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Posts posted by Joes_So_Cool

  1. Basically, post pics of your room.






    I'll start it off.




    Well heres my room.




    From the hallway:






















    Video games/DVD's (Well over 60+ games/dvd's my cousin owns a gaming/dvd store):

















    TV/Comp and one bureau:






    I'll probably add more later if people want more pics of my room. I'd love some ratings. Before it was completely unbearable and I stubbed my toe multiple times walking to and from my desk. I had a rug in it before with stains all over it. Took that out, now revealing the nice wood floor.




    I'd love if you rated from 1-10, 10 being neat, cool, and organized, 1 being tacky, lame, and unorganized.








    Why not actually make a post even relevant to what you're supposed to post instead of belittling people? 100 Million doesn't just appear in you bank :roll:




    On-Topic: 10/10 for the level, good to see you stayed, tbh was quite a stupid reason to quit. Now go cash in on the level at Arma ::'




    His post was perfectly relevant to this subject, he said he gives dedication to people who got it with an arrow and bow. Not who got it with their money.




    I somewhat agree, considering there are many cheaper ways, in fact ways you could make much more then you spend on arrows/knives/bolts/etc.. Nonetheless, he still got a 99, and a 99 in range is a good achievement.





  3. Well, in my school there has always been those select few who sit in the back of the classroom and you're nice to them because you know one day when they bring in a knife they'll see you and walk by and remember you said hi ti him in the hallway that one time, instead of calling him an outcast.




    Nonetheless, there's 2 of them in my school, Ryan and Steve. They're oddballs, somehow they have ALL the same classes, I guarantee you it was planned, Steve has been Ryans only friend since gradeschool, and Ryan has been Steves only friend.

  4. To my knowledge the only time you CAN'T get a task is when you do not have the proper slayer level. Combat level only affects the slayer master you can get tasks from.




    Correct, combat has NOTHING to do with what slayer monster you get, only what slayer master you're able to ask for slayer tasks.

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