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EU Slayer

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Posts posted by EU Slayer

  1. But Koschei cant be Kharshai since he has Zamorak's symbol on his chest...

    I'd say that's the biggest evidence that he IS a Mahjarrat. A Zamorakian Mahjarrat that is.


    Wow... He's gonna be screwed when the next major Mahjarrat quest comes out and Zaros comes back.

    The fact remains though that Zaros is in the most disadvantageous position at the moment.

    He's banned, Zamorak has His godly powers and Lucien holds the key to godhood.

    I wonder how He's going to get out of this cabbagehole.


    Do not forget he has the element of surprise. As the conversation with Azzanzdra at the end of Temple of Sennistinen suggests, only you and Azzanzdra know that Zaros is still alive.


    Zamorak came out of banishment and completely conquered Morytania and wrecked Zaros. Although he did have the Staff of Armadyl, perhaps Zaros has a similar artifact?

    Whatever happens, He's got my support :thumbup:

    If I need to kill Him in a quest, then I'm never going to finish that one...


    Agreed. Zaros has My support..

    it it came to killing him, i'd be all like: Um. No. Even if the reward was epic" I will not kill Zaros (if it came to it)

  2. Head: Robin


    Neck: Glory or the fire giants amulet


    Top: Guthix D'Hide top


    Legs: Guthix D'hide leg


    Boots: Dragon boots. (not spending the 15m on ranger boots.)


    Gloves: Barrows (RFD)


    Shield: None.


    Weapon: None (somtimes Crysta bow or Magic scetaurs)


    Cape: Woodcutting (t)


    I like, its my "SKilling outfit"

  3. It's that sort of attitude, 'Hur hur, that guy's wearing a skirt: LOL UR GAY!' that is why legs cost more. If guys weren't wimps and scared of being called girls, then there'd be more skirt purchases.


    LOL Bandos tassets are "skirts" yet LOTS of ppl wear them. IMO d skirts look rubbish, thus there worth less than d legs.


    That is because there is no "legs" alternative.



  4. It's that sort of attitude, 'Hur hur, that guy's wearing a skirt: LOL UR GAY!' that is why legs cost more. If guys weren't wimps and scared of being called girls, then there'd be more skirt purchases.


    LOL Bandos tassets are "skirts" yet LOTS of ppl wear them. IMO d skirts look rubbish, thus there worth less than d legs.

  5. The description of the new prayers sounds interesting. Now the question would be how fast these prayers drain. I don't really like the idea of having to change prayer books like how we change spell books though, it's not like Jagex can't set a few rules to prevent stacking of certain prayers, instead of changing the prayer book every now and then.



    And I heard that prayer points drained using these new prayers cannot be restored on normal altars, is that true? :-o




    I know house alters recharge points and offer you the choice to revert to normal prayers. I would guess the rest would do the same.



    Any giudes yet? :rolleyes:

    I really don't wanna fight the barrows brothers :(






  6. New skill with the letter B? Bravery?


    Sounds like a nice combat skill, but wonder how it would be...


    Bravery - Run in to battle, no weapon, no food, no potions, no armour, and kick/punch the thing to death.

    Wait, thats stubidiy.... Never mind.

  7. Heh, nice newspaper. Reading this on a day-to-day basis would be enjoyable. (Or week-by-week, beats other things..)




    It already did, least for bandos. chect, tassets, and godsword, all went up over night/today

    Just checked mine like 5 mins ago, and I lol'ed

  8. Owning masses and hordes of monsters with a leather whip, very [bleep]ey armor taken from a creature 5 times my size, the same creature's unwashed loincloth, a metal dragon's face hammered onto a shield, shiny red boots, a very nice pair of brown gloves, a ring with a hammer on it, a black amulet, some old Viking dude's helmet (He was a Burger. Omnomnomnom), a cape made of lava, and my own miniature Godzilla. But for the forseeable future I'll be painting tree-like shapes on rocks. :P


    Very nice decription of some armour and weapons :P


    RuneScape to me is Combat, skilling, quests and friends. (and parting! :P)

    Combat for when i wanna make da Gp's, Skilling for my never-ending goal of 99 wc. (98 atm !).

    Quests for my quest cape! and friends so i don't get bored

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