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la la la

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Posts posted by la la la

  1. 214w7qv.png


    Strait ahead is the shop for town, we plan on adding more since we have an economy now. The hills are some houses made by GC1886 and a friend of Rocked. My house is to the left and the spawn building is to the right. We shall call this the suburbs of town :P.

    You left my house out! (it's to the left)


    But everyone should play.

  2. Just because you've grown out of it doesn't mean that RS has lost its luster to everyone. When you quit playing with action figures, did you decide that action figures had "jumped the shark" and would only go downhill from there? Obviously not - the next generation will fill in where we leave off.

  3. But rather not delve into a comparison to real life gambling.


    Poker chips aren't money either, but they can be bought and sold for it. If I have a lot of poker chips, and I lose them, do I have a gambling problem? How about if I earn the poker chips? Or if someone gives them to me?

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