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Posts posted by Furah

  1. people who try to ping you out on multiplayer games so you get a black screen and so they can win the game without dying :evil:




    only experienced it with Americans on xbox LIVE (not to say most of them do, and I know others do it, but these are the only ones I have experienced)

  2. QQers. (crybabies, essentially).




    Especially when its on a PvP server in an M rated game. I mean, you're supposed to be 18+ to play this and you're crying and swearing up a storm because someone killed you... on a PvP server? Yeah may want to grow up a bit.






    Seriously I've gotten so much of this its unbelievable. While most times its funny those kind of people do piss me off.




    in Aus M is reccommended for 15+ (under 15s can buy/watch M stuff, but it is discouraged)




    Guess I should clarify I'm mostly talking about U.S servers here. I realize AUS usually plays on them (at least in MMOs) but not often.




    we are on often, while you sleep and are at school :XD:






    What really ticks me off in videogames, is the lack of freedom, sure i get the fact that the game has limited memory space, but when the games made so badly that its obvious there is nowhere else in the game its annoying.




    I mean, vieogames should give us a sence of freedom, yet those tree's convieniently placed the block me of from the restof the world (in game) takes away the sence of freedom.




    Grand theft auto is one of the only games to give more freedom, apart from bridges being hurricane magnets of course...




    I found oblivion had so much freedom (kill whoever, go wherever)

  3. ya same, if I was eating I'd have a meal and a show ;)


    If we did this for the death penalty, I'd have dinner and a show.




    I just had mine, buttered cat... I mean battered fish #-o


    hmmm... what does butter cat taste like? :-k

  4. QQers. (crybabies, essentially).




    Especially when its on a PvP server in an M rated game. I mean, you're supposed to be 18+ to play this and you're crying and swearing up a storm because someone killed you... on a PvP server? Yeah may want to grow up a bit.






    Seriously I've gotten so much of this its unbelievable. While most times its funny those kind of people do piss me off.




    in Aus M is reccommended for 15+ (under 15s can buy/watch M stuff, but it is discouraged)

  5. 1. Being a 'theory' does not mean that it is uncertain. Agreed, the Big Bang Theory has less compelling evidence than other 'theories' but the nice thing about science, is if valid evidence is presented; scientists are generally willing to change their views (unlike some people).


    A theory is an ongoing definition for an event/phenomenom/whatever which develops more knowledge and credibility as more valid evidence supports or counters its existing evidence/conclusions.


    Some theories have lots of evidence (such as the Theory of Gravity- you believe in Gravity right?), others like the Big Bang Theory have less evidence




    I really hope that wasn't directed at people who believe in a religion, and of cource I believe in gravity





    IN summary, the theory is an explanation of the peak of our knowledge at the time, based on evidence. Wouldn't you rather have this taught to your children than tell them that the magic man made them- based on no evidence.





    based on no evidence? there is lots of evidence, take our own bodies for example, all of it works together, now say we 'evolved' there would have been a time when mothers gave birth to childs, but when the placenta was removed from the mother her arteries didn't know to close off, and she is dead within 5 minutes (she looses 1L of blood a minute, and she only has 5 litres of blood in her) how did the woman 'evolve' to have her artieries close when the placenta is removed? I'm sure they would have had no idea how the woman died... so they wouldn't have been able to overcome this problem





    3.And sorry, but your experience was a very simple placebo. All that happened is you got excited about the event; thus the hyperactivity. The hyperactivity made displaced your discomfort.





    what makes you think I believed it would? I was thinking "what if this doesn't work? maybe I should have stayed home after all"




    so glad I went anyways

  6. I'm gonna be honest, I've been watching this thread since it got posted. You know what my first thought was when I saw the title?




    Who in their right mind would butter a cat? o.O




    Although, the theories do tend to make you think.




    I like thinking, it's dangerous. May make things go BOOM!




    Yeah when I first clicked this thread I thought it would be about some weirdo's who buttered a cat. I'm glad I clicked on it, this has been an entertaining thread. We need more of these.




    ya same, if I was eating I'd have a meal and a show ;)

  7. I've found something, if it starts in Madagascar it takes ages to send anywhere, but you can get it perfected before it leaves if you are a virus (takes 50-60 days to infect another country as a parasite #-o )

  8. Does anyone know what I should make on Forge? I just cleared Foundry, and I'm pretty stuck.




    And I was about to play with Lenin last night. I was going to invite him to my empty Foundry room so we could kick off the night by helping me sword train, but he had to leave at the last second. :(




    if we are both on at the same time I'd gladly train you with swords (owned in a game earlier of swords) my friend set the rules to put me at a disadvantage



  9. If the internet ended, i'd probably make the most of my new found spare time learning ninjitsu (sp?).




    Then i'd possibly kill those responsible for the internet going bye bye...




    "Possibly"! Get a backbone, man!




    yes, with your new found skills, my student, you shall not fail!




    Around a year ago a lot of thoughts went racing through my mind, because of that I couldn't sleep. Now I'm used to it and I just *can't* sleep anymore. Just do something, I gave up just being in bed, that sucks. Your mind is way to relaxed and those 'thoughts' will come back way to much. Read a book, eat something, watch a movie. Do everything to keep your mind distracted.




    oh, I do the eating well :anxious:

  11. Nadril, have you played Halo 1 multiplayer for more than 20 minutes? There was so much depth and skill involved in that game that it's regarded as the best-ever competitive console shooter.




    Halo 1 was the ownage for LAN parties <3:

  12. Ask any scientist, and they will agree that it's silly to believe in an Absolute Truth. I capitalise this, because this is "absolute" in a literal sense. Something that cannot be denied, nor changed. The Big Bang is taught in schools because it's the Plausible Truth instead of "
    ". Red shift, and other evidence of universal expansion from a single point show us what is the current human belief. Scientists, and most humans are open to new ideas if they make sense, if they have evidence.




    Agreed. If kids have the expectation to get all pure fact or absolute truths in science classes then the science classes are failing to teach what science is/does.




    whats worse is when it is taught in schools often the theory part is dropped off, and also cannot be proven using the scientific method, because you cannot recreate the so-called big bang




    What makes you think the scientific method is a method of absolutely proving things? What makes you think that every scientific idea must be recreated in a lab? The scientific method isn't defined absolutely but it basically includes observation, hypothesis forming, hypothesis testing, and then rejection or support for the hypothesis. An extra step, if applicable, is forming testable theoretical constructs to explain some aspect or multiple aspects of nature. Theories don't indicate a low level of certainty because theory in science and theory every day use is different. At the end of the day, the tested idea is only as good as its best evidence/confirmed tests and if its the case that the big bang theory is being taught in schools with little emphasis on uncertainties, then its probably the case that there is a significant level of certainty about it in the scientific community.




    To address another point, we don't need to exactly recreate things ourselves to make them scientific. For example, we know that the sun is made of hydrogen and helium and we know all kinds of other incredible things about the universe, but we can't recreate these things here on earth. Having said that, we can recreate some extreme conditions in controlled circumstances (such as in atom smashers) to test the predictions of theories like the big bang. If such a method of testing isnt at our disposal, then we test a theorys prediction with observational adherence to it. In these ways, theories pertaining to things we can't recreate directly can be tested. As another example, Im sure you know that you can't actually recreate a murder scene, but you can use forensics to put various suspects to the test.




    Ill take it that youre mistaking recreation of some phenomenon with repetition of study results, which is actually an important scientific principle, arguably on par with testability.




    you seem to misunderstand me, I often get told how the scientific method can prove the big bang theory :roll:

  13. wow this day has become awesome, mum comes in and I'm not happy because the CS3 trial is only a month long thing, and she asks what's wrong, so I tell her why, and she says "how much is the full thing" I show her, while thinking, "you're gonna say something about how expensive it is ($1000 US) and she says "hmmm..... maybe we could put it down as a business expense" (cutting it to $750 and we get tax return) but she will probably make me study more, and make business stuff like business cards (which will be worth it :D )

  14. im onto you Austrailia!




    also post your opinon about the topic, i wouldn't want this getting locked because its about the game




    thats good but check to madagascar, new zealand, japan and indonesia are probably invincible by now, you should restart




    just finished a game where I started off in Madagascar, South Americas weren't infected everyone else was dead \'

  15. I can never seem to infect NZ. It's annoying, as you can imagine.




    I killed them off 1st lol


    Madagascar, Indonesia, Japan and Greenland seem to be safe from my wrath -.-




    Edit: drat! they survived




    Islands annoy me so bad. Speaking of Pandemic, in a totally unrelated way. Anyone played Totem Destroyer? Mad fun.




    ya, me thinks islands should welcome me virus like the US does :lol:


    never heard of Totem Destroyer, btw I like your pic ;)

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