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Everything posted by funny_fell0w

  1. and if u had changed to jgep form, the url should be ending with .jpg.. try uploading at imageshack.us
  2. pity you wont get to see it forever because runescape only allows 12 letters maximum in a name.. and that name contains 20..
  3. yeah i saw it.. =D hmm.. let me think.. ah nei?
  4. except that some ppl will just attack you without asking............
  5. lol but funny fell0w is kinda cool too :wink:
  6. thats great.. the first bank is enough lol.. so many phats....
  7. that isn't a very good idea.. will make it a bit like old runescape..
  8. nth interesting.. i remember u from gfaq board..
  9. nope.. it is real.. pretty nice..
  10. interesting!! could be a quest though.. no need to make it a new skill..
  11. actuslly, maximus, ur sig is kinda offensive to some people...
  12. in what way is astrology related to mining? :roll:
  13. oh ya.. thats true.. so banana peels will do us good too.. Noob You stepped on a banana peel on the ground... You fell... *Noob try to continue following u* You cant move for 7 seconds... *Try again* You cant move for 6 seconds... Meanwhile, Me Run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/u]
  14. haha.. u know.. thats the good thing about f2p dun get new quest :P
  15. lol! great idea.. bananas will be in high demands then :lol: and do they cause damage?? or just entirely for fun?
  16. its nice but kinda plain.. 8/10
  17. cute.. lol. . i doubt anyone will agree with me..
  18. im just wondering whether anyone will make that for 50k? it isnt a lot but im not rich.. i will like the person in my current sig to appear there.. and words to write "Funny Fell0w".. thats enough.. and i will like some animation though.. suggestion? i want it to be woodcut related..
  19. nice.. too bad i dun have photoshop :(
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