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la la la

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Posts posted by la la la

  1. I don't go here for efficiency. I only go to Tip It for the community.


    You know what? I just talked to a friend of mine from RS and he asked me where he could get in touch with me and I said "Tip It, I always go back to that place." He just created an account here because I told him that its the best and oldest RS community with fewer noobs than any other fansite. Also, Meili is here which IMHO is very nice. ;)

    [hide=rest of post hidden]

    So yeah, like many others I'm still here, gonna stay here, still recruiting the players who who haven't joined our community because in my book if you haven't been to Tip It, you are missing out big time.


    I hope th flaming, trolling and spamming of the forums is over and we can get back to our regular discussions.


    This wouldn't be the first time that some disgruntled members "seperated" from tip.it to form a new community.


    Actually, this wouldn't even be the tenth time.


    I haven't been here for a number of days and I came back this morning and just realised that we are going through another, yes another one of these phases, lol.


    That's what I thought, too lol.


    I've seen people leave tip.it to make other sites, i'll let you on some old knowledge, I was one of them at one point long ago. What drove me away is that the administrators never conceded fault, never seemed to get out of their freaking ivory towers here and care.


    How is that a secret? I'm sure the older people here know that. Me and Fook also joined another forum that broke off from here. Oh wait... wasn't that with you? Hahahha!


    Das - remember what happened to the clan forums. It's still dead after all these years. D-E-A-D! There is like one post per day when there should be tonnes since RS has a very big and active clan community.


    Well it is probably too late for any advice lol though I did post that warning in another thread about increased moderation. I knew something bad was coming as soon as I saw that thread.


    But like I've said before, Grimy and I pretty much came to the table knowing that separation was more or less our final goal.


    Good luck to you then. I've done the same before. It's nothing new.

    There's a difference between using these boards every few hours rather than returning every few days/weeks for nostalgia. Because we do the former and feel that this site cannot keep up, we are splitting.

  2. The only big issue I see is in separation of combat items versus skilling items. Yes, you only need a certain number of combat items per 4 hours... any more than that, and you're clearly buying out. But items like battlestaves (and previously yew longs) are classified as combat items, while they clearly are not. People only buy yew longs to alch for skilling, and people only buy battlestaves for crafting. Fix this, and the rest is fine.

  3. [hide=hope guide]

    Hope Devourer Guide by Obatrion from Romnitus (get under me).


    The strategy for Hope Devourer isn't too obvious, so I thought I'd make this quick guide for new 101 dungeoneers. Firstly, magic is by far the best attack style to use on Hope. The team should be using fire surge. All but one player should have fire staves and runes, so take the time to make them before starting (but remember that you should always anticipate getting Hope Devourer as boss when doing f51+, so fire staves and at least some runes should be made when the team has downtime).


    Hope Devourer has a special attack that severely hurts anyone using a protection prayer when he uses it. When he says "GGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHURFTHAWUO$IBFAWUER," make sure your protection prayers are off. However, because of the way Hope is fought, protection prayers are unnecessary; the four mages should be using soul split or no prayer at all. The team will be taking constant damage and steady stat reduction throughout the fight, so either soul split or food is necessary.


    I have no definitive proof, but so far the empirical evidence and testing suggests that Hope always targets the player doing the most damage. This is extremely important. If Hope gets near the player he's targeting, he will hit every player nearby with an AOE melee attack that does massive damage and knocks every backwards.


    So here's the strategy: One person will be designated blocker. The blocker will run into the room and stand between Hope and the four mages (mages should come in just a split second after the blocker). It's possible for Hope to immediately attack the blocker when the team first runs in, so the mages should be quick to attack Hope and aggro him onto one of them. The blocker should be loaded with food as he/she will not be soul splitting. The blocker should be attacking with melee, but only very sparingly - it's possible to momentarily out-DPS one of the mages and get everyone killed as a result (I've done it and it hurts).


    The four mages should be grouped very close together so that Hope cannot simply walk around the blocker. To illustrate this, I've created an amazing piece of art portraying the team fighting Hope. The mages are represented by Bruce Lee, Steven Seagal, Chuck Norris, and King Leonidas. The blocker is represented by Rambo. Hope Devourer is Mel Gibson in Braveheart:


    [spoiler=Creative genius.]hopeguide.png


    Guide sounds about right, except Mel Gibson is a Brute, not a Behemoth.

  4. Hell just had a little flashback, it's always been better training at higher combat. Remember in RSC you had to fight people when you fail pickpocketed (i think?), it was a lot easier if you had higher stats.

    Depends. You just had to fight for 3 rounds, then you could run off and continue thieving. Then it's just a question of rather you would prefer to kill your target or wait 3 rounds.

  5. I do agree that there are too many stickies. That topic came up a few years ago in rants, when a huge portion of rants are not allowed their own topic (rant about dying? post it here!), and stuff that goes into some stickies it never read. The screenshot sticky is good, the hidden update sticky is pointless (they announce nearly everything in patch notes now; the hidden updates are just updates people never noticed in an old patch notes), I guess the coming/going thread is alright, but past that, the stickies get annoying.

  6. I reckon bunny ears would be more than santas, I'm fairly sure there's less, at least the same ammount of them in game. But I'm gunna say less.


    I reckon scythe wold be like 30m because theyre pretty boring really.

    "what if" threads are so ridiculously stupid, I can't believe I'm replying. I have no doubt there are fewer scythes/bunny ears than santas, simply because you could only obtain 1 per account. With santas, you could stock up multiple hats on one account, so anybody who has a rudimentary understanding of addition can reason with you.

  7. snip


    ya know, i swear i thought it was at least 5 herbs per patch lived, i super composted, and not first time this has happened either


    you forgot supercompost


    sorry but you did

    Nice job trolling when you're wrong.


    The trollheim patch does that sometimes. I think that the super compost effect goes away if my arm has to cure your patch (when the no-death boost for trollheim kicks in).

  8. However, too many restrictions tend to lead to a more rebellious (if not non-existant) memberbase. I don't really have a lot of beef with a lot of the rules, but as I said, a correct balance has to be found.

    Regarding the new rule on botting, the member base was more upset at not enough restriction for once. These are some great changes. Thanks, staff!

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