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EU Slayer

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Posts posted by EU Slayer

  1. I really wish you people would make up your freaking minds! For the past week I've been reading post after post of "holiday drops suck" and "we need a new holiday weapon" and "I wish they would bring back the rubber chicken" and "holiday events are pointless". You're beginning to sound like a bunch of spoiled children arguing over who gets to sit next to the window for the drive to grandma's.




    First, if you don't like the holiday events...DON'T DO THEM! Go and train or hunt or whatever jaded online gamers do while the other 90% of the community is doing the event, and stop clogging up the forums with your whining.


    Second, Jagex gave a lot of you exactly what you were asking for, a new holiday weapon like the rubber chicken, and what do you do? You complain that it's not as good, or fun looking, or original. Do you also complain when someone gives you a present and it's the wrong shade of blue? Of course it's not as original! Any event weapon they brought out would be compared to the rubber chicken because it was first and the novelty of a weapon you can hit other players with has worn off.




    Personally, I like the holiday events. I find them to be a fun diversion from the tedium of training. Are they challenging? No, of course not; they have to make them accessible to all players. Are the items useful? No, of course not; they're meant to be fun. When they make an actually useful item, anyone who didn't get a chance to get it will spend the rest of forever complaining about it (Easter Ring from '06 anyone?).




    Jagex does not owe any of you anything! Stop sounding like you're entitled to some incredible *free* holiday drop.




    Grumble...grumble...young whipersnappers...kids today...don't appreciate anything...not like it used to be...need lemonade...




    This. +1




    If you don't like the event, don't do it. #-o


    Leave the event for those of us, who think its a nice short break from the dulldrums of killing/skilling/questing.


    I had not expectations for this easter event, so the carrot (although it looks like a deformed club) was alright, and the emote is pretty nifty =]

  2. "muspah" could be some reference to Zaros who is known to be trapped somewhere in Runescape, possibly the frozen north?


    this could be referring to a quest where followers of saradomin wake Zaros to try and rid the world of Zamorak with you making the choice of waking him or not?




    hey just brainstorming :wall:




    that'd be pretty neat :pray:


    Although, why in the world would saradominist want to wake up zaros...(even if its to wake up zamorak, wouldn't it be better to wake up say Guthix, or call saradomin himself?)

  3. So what's the deal with the Brassicus prime, does it give you anything, or was it there just for fun?




    Also I got a strange message when running out of Ardounge, going to Legends guild. I don't know if it has anything to do with today, but I've never seen it before.


    It said; "A root springs from the ground by your feet. What could have caused that?" And I automatically responded 'What was that?'.




    Anyone know what that is?




    Thats a evil tree. Its to let you know there was one near by :)




    Anyone got a guide for this quest?

  4. The Inferno Adze is a multi-tool and in my opinion is more related to firemaking than mining. I feel that it deserves no update and that the Dragon Pickaxe will/should be the superior tool for mining. Condering the Dragon Pickaxe will likely be an expensive item at the start I am sure that the Adze will still have a place for those who don't want to hand out the cash early on. The fact that it has multiple uses makes it special in it's own way.




    I personally want a Dragon Pickaxe as I prefer solely mining over getting 91 firemaking for the Adze. ::'




    you need 92 firemaking actually...



  5. In the KB under Quests there have now been added an extra category in addition to the others (Novice, intermediate, experienced, master and Grandmaster). This category is called "Special quests". The only quest in this category is Recipe for Disaster.


    The description says: "Massive quests with multiple parts".


    Notice "questS", implying that there is more than one. Currently there isn't....




    Could this suggest that we might get another massive multi-part quest soon? I do know that the Grandmaster category also only holds 1 quest so far, but Recipe for Disaster has been out a long time. It would seem kind of random to create a new category to hold just 1 quest now without having intentions of releasing more in the near future.




    Discuss :)




    Well not there not going to say: Massive Quest with multiple parts.


    now are they?

  6. Haha, yes, I like what Mod Mmg is doing, it's great for all of those curious scapers. ::'


    I personally believe that it will lead to a lot more problems, basically to the tune of:




    "Mod Mmg promised that the 150th quest would be coming out this month, where is it?"


    "Mod Mmg promised that Bounty Hunter would be coming back this week, where is it?"


    "Mod Mmg promised..."




    Players used the BTS as a type of guarantee that such and such an update was coming out. What Mod Mmg is doing now isn't much better than that; since he's the CEO, people will believe that he knows the exact release dates of every update coming. Not good. Not good at all.




    I kinda see your point, but I disagree.


    MMG is the CEO and thus works with his teams. Unlike the BTS, he has a good idea of when updates are coming since he can look at the teams progress and base it off that. The BTS was not like that, because it listed upcoming updates regardless if they were ready for not. If the team caught a snag, they would almost be forced to release an update if it was ready or not.




    MMG is simply giving us a general time period of when updates will be ready. "Sometime this month" is a pretty vague statement. He is not listing weeks like the BTS did. If a team needs to postpone all the updates until the last week of the month, they can now do so.




    I expect MMG to stay true to his word, but that dosen't mean to take his word so literal. If he says an update is comming this month, it will come this month, but that dosent mean we will have an update every week. If he says an update is comming soon, that dosent necessarly mean it will come this week, or this month. Soon can mean several weeks away...so just be patient.




    EDIT: Another reason not to take him so literal:






    Somones got amazing comic timing there


    Least I hope its that and that he wasn't serious #-o

  7. Sorry if I'm repeating this here but I honestly didn't feel like reading 20-something pages of stuff...




    Last night in Mod Mmg's chat the 150th quest was one of the things talked about...truth is that the 151st quest is already done, and the 150th is a hard one or whatever, but they're having troubles finishing up the 150th, like something keeps failing or something or another.




    Hoping that will clear some stuff up, like I said, didn't read any of the thread :P




    His chat ?

  8. Am I the only one who thinks FM is fun?




    Nope! I enjoyed Training fm ::'






    Firemaking is one of the most boring and useless skills. If you have 99 firemaking as your only 99, it shows you just wanted a skill cape really badly and went for a quick and cheap one (yet very boring and, and therefore, you *could* consider it hard). People hate you cause you just went for a cape, not for the enjoyment of the skill.







    umm no? Fm is currently my only 99 and if there were not skill capes, i still would of got 99 fm...


    I wanted a 99, in a skill I enjoy, and wear the cape to show I mastered a skill I like....


    Same premise as a prayer cape or a Runecrafting cape, is it not ?

  9. Why not just ignore what the jealous sons of cabbages have to say...








    Agreed completly.




    I went from 56-99 fm in like 2 months, reason is because i have arthritus (spelling?) in my right wrisrt making it hard to click continously.


    But I love my fm cape, planning to trim it with cooking =)




    Heres what i say to the ppl who diss my fm cape:


    "Untill you have 99 fm yourself you have no right to disrespect my achivement."




    Edit: I also rather enjoyed getting 99 fm, besides the wrist pain :x

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