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Posts posted by Arambul

  1. In a way, it kind of IS pointless to be nice. Countless times I went an extra mile out of my way to help a newb and in the end, they be rude to me and say something like, "Can you please hurry!?!?" or don't even be polite.




    Sometimes, though, there are newb who are fun to help. The ones that are polite and give you a conversation. I met this girl at the duel arena. I just won a ton and was gloating to people at the bank. She said let me see, but I was hesitant because she might just beg. But I showed her anyways, maybe it will put some kind of goal in her head.




    It did just that. She didn't beg, but rather complimented me, and quickly became my friend. She and I always had nice conversations. I gave her all of my little secret to money-making out of the duel arena(didn't want her to get addicted to staking, it's a bad habit). Since then, she has gained many levels and is now richer then me.




    Lately, I've really been thinking about just keeping to myself. So many people beg and annoy me, I feel like slamming my head on my desk many, many times. I try to tell those people nicely to let me be, but then they get mad and yell at me. It is frustrating, and will only get more frustrating.

  2. I know alot of you will diasagree with me but personally i think ranged is the most aggravating skill to level because i find it boring. I dont know why i just do. the only reason why my ranged isn't lvl 1 is because of clue scroll reqs :evil:


    Lol, *points to your avatar.* That 50 ranged req. payed out, huh?

  3. I learned how to fight the metal dragons on bronze. Ive only killed maybe 100 (bronze) in the the time I've played and gotten 2 dragon skirts from them. More importantly they taught me how to fight the metal dragons. Now I love to get irons for slayer. Overall I've gotten 3 Dragon skirts, 3 Dragon platelegs, and a Shield left half from them. That's about 9 mil worth in items not including the bloods you get as well as the rune items. MORE THAN PAID FOR ANY MATERIALS I HAVE EVER NEEDED. That is if I bought them. Farm your herbs and make your own prayer pots. If you have low herbalore have a high lvl friend id your unids and have them make antifires out of your lants.




    I prefer to fight them using prayer/melee method.




    I take a dds and a whip. You can substitute a D long instead of the whip. Tag them with the dds til poisoned and switch over to whip/dlong.




    Keep an eye on your prayer and drink when you can drink a dose and be UNDER your prayer max. I know of lots of people who waste doses by drinking too soon.




    I take a super att, super str, and an anti-firebreath. As well as prayer pots. Say 4 prayer pots, 5 if you dont have the holy wrench. At first you can double these amounts to be "safe" but you'll find your groove after a couple times. Take a drink of each att, str, antifire. After the antifire wears off you'll take a small amount of damage from fire breath. Drink one of each again when this happens.




    Misc items to take...




    Runes for high alching drops to make room for d bones if your saving them for grinding.




    I make a habit of picking up steel axes from various monster drops. I call them chop and drops. Take one with you to get to the metals and then drop it for room.




    If your new and nervous take a one click tele. ectovial, elf crystal, enchanted lyre, tele tablet.




    Note. If you run around too much they will stay agressive to you. Pick one and stick with it and dont move around. After a few they (bronze, dogs, and black demons) wont be agressive. eventually u can lumby home tele safely. Don't try that till you know what yer doing though \'




    Happy hunting.


    Don't listen to him. Doing that will quickly drain your money. *to mello795* Don't suggest stuff if you're not going into detail. You don't way what armor to wear, what prayer to use, or even if he should use food. :shame:

  4. [hide=Here be thy quotes]


    6) Although almost everyone knows this, Vannaka is level 146 which is basically impossible, but oh well it's a game.




    -Benx53 (The one and only)






    actually, if im not mistaken, Jagex mods can change combat lvls at will, and the maximum lvl they can change to is infact lvl 146




    jagex mods can change any number on their game screen to however high they want, and edit items on their screen. they cannot trade you though




    Jagex mods cant modify items, stats, lvls, or anthing. They can trade ppl though.




    I do hope you are being sarcastic. If you are then ignore anything beyond this point.




    JMods can modify there stats/levels and are capable of spawning any item in their inventory. For the previous reason they are unable to trade (to prevent say one of them spawning 15 blue phats and trading them to his son).




    Uh, ur joking.




    Don't tell me you've never seen a JM buying/selling an object?


    While JMs have the power to mute ppl, they CANNOT CHANGE STATS OR MAKE ITEMS.




    I know this becuz this practically ruins the game 4 a mod


    Also, all mods would be wearing like full dragon, and doing everything they want, and if they can modify stats, all mods would have 99 everything



    You, sir, have mistaken JMods for PMods. Jagex Mods can do anything they want, whether it be stats or items. Trust me. JaGeX servers are pretty much the same thing as private servers. You can spawn or change anything, as long as you are decent at Java coding. Player Mods, on the other hand, are merely put in to keep some sort of balance.

  5. Six. Five of them were really good friends but four of them never get on anymore. One I just met, but he hardly gets on. Only one person on my list gets on a lot.




    I don't really talk to people because I spend most of my time on RS browsing TIF or something like that. When I do pay attention to RS, I'm doing slayer and am never in the same place for more then 1-2 hours.

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