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la la la

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Posts posted by la la la

  1. I guess you're never too low of level to start going after that max strength bonus huh?

    [hide=level 25]25withbandos.png[/hide]


    Level 25 wearing BCP and Tassets.


    Also, I just bought my own BCP and Tassets right before I saw her. Yay time to slay more, like 3m exp from 99. :thumbsup:

    Lost its glory in my eyes thanks to soul wars. Now all you have to do is bot afk for a few days there. That's why my 82 mage 10-hp account is crap now. Thanks, soul wars.

  2. So basically, I'm getting ripped?


    Wow, I should hire a 100$/hour lawyer to defend my case.


    If he can book the case in 50 hours, I'll have got my money back in 15 152 years.


    Oh wait, there are some years with 29 days in february, so a "little" bit more time :P

    $100/hr lawyer won't win that case [/spam]

  3. I can't remember where I heard it at so sorry but no source... Anyways, I heard something about if they catch RWTers then they remove the cash that they bought from the account. I even heard something about if they know you spent the cash on skills, the skills can even be reset. Although, how can they be 100% positive that the money was bought and it wasn't just some friend giving another friend a large chunk of money?


    Again though, just something I remember reading a few weeks ago or something, so don't take what I say as fact. Anyone else remember hearing anything like this, or am I just losing it?

    You have to be reported for rwt'ing or trade with someone who has been reported. I think they purposefully leave some of the bigger sellers and middlemen unbanned so that they can keep banning their clients.

  4. If I wanted something to entertain myself for half an hour I would watch tv. Updates that don't bring permanent long lasting changes are a waste of resources

    I think they should at least make quests give more xp/hr than grinding the skills themselves to provide some point to doing the otherwise useless ones.

  5. This is why I think a RL timer is the best. I keep one by my computer, if you have been on Skype you have probably heard it. I think it's easiest in terms of setup - who wants more stuff to pay attention to on the screen? Also, if you ever house option it's very easy to stop and then start up again, which some of those timers don't do very well.

    gotta go with cooltimer

  6. 17.8 cents per day bought at 28 days.

    16.1 cents per day bought at 31 days.


    Valuing someone's time at $7 per hour, which is pretty low, they're scamming you about 8 seconds per day. That's 8 seconds that you will never get back. That's 8 seconds that you could have spent saving orphans.

  7. Got an ely for 554m last night instantly (put in a 570m offer). I expected they would recover more quickly.


    Not sure exactly what they're at now, but they seem to be around 550-560. I can't get a good gauge from the forums because there are still too many noob posts offering like 300-400m with no response.


    Edit: Finding a few unanswered 550m posts and a some sales around that price also. Another guy claims to have bought for 500m off forums, probably manip

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