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Everything posted by Anthony8150

  1. Woodcutting Yews at high levels is always good, if you can avoid the bots. Other then that, Runecraft airs at level 55 to make 5x airs(?) and sell the airs on weekdays. Weekdays are always good to sell airs \
  2. Hi my name is Anthony, in game-name Anthony8150. May 2007 will be my 2nd year of RS. Currently F2P, home world- 35. I have been a member only for one month, back in June '06. I got practically nothing accomplished in members (first month is so overwhelming as most of you know :XD:) I have been banned for 6 months on this account and currently running on a 10/10 black-mark last chance appeal. Don't worry, I am a really nice guy and won't be breaking any rules in the future. Feel free to PM me in game, I always have private chat on, unless I'm PKing (rarely) :mrgreen:
  3. When I first started playing I lagged and accidentally clicked on a 'man' without realizing it and I thought I was in the wild because my friends had told me anyone can attack you there. I thought the 'man' was a real player so I told him to stop attacking me and I was too busy typing that I didn't run away and died. -.-
  4. I made some random account named Leet__Ninja, pretty cool.
  5. It seems like these "autoers" are actually people :o As I posted above, I had a "conversation" with one in mandarin chinese. A couple hours later I found another one and I asked, how are you, in mandarin chinese, and they actually replied!(in chinese) so maybe a good majority of these level 3 woodcutters aren't really autoers?
  6. a better macro-detection system.
  7. they said x hao ni zhong uo ren zhonguo ren? ni jiu hui zhe yi ju a :?
  8. omg I actually got a conversation with one of these autoers but they are really mandarin chinese! help what do i do? edit: I said hi in mandarin (someone posted how to do that) and they started talking to me :S
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