch sucking away on the end of this arrow when all of a sudden, it came off, right into my throat. I was unable to breath and instantly ran into the kitchen where my grandma was reading one of her beloved Steven King novels. I tried making violent hand movements and of course made the international choking sign, two hands crossed over your throat. She finally after about 15-20 seconds realized what was happening, and tried to give me the Heimlich Maneuver, sadly she was much to fragile and failed miserably, at this point it had been close to 35-40 seconds and I was loosing air fast, I tried to give my self the Heimlich Maneuver using a char, as she instructed me to do so, once again no result. At this time I was almost passed out being close to a minute or so and terrified. Thinking quickly she yelled at me to shove two fingers down my throat so I would vomit, hoping the vomit would push out the arrow top. Luckly, this did work, and I threw up all of this red stuff, not sure weather or not it was blood or the jello I had eaten earlier.




    I think it's safe to say that is and probably will remain one of the most terrifying moments in my life.

  4. Well, it does suck, I'll give you that, but there's not much you can do after its happened except do things to prevent it from happening again.




    Bank pin and a virus scan is definitely needed in this case

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