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Everything posted by purewcnub

  1. Oookay, and why did 5kg granite pieces rise to nearly 10k a piece? You obviously dont pay attention. Okaaaay, il tell you the truth. The truth is that manipulators bought a ton of granite for max price, and since it is never really traded, the price soared. Nice try, I don't say stuff blindly.
  2. Granite is useless. Drop it. No one buys it or anything. Only use is junk trading, which isnt even worth banking the granite for.
  3. I'm using maple longs. When I get 70 fletching, will it be worth it to make my own yew longbows and alch them by buying the nats?
  4. I have 58 fletching and want 70. Can you give me the best way, first for money-wise then experience-wise
  5. the new circus maybe? I haven't checked but can someone confirm?
  6. you can check yourself on the runescape grand exchange database, get a few item prices and high alch values together, and then subtract the cost of the nature runes.
  7. I just bought a d skirt, but i cant afford whip and i dont need it anyway, im training strength
  8. Ok i'll change to a glory then
  9. Is this a good setup? Rune plate and legs, dragon boots, black mask, strength amultet, rune defender, combat bracelet(tells you how many monsters left), ring of wealth and d scimmy. of course, ill have to change it sometimes for earmuffs, etc. but im just asking if this is good enough.
  10. Good point ;) This account was origanaly a level 3 woodcutter, but I got bored. But I like the money from hunter.. but woodcutting requires much less attention.. so many pros and cons Can someone tell me the best spot to train both with balance of cash and exp?
  11. Should I hunt(hunter lv 69) or woodcut(level 81). I can buy a dragon axe if needed. Gives reasons why as well..
  12. Several. Craft nats, craft laws, mine pure ess at the mage guild and bank at yanille, slayer, mine, kill green dragons, smith steel bars, etc etc... goes on forever
  13. what do you think would be probobably be the best monster i could kill in the future with my current stats? So i know what slayer to get..
  14. Well, you could try ranging the werevolves in canafis. They drop armour and weapons quite often, and they drop gold charms 100% of the time. Just be careful. They are also right next to a bank.
  15. Which slayer master should i use
  16. I'm thinking about raising my slayer, it's 27. And thats nooby. What level would I need to actually profit from the skill? And any tips for me?
  17. You're magic is high enough for the wizard's guild. I suggest mining pure ess in there and then banking at yanille bank. It is very profitable and fast.
  18. Are we in some sort of massive Jagex conspiracy, in which they suddenly moved continent? I wasn't aware about any of this stuff, I just went at a random time each day. #-o Well, over half the runescape players are American :roll:
  19. I never really used a cannon, I train my range the old fashioned way. But, alot of people use them at rock crabs, they may be the best place. But, i don't really know.
  20. This may sound nooby but it works... Go to the gnome copters (look on your map if you don't know where) and there are cows very close to the bank. Kill them and get cowhides and sell them. Or, if you want even more profit tan them into leather at Al-kharid. It's what i did at your level,(except I didn't have the really close bank -.-) and you get combat exp as well.
  21. Well, if Guthans eventually levels out I would consider buying it. It allows you to train for longer periods of time and it's very helpful during hard quests. That's just my opinion though.
  22. Well, I think you should have both a d scimmy and a whip. You can train strength with whip but with controlled, and it sucks. So d scimmy for str, whip for all else.
  23. Hey, i am a member currently with zerker and d med, d scim, fighter torso, d boots, rune defender, d legs, a bit of cash, maybe around 500k lying around. And i need to make some money. Please give me any tips you can. Stats in sig. Btw, I heard that charging air orbs is good money. Could someone elaborate?
  24. thanks for the good suggestions. I might mine the stars, it sounds interesting.
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