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la la la

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Posts posted by la la la

  1. why does this have its own thread? lock please

    the same reason dungeoneering has its own skill. because they're out to get you.


    Where do we vote for thread of the week, or hot topic, or whatever?



    When someone says to "drag" the ggs, this does not mean to take it to your gate, or to teleport anywhere with it. "Drag" implies carrying the GGS without teleporting, usually along a path the keyer is not following. For example, as a keyer, if we are in a GD with two doors in opposite directions, I can instruct a team member to drag the ggs north, while I go south. Someone should pick up the ggs, carry it with them north, hopefully to another GD, and drop it when they stop. Someone dragging the ggs is allowed to carry the ggs on them, but to be on the lookout for the keyer teleporting and asking them to drop it.


    If you are keying and want someone to move the ggs more specifically, ask them to "move" or "take" ggs.

  3. This really gets down to the morals of cheating versus the morals of being forced to throw away your life [1000's of hours] to access content you enjoy

    Isn't life about throwing away your life (a job) to access content you enjoy?

  4. The only time I played Classic was when Jagex opened Classic a year or so ago (I logged on then to get an account).

    So that is a bit misleading.

    It was so stupid that they released the capes like that. The classic cape really means nothing with people who got in on the re-release getting the same cape. I hope they have realized how huge of a mistake that was.

  5. Uses for construction:

    House altar, Portal room, tele tabs, armour repair stand


    Uses for summoning:

    Almost everything


    Uses for dungeoneering:

    -Game becomes a team game instead of a single-player game with trading


    -Resource dungeons

    -hours and hours of added content, with almost an entire game worth of new armor, weapons, monsters, and other items

  6. On a similar note, remember when we weren't all reminiscing about the "good ol days" and just played the game and had fun doing stupid stuff and enjoyed it


    I don't think Jagex ever left those days and still operate under the impression that they are in the same years before the rwt crisis

    I enjoy the game more when I'm *not* doing stupid stuff.


    RWT has been around since long before you (or even I) joined tif...

  7. If you like, we could have all submitting users write up a properly written article with cited sources which would be then reviewed by a group of highly qualified players before the post is allowed to be displayed.


    Or we can just continue to converse the way we could be with some level of civility accompanied by pieces of actual evidence that can be understood by most of the community.


    On some level, common experience makes conversation easier, but on the other end, if you just wanted to have a consortium of high level players, we could just make a subforum which only allows registered high level users to post, but geez, how would we even regulate that kind of thing without getting too complicated again


    What even qualifies a user as high leveled? You'll get at least ten different opinions. How do we know that these players will handle themselves maturely? There are a lot of high level players who haven't learned a thing about communicating with other people besides hitting them in the face with a dragon claw while spraying a stream of gibberish at them.


    So...what's your take?


    EDIT: Unrelated note, but if you really expect stuff like the Times to be relevant to your interests, maybe....just maybe, you might consider starting to write for them, to let other people know that they can take that kind of initiative since they're part of the community too. If you hate the articles that much, do something about it.

    You really don't understand this at all.


    First, our group does not have many pkers. It's a pretty immature community as a whole.


    Many people in our group are particularly bothered that tip.it now says they have the rights to the guides written on the forums due to a catch in the rules. There is no way they would ever write for the times.


    In addition, you blow the whole "researched" post idea out of proportion. We simply want numbers and reasoning to support claims. Nothing too difficult.

  8. There's a difference between using these boards every few hours rather than returning every few days/weeks for nostalgia. Because we do the former and feel that this site cannot keep up, we are splitting.


    Are you giving me attitude???


    Why are you explaining it to me? After I said this happens and that I have done the same in the past? I fully understand as not many people here do. That's real sympathy right there!


    Ok, no good luck for you then.


    Go away and go to your own forums if you are just gonna go on here snarking at the old players.

    Thanks for proving my point precisely. We give you honest answers, and you overreact.

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