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la la la

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Posts posted by la la la

  1. not if kiddies are willing to throw away their parents money for that price. Or god forbid if someone had a job and they were willing to work an hour [California min wage is $8] for about 14m.


    Edit: Though I think you hit a low if you value in-game items to the standard of real money

    Agreed, although it offers a perspective of how pointless gaining gold is just to have gold.

  2. I'd like to bring up something that was mentioned 2 pages back (unrelated to mod drama), about spending tokens on blazer when one doesn't have 70RC.


    The recommendation was to instead get t5 gatherer.


    Which is sound advice, and I agree, get t5 gatherer.


    But I'd like to add that you should also invest in blazer. Personally, I would get t5 blazer, but perhaps you might want to stop at t3 or t4. If you pick up rune drops throughout the dungeon, you should have enough deaths/bloods for at least 20-40 surges, if not more. Then you can just use some ess drops to make airs and other elemental runes and you got yourself a decent enough amount of surges. For this reason, I recommend you have a magic ring in the wings with zerker/gatherer as your quickswitch rings. Once you have a decent pile of runes, replace gatherer with blazer in your quickswitch and be ready to mage if the situation calls for it.


    I'm not really sure if this is worth the effort, especially since I don't know the quality of dungeoneering the person who originally asked this has, so it might be better to work on other aspects before delving into this. But practicality aside, this should be brought to the asker's attention for future use, if not immediate use.

    My view on 70 rc-

    70 rc is 737k xp. That's fewer than 20 hours, even at low levels, at ZMI.

    You hurt the team's dps significantly if you don't have a surgebox or hex.

    If you are not willing to put aside 20 hours of runecrafting to help your team DG, I seriously question your commitment.

    Just ran into this in a C2, not sure if it new or not but thought I should post it here:




    Tried everything but my character would just keep running at the long wall when i try to run past it for the key, as if there is no space in the wall where I've marked..

    Obviously this could be a major problem if it occurs in 5:5s, submitted a bug report anyway


    Edit: Found the same room again in another C2, so hopefully its not a regular occurance[/hide]

    Ice c2's are buggy like that. There is a model of the non-altar dead-end shaped like (pardon the dots for spacing, dumb forum code removes multiple spaces):


    |. . ___|

    |. . | x |



    Where you can walk on top of the pool at X

  3. Wow, looks like Tui's Blink incident wasn't the only one.

    Wonder how it got triggered. Do you remember what you guys did?

    Blink spawns in the wall behind the pillar when he runs across, so if the right pillar is up, he can spawn behind it and immediately fall down. That's strange, though, because when that happened to me, I could safely hex him.


    The only thing i can think of is that the corner Blink is stuck in also serves to block from his "Here it comes," so there may be some additional property of that wall space that prevents projectiles from shooting through it.

  4. People also havent considered how things stack with testing as they do it all in 1 go.


    Taking mistknowitall's first few checks:

    AIP - AIP

    AIP - AIS

    AIP - AIR


    He did them all in a line so he actually entered:

    aip - aip - aip - ais - aip - air


    Assuming no combination goes beyond a quad that means he has actually tested

    aip - aip

    aip - aip - aip

    aip - aip - aip -ais

    aip - aip - ais

    aip - aip - ais - aip

    aip - ais

    aip - ais - aip

    aip - ais - aip - air

    ais - aip

    ais - aip - air


    And so on.

    But if you try all the quads, you'll obviously try all of the doubles and triples also. So you still have to try 16.7m combinations of 4.

    Edit: Ohhh, I see. I'm not sure if fairy rings roll around like that. (ais - aip - air - ais - aip may cover 2 combinations of 4)

  5. Anyone planning to check quads hasn't given much thought to the math involved.


    For the base level of fairy rings, there are 3^4 = 81 possible destinations. All quad combinations would be 3^4 * 3^4 * 3^4 * 3^4 = 3^16 = over 43 million. Assuming for the sake of argument that each fairy ring destination took you only one second to dial, teleport to, and teleport back (which is nonsense), then it would take you 4 years of playing 24/7 non-stop to test all quad combinations.

    There are 4^3 = 64 possible destinations for the base rings...

    That makes 4096 double combinations, 262k triple combos, and 16.7m quads.

  6. If you only have a 5 digit password, well, you deserve to be hacked. Why not just have at least a 10 digit password? You get a HUGE jump in security. I just used a random password generator for mine and memorized it; I even cycle through my passwords every couple of months. Keep your recovery questions up to date, have a bank pin that isn't 1111, and you should have plenty of security. That is, as long as you don't get keylogged, etc. But even then, you should be able to recover your account for whatever reason. If you are extra paranoid, you can even bank all your valuables before you logout in case you do get hacked.


    Just the other day I logged on and someone had apparently "guessed" my password (really no idea how they got on my account) and tried to cancel my bank PIN. Luckily I logged in and cancelled the cancel before it canceled (lol). I ran some malware/spyware and virus scans, changed my password, my bank PIN, updated my recovery questions, and I was once again as secure as I could be. icon_thumbsu.gif

    Lol you should check your random password generator.

  7. I liked the first one.


    The second... no. Both numbers of password combinations are too high to be guessed unless the password is a word or something. I don't think they understand password security well. The bigger problem is that they are trying to link runescape and facebook, while facebook sends passwords over an unencrypted connection (http vs https). Any script kiddy in a public library can hack someone's facebook account, and this can now extend to runescape also, if the two are linked.

  8. Finished reading /obt/, now I get to post.


    Maybe I'll stalk see you at Disneyland this summer, I hope to take my little sister there for the first time if there is time. Any idea where you will be working in the park? We could rush the haunted house and see who gets berzerker.

    I will get MVP

    haunted house = makeout ride

  9. -1 seed/patch (-257.9k)

    +6.5 herbs/patch regular (+218.4k)

    +2.16 herbs/patch with juju farming potions (+72.7k)

    +.1 torstol seed/patch with scroll of life (+25.79k)

    = 58.99k

    *5 patches = 294,950 average profit/run


    Higher if you have remote farm

  10. IHasChicken has inspired me.

    My blog


    After work, I got invited to 2 parties (1 birthday, 1 random) but didn't go to either because I got lost trying to find the restaurant to eat dinner before one of the parties. Standing on the sidewalk where the restaurant was supposed to be, I got out my phone to check how to get there or text someone, but I ran out of battery and got the "battery too low for radio use" message. So I got fed up and drove home. On the way home, my two main radio stations decided to simultaneously play that "Rolling in the deep" song that everyone hates ("We could have had it *VOICE CRACK* AAAAAAALLLLLLLL"). Then one of them played "I roll up." FFS I just want to listen to some Katy Perry and Ke$ha, not this crap. But I got low on gas, so I went to fill up. The pump was broken, and I had to hold the gas nozzle in place like an idiot. After that, I ate at Chipotle and got the vegetarian burrito, because I like guacamole but don't want to pay $2 for it (if I get meat). Like always, I asked for pinto beans, and the guy warned me that there is bacon in the pinto beans. I need a shirt that says "I'm not vegetarian. I just like guacamole." After a burrito and some chips, I went home to play fable 3, but I got a disk read error 3 times before I could save for the first time. In a fit of rage, I retreated to my room and got my stealing creation rocks. Then I planned to go to bed but did absolutely nothing for 2 hours. Good fight my night.


    Thanks for the rant space, and good night.

  11. As adamant as I have been to not take part in price manipulation, I'd nominate chessy for both her pre-GE merchanting (she owned the willow market, as well as raw lobsters, I think) and post-GE merchanting/manipulation, which was so wildly successful and controversial that even j-mods couldn't keep their rules straight.


    At the release of free trade, her santa pile (80b), assuming liquidity, was worth over $60,000 in the black market. That's quite an achievement.

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