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    Mother Russia. duh.
  1. You said it wrong... it should have been: In Soviet Russia, egg morph YOU! this is a bit offenseive to me..... just saying.
  2. My collection of hammers pales in comparison to some of these... i have around 150 or so. i buy them whenevr im at a general stor,e whether i actually need them or not (which i never do)
  3. yup. they can dish it out, but they can;t take it. so it's like lurers are enforcing the golden rule for NPC's
  4. its a refernece to an old nursery rhyme. "Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub, and who do you think they;d be? the butcher, the baker the candlestick maker, all rowing their way out to sea"
  5. inspect rats: a popular dwarven delicacy
  6. you individually call them out, but this might not always work. Whenevr i go foshing, it's because i need lots of swordie,s lobbies, etc. It gets really boring watching the screen, so while i wait i open new indows and play hangman. so im just not paying attention. Im not macroeing, it might just seem like it. of course, every now and then i do crack a joke....
  7. however, runescape has made me type faster to get i what i want to say before someone says something els,e like buying things. it makes me make a lot of mistakes.
  8. you also have to think about people who believe they won;t die, but then die with the party hat, thus losing it. and if the people who drop them keep dropping them, then eventually they will run out.
  9. Because we all know that these kids are not learning anything in school and get all of their knowledge from a little java game. That was sarcasm, if you couldn't tell. I serriously doubt that just because something gets censored in a game that it will have an impact on a child or someone playing said game. So, to be honest, what gets censored in game isn't going to stop a child from saying said word, or spelling it correctly. they may not be affected by what they see in-game, but the internet chatspeak in gerenal does have an affect. ive seen high school papers with chatspeak instead of proper grammar
  10. um, actually, the possessive doesn't need an apostrophe. only the contraction "it is" needs it. but i see what you mean.
  11. there should be some xtent to what can be recycled. anything wooden should be burnable (bows, arrow shafts, etc.). that way, you can balance out your fletching, wc, and firemaking levels.
  12. I personally think luring is acceptable. Of course, I dont have many scruples (just google my name), but the people who do this are creating almost an art. Kind of a, "what kind of lures can you get? how complex?" thing. I have been lured, as a noob who had never been to the wilderness before or ever even heard of it. Some guy just said, "follow me". Seeing no reason not to, i did. However, i checked the signpost that popped up. Noticing that I could potentially be attack, i stopped, turned around, and left. Also, there is nothing to prevent the player being lured from checking around him whether with his mini-map or screen. any perosn seen standing up ahead should be taken as an engraved invitation to leave.
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