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la la la

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Posts posted by la la la

  1. Whatever addiction you may find after that can only be healthier then virtual ones.

    I get it. Internet sarcasm.


    Runescape got me into java programming, which got me into computer science, which got me a job. Thanks scape.


    Everyone needs a hobby. If someone spends all of his/her spare time working on an old car, or collecting coins, or playing a sport, that's fine... but heaven forbid we spend our time playing video games. Sorry for OT.

  2. I'm really sickened by people digressing to flaming others for how they play the game. Dungeoneering is a multiplayer activity in which you can choose who you team with. If someone is doing something incorrect and refuses to fix it, don't team up with them. Don't let them join your clan. Don't talk to them... it doesn't really matter what. It's immature to focus so much in pointing out flaws of others that you cannot focus on your own goals and improvement.


    I think frat guys are annoying in their endless pursuit of beer and women. I don't like what they do, and it certainly an xp waste, so as a result, I don't hang out with too many of them. Am I going to go out of my way to flame them for the way they live their lives? Of course not.


    Moving on, it's hard to compare DGS and 3bo because they are so different at the heart. With a clan like 3bo, based on raw experience selectivity over ability selectivity, you can't be as sure of what you're getting. From what I've seen, it's much easier to find constant rows of floors, albeit mostly slower than DGS floors. 3bo just doesn't have the infrastructure for quality control. Additionally, with a team that is more difficult to trust (partially because of a larger clan community), defensive binds can prevail, as members are typically much more selfish (myself included) when they have little personal investment in the team as a whole.


    DGS focuses on improving individual floors and selecting community members who are set on doing the same. We are more research and learning-focused, and fewer of our members are able to commit to the longer rows that 3bo members can do. Like the efficiency discussion, this always moves to finger-pointing and flaming, when we need to just accept our differences and move on.

  3. i think mostly botters complaining because they cannot do them anymore with unnatural speed.


    Botting is slower than actually playing. Quite a bit slower in some cases


    and in some cases faster. Especially when it's click 1, click 2, click 2, click 1...repeat.

    and in some cases slower. Especially when its "chop wood, click 1, click 2, click wood, repeat" or "click in front of agility obstacle, click 1, click 2, click obstacle, repeat when it doesn't waste time", etc.

    the best bot is nearly always slower then the best player.

    bots don't get bored and don't sleep.


    humans will outclass bots in xp per an hour, bots will outclass humans in xp per a 24 hours.

    Way to completely derail a legitimate point. Before the make x, bots could make an insane amount of bolts by clicking much faster than humanly possible, so this fixes that issue. That's it. There's no greater bot discussion that should be taking place on the update thread.

  4. [hide=gold precision]goldbrace.png[/hide]

    rarer than primal full hi


    Hmm am I missing something? I have seen 3 golden precision bracelets at least, and I'm only dung 76 :unsure:


    Battle Axe = flameburst defender 4th bind surely :P

    Losing, golden precisions aren't too uncommon if you do c1s over and over. Flameburst defenders and guardian wards are decently rare, and I've been on the lookout for both since 120, with no luck. I love getting the "wtf are you doing killing pyrefiend in non-gd" flames.

  5. The way you phrased it sounded more like spiting them was your goal...

    You said you hate people slacking in the activities you enjoy, and then defended your loafing in CW, which you'll have to do more than you would enjoy (I can't assume that you hate CW altogether...)

    How is that not hypocrisy?

    No, certain activities are selective, like dungeoneering. In a selective activity, we have the right to team up with whoever we please. In larger activities like cw, there is no selection system, other than hopping worlds. Because of this, everyone has the right to play as they please without having to worry much about being "deselected" from a team. Therefore, there's no real reason to succeed other than for personal gain.


    Once you get into cw clans, this all changes... that's now what I'm talking about.

    You can personally be selective with CW too, though, without being in an actual CW clan. It would be easier for you and other "loafers", if you want to call yourself that, to simply join an unpopulated world. This would even be faster, as you wouldn't have to set your schedule around the end/start times of the theme worlds. AFAIK, worlds with no one in the waiting rooms will begin exactly 5 minutes after one person joins each team.

    There really just seem to be a few compromises that would make those who actually want to play and those whom are only there for the Comp(T) requirement happy without requiring much more effort.

    So someone there for a comp (t) cape is somehow evil? We're both playing with the rules. The only person at fault is the one trying to tell another how to play the game.

  6. The way you phrased it sounded more like spiting them was your goal...

    You said you hate people slacking in the activities you enjoy, and then defended your loafing in CW, which you'll have to do more than you would enjoy (I can't assume that you hate CW altogether...)

    How is that not hypocrisy?

    No, certain activities are selective, like dungeoneering. In a selective activity, we have the right to team up with whoever we please. In larger activities like cw, there is no selection system, other than hopping worlds. Because of this, everyone has the right to play as they please without having to worry much about being "deselected" from a team. Therefore, there's no real reason to succeed other than for personal gain.


    Once you get into cw clans, this all changes... that's now what I'm talking about.

  7. if your going to play, then play.


    loafing infuriates me.


    get off rs kid

    kid son


    Let's see... if I'm going for 5000 cw games, I can loaf for 5000 games or try really hard for 5000 games. It takes the same amount of time.


    If someone is loafing in my DG clan or pc team, it can significantly slow me down, hurting my end goal.


    I don't care about any of the randoms in runescape, as most of them are idiotic sheep, and I'll never interact with them, so why would I waste my time and effort helping them win their petty cw games?

    Are you being serious? I can't tell. If you are, you just showed yourself to be a huge hypocrit... And a pompous ass, but that may be irrelevant. I sure hope you aren't. I just saw you at the GE... :(


    What if the "random"'s goal was to win CW tickets? Having a max combat player sitting there doing nothing hurts them, when, as you said, you could be helping in the same amount of time.

    To put it into perspective with a metaphor, it's like someone using resources they had gathered themselves and calling it free, when they could have sold said resources instead, meaning they paid whatever the resources were worth in GP.

    You're hurting them by doing nothing because the amount you could be doing might be significant.

    And, for the record, if the people on your team watching you sit there could kick you, they would, I'm quite sure.


    And, as I've said 2 or 3 times already, you can actively go for games, and by doing so, it will be far, far quicker! I'll be surprised if there isn't already a team monitoring the ends of CW games right now for this very purpose. I wish I could find the quote of that person saying they were counting 5-10 games an hour...

    Mechanics for getting into cw games get really messy. The teams have to be out of balance by at least 2, so you have to pick the right side and get a bit lucky. That is, unless there is a very organized effort involving paid/side accounts, which I haven't heard of.


    I don't understand how it is pompous to value my time more highly than that of someone with whom I will never meet. Everyone does it; the only hypocrites are the ones who don't admit it.

  8. if your going to play, then play.


    loafing infuriates me.


    get off rs kid

    kid son


    Let's see... if I'm going for 5000 cw games, I can loaf for 5000 games or try really hard for 5000 games. It takes the same amount of time.


    If someone is loafing in my DG clan or pc team, it can significantly slow me down, hurting my end goal.


    I don't care about any of the randoms in runescape, as most of them are idiotic sheep, and I'll never interact with them, so why would I waste my time and effort helping them win their petty cw games?

  9. O. M. G. :shock: I'm so jealous of the talent you guys have. :thumbsup:


    Old, yours looks like it could have been from one of those old Sierra games from the early 90's.



    "Prince Vellum slew the Orcs and saved the village of Tybon Hill."



    Wow, I thought the same thing. Maybe in king's quest 6, with the dagger you find in the beast's garden.

  10. omg i realized something. the less efficient you are, the more time you spend playing runescape. so, the less efficient, the more of a nerd you are. but the more efficient, the more you get called a nerd. ironic.


    at lrc now. thanks obtaurian.


    question answered. lock please.

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