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la la la

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Posts posted by la la la

  1. Because I haven't seen this here, you're limited to 25 spin purchases per week. Efficiency only costs $26k/yr.


    Is that a new limit? Because people on YouTube posted themselves doing hundreds of spins in the first day.

    I'm sorry, I was unclear. It is 25 spin purchases of 75 spins, or 1875 total spins.


    From my 1875 spins I got:

    178 unassigned/118 assigned medium lamps (odd rate, may not be 50/50?)

    236 unassigned/232 assigned small lamps

    4 large unassigned (not sure if assigned exist)

    1 huge lamp (assigned, dungeoneering)

    10m cash


    So that's 5.1m xp in the focused skill and 3.6m spread over all skills per week, at the cost of around 4 hours and $500. Not sure how game-breaking this is.

  2. They can't recover your account if they don't know the answers. People who get their accounts recovered are the same people that make RS facebook pages with their private info in plain sight. *makes recovery question my birthday, posts birthday on all available RS forums and facebook*. I made that mistake once. Made my answers real answers to the recovery questions. Thought I was safe, was recovered by a friend (this was many years ago on my original acc). If you're not stupid, you won't get hacked. If you have random answers to the questions, they have some other info from you that you let slip onto the internet.

    This is not true. Knowledge of even an IP, registration e-mail, and enough guessing can be enough to recover an account (which is ridiculous, Jagex).

  3. Usually just guilty of lurking, but had to correct a point the in OP.


    When CS was released, it was said that it would place the item in the GE for mid price, and if after two weeks had expired, the item hadn't sold, it would be removed from the game. I am thus inclined to disagree with the idea of 4 year old hilts finally surfacing into the market.

    I had NEVER heard this, and I highly doubt this is true as it would result in pretty massive inflation if so.

  4. Blood necklace with a hood is counter-productive. You want as many monsters gathered around you as possible, which will increase dps and healing. As long as you are smart with prayers, you should be taking less damage than you would be taking with hood. The only down-side is that, once you run out of prayer, hood is far more valuable than a plate.


    Regardless, I'd suggest you go with blood neck + plate instead of neck + hood.

  5. [hide=ot stat argument]

    How do we know if effigies don't stack when there is 4096 different combination of effigies? Could simply be you never had the same one twice. Just a theory.


    4096 effigiees would be 368,640,000 exp in investigation and 196,726,784 exp if used on a skill leveled 99.


    I take it by now if it were true they stacked, someone would have proved it by now thus declaring that as false.

    If you're familiar with the "Birthday problem" in statistics, we can apply the same logic.




    Anyways, the chances that 2 effigies are exactly the same combination, even in a relatively small sample size, is much higher than expected. Even with just 80 effigies that have 4096 possibilities, we have a 54% chance that an effigy will be repeated. From the sample size of over 400 that Mithril collected, it would have been 1/billions of a chance that none stacked, which was the case.


    The calculation for the chance of a repeat in 80 effigies is below:



    8*8*8*8 =4096. 8 number of double options and 4 different stages says 4096. Ok it wouldn't be 100% accurate but it'd likely be close. Mithril got roughly a 10% sample becuase of the bank limits. He probably had the single most amount of effigies at one time than anyn other player and hand't found a stack. That doesn't mean it doesn't actually exist.


    Its like me saying the runescape highscores doesn't go over 4B exp, no one has disproved it therefore at this moment in time it is correct as that's how science goes.

    Do you not understand statistics at all.........

    Going by Mithril's final video, having 512 effigies...



    There still is that 1/3.26105365781218125244094176610945024285795682897985401323552500099409438625591680007306013486857426354101266 × 1015 chance.. He probably just got very unlucky as 512/4096 (which conveniently equals 1/8) is not a large enough sample size to give confidence.. If we get 7 moar people, we will have 4096/4096=1 so that means we can finally prove/disprove the stackability of effigies.

    I can has statistician award now? :rolleyes:



    Anyways, on topic... a tad late congratz to Suomi on 200m def!! gl with finishing crawlering :)


    I would let this die if you guys would stop bringing up horrible statistics. Read the wikipedia article or something.

  6. sasm.png


    I looked at his A-Log feed. From level 77-91 Thieving, he had only found the Black Ibis Boots.

    Which means that he must have had some incredibly insane luck prior to level 77. Ugh.



    He could have just opened lots of urns, as ibis is a function of urns opened, not the experience or level requirement of the urns. Some maxed players going for ibis would just loot the first 3 rooms fully and repeat.

  7. How do we know if effigies don't stack when there is 4096 different combination of effigies? Could simply be you never had the same one twice. Just a theory.


    4096 effigiees would be 368,640,000 exp in investigation and 196,726,784 exp if used on a skill leveled 99.


    I take it by now if it were true they stacked, someone would have proved it by now thus declaring that as false.

    If you're familiar with the "Birthday problem" in statistics, we can apply the same logic.




    Anyways, the chances that 2 effigies are exactly the same combination, even in a relatively small sample size, is much higher than expected. Even with just 80 effigies that have 4096 possibilities, we have a 54% chance that an effigy will be repeated. From the sample size of over 400 that Mithril collected, it would have been 1/billions of a chance that none stacked, which was the case.


    The calculation for the chance of a repeat in 80 effigies is below:



    8*8*8*8 =4096. 8 number of double options and 4 different stages says 4096. Ok it wouldn't be 100% accurate but it'd likely be close. Mithril got roughly a 10% sample becuase of the bank limits. He probably had the single most amount of effigies at one time than anyn other player and hand't found a stack. That doesn't mean it doesn't actually exist.


    Its like me saying the runescape highscores doesn't go over 4B exp, no one has disproved it therefore at this moment in time it is correct as that's how science goes.

    Do you not understand statistics at all.........

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