I'm planning on getting 99 construction but i wonder... i have heard that oak larders are the fastest, but is there another faster way? and is oak really the fastest? an finally, what will be the cost of oak larders to 99, or your method IF you give me a new method, plz say what it will cost too please :) EDIT: ok i've made my calculations Oak Larders: i need to use 204.802 oak planks, that's 25600 larders I need to buy them at a cost of 422 ea, that's 86.4m in total The 25.6k larders, will take me more then 1066 times to unnote planks Teak Larders: i need to use 136.535 teak planks, that's 17067 larders I need to buy them at a cost of 701 ea, that's 95.7m in total The 17k larders, will take me more then 1066 times to unnote planks Maghony Larders: i need to use 87.773 maghony planks, that's 10972 larders I need to buy them at a cost of 1521 ea, that's 133.5m in total The 11k larders, will take me 457 times to unnote planks I don't know about the costs of the butler, does it change the fact to decide between oak and teak? AND, i will use the SC minigame, to only pay half :) so 99 con is going to cost me about 43m if i do it with oaks :)